Rand Paul Wants To Block Obama From Sending Aid To Syria...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Good to see some brave Politicians joining Paul on this. It's especially nice to see it from both Republicans and Democrats. But we still need more. And the People should be allowed to be much more involved with Foreign Aid decisions.

Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is one of four senators on Capitol Hill who introduced a new bill Thursday that would block President Obama from getting involved in the Syrian civil war.

It comes after the Obama administration announced plans last week to send arms to the rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad’s regime after determining Assad had been using chemical weapons on its people.

The bill proposed Thursday would stop “the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, or any other agency or entity of the United States involved in intelligence activities” from “supporting, directly or indirectly, military or paramilitary operations in Syria by any nation, group, organization, movement, or individual.”

“The President’s unilateral decision to arm Syrian rebels is incredibly disturbing, considering what little we know about whom we are arming,” Paul said Thursday.

Said Paul: “Engaging in yet another conflict in the Middle East with no vote or Congressional oversight compounds the severity of this situation. The American people deserve real deliberation by their elected officials before we send arms to a region rife with extremists who seek to threaten the U.S. and her allies.”

Other sponsors include Democratic Sens. Tom Udall of New Mexico and Chris Murphy of Connecticut. Utah Sen. Mike Lee, a Republican, is also a sponsor.

“Any military involvement in Syria, including the arming of Syrian rebels, needs to be authorized through Congress, where concerns can be publicly debated and the American people can have a say,” Lee said...

Read more: Rand Paul wants to block Obama from sending aid to Syria | The Daily Caller
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Ditto----wtf is wrong we these people who want to get involved in another sectarian war ?
Good to see some brave Politicians joining Paul on this. It's especially nice to see it from both Republicans and Democrats. But we still need more. And the People should be allowed to be much more involved with Foreign Aid decisions.

Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is one of four senators on Capitol Hill who introduced a new bill Thursday that would block President Obama from getting involved in the Syrian civil war.

It comes after the Obama administration announced plans last week to send arms to the rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad’s regime after determining Assad had been using chemical weapons on its people.

The bill proposed Thursday would stop “the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, or any other agency or entity of the United States involved in intelligence activities” from “supporting, directly or indirectly, military or paramilitary operations in Syria by any nation, group, organization, movement, or individual.”

“The President’s unilateral decision to arm Syrian rebels is incredibly disturbing, considering what little we know about whom we are arming,” Paul said Thursday.

Said Paul: “Engaging in yet another conflict in the Middle East with no vote or Congressional oversight compounds the severity of this situation. The American people deserve real deliberation by their elected officials before we send arms to a region rife with extremists who seek to threaten the U.S. and her allies.”

Other sponsors include Democratic Sens. Tom Udall of New Mexico and Chris Murphy of Connecticut. Utah Sen. Mike Lee, a Republican, is also a sponsor.

“Any military involvement in Syria, including the arming of Syrian rebels, needs to be authorized through Congress, where concerns can be publicly debated and the American people can have a say,” Lee said...

Read more: Rand Paul wants to block Obama from sending aid to Syria | The Daily Caller

Is there any substantive risk to the vital interests of America and its regional allies (Turkey, Israel, etc.) by allowing the Assad regime to win the civil war with the support and arms-shipments of Russia and Iran?
Ditto----wtf is wrong we these people who want to get involved in another sectarian war ?

They need their campaign donations from the military industrial complex which profits off of these wars.
Is there any substantive risk to the vital interests of America and its regional allies (Turkey, Israel, etc.) by allowing the Assad regime to win the civil war with the support and arms-shipments of Russia and Iran?

Syrian Opposition's Amazing CIA Credentials

Thanks once again to the indispensable Moon of Alabama blog for highlighting, among other interesting facts, the amazingly open ties of the Syrian opposition to their Western paymasters. As the astonishing Guardian story linked in the MoA piece outlines, down to the person these Syrian engines of regime change are products of the US empire and its interventionist, Trotskyite foreign policy of "global democratic revolution." I urge interested readers to click on the original piece for the full story. I am paraphrasing and quoting the Guardian story below by way of summary:"

Is there any substantive risk to the vital interests of America and its regional allies (Turkey, Israel, etc.) by allowing the Assad regime to win the civil war with the support and arms-shipments of Russia and Iran?

Syrian Opposition's Amazing CIA Credentials .

"LewRockwell.com (LRC) is a libertarian website which states that its purpose is "to help carry on the anti-war, anti-state, pro-market work of Murray N. Rothbard." It was begun in 1999 by anarcho-capitalists Lew Rockwell and Burt Blumert as an affiliate of the nonprofit Center for Libertarian Studies. On the advice of counsel, LRC separated in mid-2007 and become a 501(c)(4) organization so that it could continue to publish articles endorsing Ron Paul's 2008 presidential campaign..."

LewRockwell.com - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


If there's anything that irritates me almost as much as an ObamaBot, it's a Paul-ite.

