Rand Paul Wants To Block Obama From Sending Aid To Syria...

Hitler would enjoy you non-interventionist.

The options as they now stand. Do nothing and possibly allow Assad to retain power. That means no threat of more terrorist groups and no more war there. While Assad may be pissed at us for openly supporting the rebels I doubt he arms terror groups if we do not arm the rebels.

Arm the rebels who may then win against Assad. This is a foolish endeavor. Al Queda owns the rebels. We will be arming training and aiding a National enemy against a regime that is no threat to us or our allies. Giving weapons to known terrorists that openly oppose us and have repeatedly attacked us. And if we fail once we arm the Assad will likely arm Hezbollah with better weapons then they currently have.
Having said that. I am against this intervention.

Ifbyounfuckers were not constantly thinking about what attack ads you'll run next year, the right thing might get done every once in a while.

You bitch and moan about politicians being wishy washy and without principles.....then you support the PACs that force them to be that way.

Consistency. Please.

No offense, but you can hop off your high horse now. You just described yourself and the political party you support. So let us know when you're done with the high & mighty shtick. Then you can be included in an honest up front discussion.

No. Asshole.

Your issue is the nanny state. You post daily outrage about how some patriot is being harrassed or otherwise screwed with by their local government

My issue is campaign finance reform. I want the money taken out of politics. And your asshole Rand takes plenty.

You speak with no knowledge of what motivates me. My horse is named CONSISTENT.
Having said that. I am against this intervention.

Ifbyounfuckers were not constantly thinking about what attack ads you'll run next year, the right thing might get done every once in a while.

You bitch and moan about politicians being wishy washy and without principles.....then you support the PACs that force them to be that way.

Consistency. Please.

No offense, but you can hop off your high horse now. You just described yourself and the political party you support. So let us know when you're done with the high & mighty shtick. Then you can be included in an honest up front discussion.

No. Asshole.

Your issue is the nanny state. You post daily outrage about how some patriot is being harrassed or otherwise screwed with by their local government

My issue is campaign finance reform. I want the money taken out of politics. And your asshole Rand takes plenty.

You speak with no knowledge of what motivates me. My horse is named CONSISTENT.

You openly support some of the worst excesses of Obama simply because he is a liberal and then claim consistency? Your consistent all right, consistently ignorant.
Having said that. I am against this intervention.

Ifbyounfuckers were not constantly thinking about what attack ads you'll run next year, the right thing might get done every once in a while.

You bitch and moan about politicians being wishy washy and without principles.....then you support the PACs that force them to be that way.

Consistency. Please.

No offense, but you can hop off your high horse now. You just described yourself and the political party you support. So let us know when you're done with the high & mighty shtick. Then you can be included in an honest up front discussion.

No. Asshole.

Your issue is the nanny state. You post daily outrage about how some patriot is being harrassed or otherwise screwed with by their local government

My issue is campaign finance reform. I want the money taken out of politics. And your asshole Rand takes plenty.

You speak with no knowledge of what motivates me. My horse is named CONSISTENT.

Nah, you're just being high & mighty. Cause Attack Ads are only used by one Party. Sure they are. So come on man, drop the high & mighty routine and get real.
obama may well succeed in uniting the country against him.

Rand Paul, like his father, is a republican but no respecter of parties. With so many against support for al quaeda now, all obama can do is help Paul. If obama arms al quaeda Paul will beat him over the head with it. If obama doesn't he will leave it looking like Paul is the leader obama isn't.

Everything obama looks like now will be what Hillary looks like later.
Good to see some brave Politicians joining Paul on this. It's especially nice to see it from both Republicans and Democrats. But we still need more. And the People should be allowed to be much more involved with Foreign Aid decisions.

Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is one of four senators on Capitol Hill who introduced a new bill Thursday that would block President Obama from getting involved in the Syrian civil war.

It comes after the Obama administration announced plans last week to send arms to the rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad’s regime after determining Assad had been using chemical weapons on its people.

The bill proposed Thursday would stop “the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, or any other agency or entity of the United States involved in intelligence activities” from “supporting, directly or indirectly, military or paramilitary operations in Syria by any nation, group, organization, movement, or individual.”

“The President’s unilateral decision to arm Syrian rebels is incredibly disturbing, considering what little we know about whom we are arming,” Paul said Thursday.

