Rand Paul Wants To Block Obama From Sending Aid To Syria...

You are so fucking wrong that I don't have words for it. The American experiment lives and breathes on the fact that you are wrong here.

Go back to the kiddies table.

Feeling stupid, ain't ya.

Why would he his statement is correct. No American President has ever gotten 100 percent of the vote and further MILLIONS do not vote at all. Thus no President has ever been elected by 100 percent of the American People.

Even if we refined the comment down to meaning that 100 percent voted in the election that is not true either as no election has ever had 100 percent turn out, nor do all eligible people register to vote.
You are so fucking wrong that I don't have words for it. The American experiment lives and breathes on the fact that you are wrong here.

Go back to the kiddies table.

Feeling stupid, ain't ya.

I'm not the one who does not know the difference between getting the vote of all the people and the majority of the people again you should stay at the kiddies table but if you insist on making a fool of yourself have at it I can always use a good laugh.
Go back to the kiddies table.

Feeling stupid, ain't ya.

Why would he his statement is correct. No American President has ever gotten 100 percent of the vote and further MILLIONS do not vote at all. Thus no President has ever been elected by 100 percent of the American People.

Even if we refined the comment down to meaning that 100 percent voted in the election that is not true either as no election has ever had 100 percent turn out, nor do all eligible people register to vote.

Lets see if you can strain your brain and figure out what I was saying with that comment. Do you have it in you?
Feeling stupid, ain't ya.

Why would he his statement is correct. No American President has ever gotten 100 percent of the vote and further MILLIONS do not vote at all. Thus no President has ever been elected by 100 percent of the American People.

Even if we refined the comment down to meaning that 100 percent voted in the election that is not true either as no election has ever had 100 percent turn out, nor do all eligible people register to vote.

Lets see if you can strain your brain and figure out what I was saying with that comment. Do you have it in you?

Your statement is incorrect, not 100 percent have ever voted. Not 100 percent have ever voted for one man. While the Statement that Obama is the President of all Americans is true the statement he was elected by all Americans is simply false.
Why would he his statement is correct. No American President has ever gotten 100 percent of the vote and further MILLIONS do not vote at all. Thus no President has ever been elected by 100 percent of the American People.

Even if we refined the comment down to meaning that 100 percent voted in the election that is not true either as no election has ever had 100 percent turn out, nor do all eligible people register to vote.

Lets see if you can strain your brain and figure out what I was saying with that comment. Do you have it in you?

Your statement is incorrect, not 100 percent have ever voted. Not 100 percent have ever voted for one man. While the Statement that Obama is the President of all Americans is true the statement he was elected by all Americans is simply false.

You are trying........but you don't quite have it. What do you really think I was saying? You already know that I was not saying that anyone got 100% of the vote. But Ithink you might be bright enough to understand my intent. This silliness is not as a interesting as you seem to think it is.

He should block all of the funding towards the middle east and direct it into infrastructure, science and technology here in America. That would be awesome!

He should block all of the funding towards the middle east and direct it into infrastructure, science and technology here in America. That would be awesome!

Heh... or just not run up the debt.

He should block all of the funding towards the middle east and direct it into infrastructure, science and technology here in America. That would be awesome!

Heh... or just not run up the debt.

How about buying a clue on economics? Most of the world that is advancing(growing economies) are investing into these area's. People like you are hypocrites as you send our military everywhere, but don't want to invest in our own country.

America can still be a leader in these area's if fools get out of the fucking way.
In all the years Assad was in power, in all the years his father was in power, Syria has not presented any threat to the US. The only reason why obama wants to intervene is because it gives him an opportunity to arm al quaeda.
In all the years Assad was in power, in all the years his father was in power, Syria has not presented any threat to the US. The only reason why obama wants to intervene is because it gives him an opportunity to arm al quaeda.

Of course. Mr Davis taught the Kenyan how to hate America and free enterprise. Obummer is only doing what the socialist taught him. He believes in Plato dreams of society.

I still haven't seen anyone post their explanation for why Assad warrants all this hysterical hate and aggression. Why is he the new Boogeyman we're all supposed to fear & hate? Just curious.
No. Asshole.

Your issue is the nanny state. You post daily outrage about how some patriot is being harrassed or otherwise screwed with by their local government

My issue is campaign finance reform. I want the money taken out of politics. And your asshole Rand takes plenty.

You speak with no knowledge of what motivates me. My horse is named CONSISTENT.

Nah, you're just being high & mighty. Cause Attack Ads are only used by one Party. Sure they are. So come on man, drop the high & mighty routine and get real.

You are being disingenous. Attack ads are fueled by the money that rules politics.

All politicians MUST keep up with the $$ and the attacks. This is a situation that you seem to support. Your little bitch Rand is also a master at getting FREE ATTACK ADS. Which is what this latest salvo is. He is using the Senate floor as a campaign headquarters. And you suck it right up. Fool.

Wow, you sound like such a butthurt little hypocrite. Seriously, hop off your soapbox. You're not fooling anyone.
Nah, you're just being high & mighty. Cause Attack Ads are only used by one Party. Sure they are. So come on man, drop the high & mighty routine and get real.

You are being disingenous. Attack ads are fueled by the money that rules politics.

All politicians MUST keep up with the $$ and the attacks. This is a situation that you seem to support. Your little bitch Rand is also a master at getting FREE ATTACK ADS. Which is what this latest salvo is. He is using the Senate floor as a campaign headquarters. And you suck it right up. Fool.

Wow, you sound like such a butthurt little hypocrite. Seriously, hop off your soapbox. You're not fooling anyone.

Said a Birther.........
I have not paid close attention to the Syria situation for several months...

Last I looked, the 'Rebels' were fragmented into three of four diverse focal-points...

Only one of which was affiliated with al-Qaeda in some form or another...

During my several-month-long 'inattention' on Syria, I heard, or formed, the soft-and-fuzzy impression that the 'Rebel' side had consolidated, or, at least, that the US had identified one Rebel Faction with which to do business...

And yet in a thread like this, I'm 'hearing' that the Rebels are all al-Qaeda types, after all...

Which seems to fly in the face of my older (and admittedly fuzzier) understanding of the range of Rebel Factions...

Can we safely give arms to one or more Rebel Factions with a reasonable assurance that they will not fall into the hands of al-Qaeda types later?

Are my old understandings about factions wrong or outdated?

Is there anyone here who can shed light on the nature of these Factions, as a brief summary?

Why would it matter? We have no business taking sides in a civil war that is absolutely none of our business.
"...Why would it matter? We have no business taking sides in a civil war that is absolutely none of our business."
Well, that's ONE opinion... although it does nothing to advance our understanding of the factions in that struggle... but thank you for sharing.

Still... Paul-ite dogma aside... here's your chance to demonstrate your mastery of the situation and its background by serving-up a competent answer to the question, if that's within your abilities and the scope of your present knowledge of the situation.
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]I still haven't seen anyone post their explanation for why Assad warrants all this hysterical hate and aggression.[/B] Why is he the new Boogeyman we're all supposed to fear & hate? Just curious.

Because the Zionists have demanded it.

"This doctrine was prefigured in a 1996 paper prepared for then Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by a working group consisting of several individuals who are now in top spots in the Bush administration. "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" recommended that Israel set itself free from its embarrassing and debilitating dependence on U.S. military and diplomatic support: no matter how unconditional, this support constrained Israel and prevented it from pursuing its true interests. The paper, co-authored by Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser, portrayed Syria as the main enemy of Israel, but maintained the road to Damascus had to first pass through Baghdad:"


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