And this fine, objective analysis comes from such a biased source.

No thanks.


All that article does is to spew accusations that the Syrian Rebels are the paid proxies of the CIA et all...

That is not the question I asked (and which you hijacked as a weak segue in order to float your own dogma)...

The original question remains un-answered, and it still stands, for anyone who wishes to trake a crack at it...

Is there any substantive risk to the vital interests of America and its regional allies (Turkey, Israel, etc.) by allowing the Assad regime to win the civil war with the support and arms-shipments of Russia and Iran?
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As I recall we were not going to further meddle in the affairs of other sovereign country's. Whats up with arming those that will later direct these munitions against us and our Allies. Is this guy totally nuts, haven't we learned our lesson yet. Good for Rand Paul to expose the hypocrisy of this administration. If its that freaking important then let Europe or Asia send them arms.
Rand Paul Wants To Block Obama From Sending Aid To Syria...

one Senator out of 100 does not make a President - - elected by all the American people.
Is there any substantive risk to the vital interests of America and its regional allies (Turkey, Israel, etc.) by allowing the Assad regime to win the civil war with the support and arms-shipments of Russia and Iran?

Syrian Opposition's Amazing CIA Credentials .

"LewRockwell.com (LRC) is a libertarian website which states that its purpose is "to help carry on the anti-war, anti-state, pro-market work of Murray N. Rothbard." It was begun in 1999 by anarcho-capitalists Lew Rockwell and Burt Blumert as an affiliate of the nonprofit Center for Libertarian Studies. On the advice of counsel, LRC separated in mid-2007 and become a 501(c)(4) organization so that it could continue to publish articles endorsing Ron Paul's 2008 presidential campaign..."

LewRockwell.com - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


If there's anything that irritates me almost as much as an ObamaBot, it's a Paul-ite.

And this fine, objective analysis comes from such a biased source.

No thanks.


All that article does is to spew accusations that the Syrian Rebels are the paid proxies of the CIA et all...

That is not the question I asked (and which you hijacked as a weak segue in order to float your own dogma)...

The original question remains un-answered, and it still stands, for anyone who wishes to trake a crack at it...

Is there any substantive risk to the vital interests of America and its regional allies (Turkey, Israel, etc.) by allowing the Assad regime to win the civil war with the support and arms-shipments of Russia and Iran?

The thing that annoys me most is brainless neocon apologists who believe that Turkey's interests are our interests.

No not one life, not one bullet, not one dollar for overseas adventurism. Enough is enough.

"LewRockwell.com (LRC) is a libertarian website which states that its purpose is "to help carry on the anti-war, anti-state, pro-market work of Murray N. Rothbard." It was begun in 1999 by anarcho-capitalists Lew Rockwell and Burt Blumert as an affiliate of the nonprofit Center for Libertarian Studies. On the advice of counsel, LRC separated in mid-2007 and become a 501(c)(4) organization so that it could continue to publish articles endorsing Ron Paul's 2008 presidential campaign..."

LewRockwell.com - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


If there's anything that irritates me almost as much as an ObamaBot, it's a Paul-ite.

And this fine, objective analysis comes from such a biased source.

No thanks.


All that article does is to spew accusations that the Syrian Rebels are the paid proxies of the CIA et all...

That is not the question I asked (and which you hijacked as a weak segue in order to float your own dogma)...

The original question remains un-answered, and it still stands, for anyone who wishes to trake a crack at it...

Is there any substantive risk to the vital interests of America and its regional allies (Turkey, Israel, etc.) by allowing the Assad regime to win the civil war with the support and arms-shipments of Russia and Iran?

The thing that annoys me most is brainless neocon apologists who believe that Turkey's interests are our interests.

No not one life, not one bullet, not one dollar for overseas adventurism. Enough is enough.

"...The thing that annoys me most is brainless neocon apologists who believe that Turkey's interests are our interests..."
1. are neo-cons brainless?

2. is everyone who believes that Turkey's or Israel's interests and ours coincide to some extent or another - automatically eligible to be labeled as a 'neo-con'?

3. is everyone who merely ASKS whether our interests are jeapordized in allowing an Assad 'win' in the Syrian civil wsar ALSO automatically eligible to be labeled as a 'neo-con'?

"...No not one life, not one bullet, not one dollar for overseas adventurism. Enough is enough."

I'll have a cup of Isolationist Coffee with a slice of Global Abandonment Pie, please.

We will not be returning to the Isolationist America that existed prior to the Spanish-American War of 1898, anytime soon, insofar as I can figure.

And, if that is true, then, the original question still stands; shortened to...

Is it in our best interests to allow Assad to win?
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Hitler would enjoy you non-interventionist.

On the other hand, if America had not intervened in the first World War, there most likely would not have been a second...and nobody would know who Hitler was.

So in reality, Hitler was a product of you interventionists. Thanks a lot.

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