Said Paul: “Engaging in yet another conflict in the Middle East with no vote or Congressional oversight compounds the severity of this situation. The American people deserve real deliberation by their elected officials before we send arms to a region rife with extremists who seek to threaten the U.S. and her allies.”

Other sponsors include Democratic Sens. Tom Udall of New Mexico and Chris Murphy of Connecticut. Utah Sen. Mike Lee, a Republican, is also a sponsor.

“Any military involvement in Syria, including the arming of Syrian rebels, needs to be authorized through Congress, where concerns can be publicly debated and the American people can have a say,” Lee said...

Read more: Rand Paul wants to block Obama from sending aid to Syria | The Daily Caller

Block it

As Palin said, let Akabar or whatever tarp head sort it out

obama may well succeed in uniting the country against him.

Rand Paul, like his father, is a republican but no respecter of parties. With so many against support for al quaeda now, all obama can do is help Paul. If obama arms al quaeda Paul will beat him over the head with it. If obama doesn't he will leave it looking like Paul is the leader obama isn't.

Everything obama looks like now will be what Hillary looks like later.

Obama is done. He might as well suck down more Jim Bean and Lucky Strikes

"...Yo Dufus the article clearly references the British Journal GUARDIAN as the source. So tell me the facts contradicting the article..."
Don't look now, but I was not referring to the article connected to the OP.

I was referring to the online article (linked narrative) that you included with Post #9.

Settle down, Jethro... nobody's gone attack-dog on your precious Paul-ite Precepts yet.

We have only to look at the behavior of the ObamaBots to know how you Paul-ites will react when your precious icons and dogmatic positions are challenged.

Nobody in their right mind wants to tangle with The Faithful, else risk getting sidetracked for days-on-end and being labeled as an Un-Believer... and nobody's got time for that $hit...


No offense, but you can hop off your high horse now. You just described yourself and the political party you support. So let us know when you're done with the high & mighty shtick. Then you can be included in an honest up front discussion.

No. Asshole.

Your issue is the nanny state. You post daily outrage about how some patriot is being harrassed or otherwise screwed with by their local government

My issue is campaign finance reform. I want the money taken out of politics. And your asshole Rand takes plenty.

You speak with no knowledge of what motivates me. My horse is named CONSISTENT.

You openly support some of the worst excesses of Obama simply because he is a liberal and then claim consistency? Your consistent all right, consistently ignorant.

What excesses? The are no excesses that have my support. Name them, substantiate that they are truly excesses....then prove that I support them.

Support your bullshit accusations.
No offense, but you can hop off your high horse now. You just described yourself and the political party you support. So let us know when you're done with the high & mighty shtick. Then you can be included in an honest up front discussion.

No. Asshole.

Your issue is the nanny state. You post daily outrage about how some patriot is being harrassed or otherwise screwed with by their local government

My issue is campaign finance reform. I want the money taken out of politics. And your asshole Rand takes plenty.

You speak with no knowledge of what motivates me. My horse is named CONSISTENT.

Nah, you're just being high & mighty. Cause Attack Ads are only used by one Party. Sure they are. So come on man, drop the high & mighty routine and get real.

You are being disingenous. Attack ads are fueled by the money that rules politics.

All politicians MUST keep up with the $$ and the attacks. This is a situation that you seem to support. Your little bitch Rand is also a master at getting FREE ATTACK ADS. Which is what this latest salvo is. He is using the Senate floor as a campaign headquarters. And you suck it right up. Fool.
Good to see some brave Politicians joining Paul on this. It's especially nice to see it from both Republicans and Democrats. But we still need more. And the People should be allowed to be much more involved with Foreign Aid decisions.

Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is one of four senators on Capitol Hill who introduced a new bill Thursday that would block President Obama from getting involved in the Syrian civil war.

It comes after the Obama administration announced plans last week to send arms to the rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad’s regime after determining Assad had been using chemical weapons on its people.

The bill proposed Thursday would stop “the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, or any other agency or entity of the United States involved in intelligence activities” from “supporting, directly or indirectly, military or paramilitary operations in Syria by any nation, group, organization, movement, or individual.”

“The President’s unilateral decision to arm Syrian rebels is incredibly disturbing, considering what little we know about whom we are arming,” Paul said Thursday.

Said Paul: “Engaging in yet another conflict in the Middle East with no vote or Congressional oversight compounds the severity of this situation. The American people deserve real deliberation by their elected officials before we send arms to a region rife with extremists who seek to threaten the U.S. and her allies.”

Other sponsors include Democratic Sens. Tom Udall of New Mexico and Chris Murphy of Connecticut. Utah Sen. Mike Lee, a Republican, is also a sponsor.

“Any military involvement in Syria, including the arming of Syrian rebels, needs to be authorized through Congress, where concerns can be publicly debated and the American people can have a say,” Lee said...

Read more: Rand Paul wants to block Obama from sending aid to Syria | The Daily Caller

The Syrian rebels already stated that they are part of al Qaeda, so why would the Obama administration even consider helping them? It's absolutely insane.

He is going to enrich and empower the motherfuckers like Reagan did with Osama. The several years from now they will return the favor.

I have not paid close attention to the Syria situation for several months...

Last I looked, the 'Rebels' were fragmented into three of four diverse focal-points...

Only one of which was affiliated with al-Qaeda in some form or another...

During my several-month-long 'inattention' on Syria, I heard, or formed, the soft-and-fuzzy impression that the 'Rebel' side had consolidated, or, at least, that the US had identified one Rebel Faction with which to do business...

And yet in a thread like this, I'm 'hearing' that the Rebels are all al-Qaeda types, after all...

Which seems to fly in the face of my older (and admittedly fuzzier) understanding of the range of Rebel Factions...

Can we safely give arms to one or more Rebel Factions with a reasonable assurance that they will not fall into the hands of al-Qaeda types later?

Are my old understandings about factions wrong or outdated?

Is there anyone here who can shed light on the nature of these Factions, as a brief summary?
No. Asshole.

Your issue is the nanny state. You post daily outrage about how some patriot is being harrassed or otherwise screwed with by their local government

My issue is campaign finance reform. I want the money taken out of politics. And your asshole Rand takes plenty.

You speak with no knowledge of what motivates me. My horse is named CONSISTENT.

You openly support some of the worst excesses of Obama simply because he is a liberal and then claim consistency? Your consistent all right, consistently ignorant.

What excesses? The are no excesses that have my support. Name them, substantiate that they are truly excesses....then prove that I support them.

Support your bullshit accusations.

So you condemned Obama on NDAA? You condemned Obama on asking that the patriot act be renewed? You Condemned Obama over the NSA mining our phone records? You condemned Obama for actually claiming he knew nothing about every scandal so far and using the excuse his aids never told him about them?
You openly support some of the worst excesses of Obama simply because he is a liberal and then claim consistency? Your consistent all right, consistently ignorant.

What excesses? The are no excesses that have my support. Name them, substantiate that they are truly excesses....then prove that I support them.

Support your bullshit accusations.

So you condemned Obama on NDAA? You condemned Obama on asking that the patriot act be renewed? You Condemned Obama over the NSA mining our phone records? You condemned Obama for actually claiming he knew nothing about every scandal so far and using the excuse his aids never told him about them?

No....not entirely.....but related to the previous question.
Stupid question. I think he is telling the truth. No condemnation needed. No scandals to speak of.

Feel better?
Rand Paul Wants To Block Obama From Sending Aid To Syria...

one Senator out of 100 does not make a President - - elected by all the American people.

Unless Obama got 100% of the vote he was not elected by all the American people just saying.

You are so fucking wrong that I don't have words for it. The American experiment lives and breathes on the fact that you are wrong here.
Rand Paul Wants To Block Obama From Sending Aid To Syria...

one Senator out of 100 does not make a President - - elected by all the American people.

Unless Obama got 100% of the vote he was not elected by all the American people just saying.

You are so fucking wrong that I don't have words for it. The American experiment lives and breathes on the fact that you are wrong here.

Go back to the kiddies table.
Rand Paul Wants To Block Obama From Sending Aid To Syria...

one Senator out of 100 does not make a President - - elected by all the American people.

Unless Obama got 100% of the vote he was not elected by all the American people just saying.

You are so fucking wrong that I don't have words for it. The American experiment lives and breathes on the fact that you are wrong here.

News to me? Obama got 100 percent of the vote? So Bush was elected by all the American people? Even though a portion claimed he stole the election that he lied us into war?

I don't know of ANY President that everyone voted for. In fact we have had several that a minority voted for And two that were never voted in at all. Well one and another selected by the House.

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