Rand Paul wants to increase defense spending now that he's running for President

I take it you are unaware that Rand Paul's amendment would not increase the deficit because it would pay for the additional defense spending with offsetting cuts in other areas of the budget

That's part of it, but the major thing is our military is too big now and involved in too many people's shit. It's not just the cost, it's that a bigger military indicates more being involved in other people's business.

It's like domestic spending, the best way to restrict government power over our lives and our economy is to have a smaller government
Well there should have been no question that Rand was going to become more and more hawkish and flip flop on past positions as he gets closer to announcing his run for President, and he's lived up to that expectation.

In an olive branch to defense hawks hell-bent on curtailing his White House ambitions, the libertarian Senator introduced a budget amendment late Wednesday calling for a nearly $190 billion infusion to the defense budget over the next two years—a roughly 16 percent increase.

Sen. Rand Paul Offers Amendment to Boost Defense Spending

After signing the Cotton letter to derail diplomacy with Iran and now wanting to increase wasteful Defense spending, it's hard to see what anybody interested in a rational foreign policy could possibly support in Rand Paul.
well he does caucus w/ the party that relies on *cough* "defense" contractors to fill their campaign chests. Aint Citizens United grand rw'ers? :doubt:
Well there should have been no question that Rand was going to become more and more hawkish and flip flop on past positions as he gets closer to announcing his run for President, and he's lived up to that expectation.

In an olive branch to defense hawks hell-bent on curtailing his White House ambitions, the libertarian Senator introduced a budget amendment late Wednesday calling for a nearly $190 billion infusion to the defense budget over the next two years—a roughly 16 percent increase.

Sen. Rand Paul Offers Amendment to Boost Defense Spending

After signing the Cotton letter to derail diplomacy with Iran and now wanting to increase wasteful Defense spending, it's hard to see what anybody interested in a rational foreign policy could possibly support in Rand Paul.
well he does caucus w/ the party that relies on *cough* "defense" contractors to fill their campaign chests. Aint Citizens United grand rw'ers? :doubt:

Oh God, the hypocrisy reeks
Well there should have been no question that Rand was going to become more and more hawkish and flip flop on past positions as he gets closer to announcing his run for President, and he's lived up to that expectation.

In an olive branch to defense hawks hell-bent on curtailing his White House ambitions, the libertarian Senator introduced a budget amendment late Wednesday calling for a nearly $190 billion infusion to the defense budget over the next two years—a roughly 16 percent increase.

Sen. Rand Paul Offers Amendment to Boost Defense Spending

After signing the Cotton letter to derail diplomacy with Iran and now wanting to increase wasteful Defense spending, it's hard to see what anybody interested in a rational foreign policy could possibly support in Rand Paul.
well he does caucus w/ the party that relies on *cough* "defense" contractors to fill their campaign chests. Aint Citizens United grand rw'ers? :doubt:

Oh God, the hypocrisy reeks
kaz "chimes-in" :blahblah: That all you got kiddo? an ad hom?

Repubs and their drone voters falling for this for the last 15 or so yrs:

Oh God, the hypocrisy reeks
kaz "chimes-in" :blahblah: That all you got kiddo? an ad hom?

Hypocrisy is a clearly relevant point. It means it isn't actually a standard for you, you are ... wait for it ... lying.

I do like the cartoons that support my position though as if that's somehow an argument against me. I want out of the endless wars and I want to slash defense spending not increase it. I guess you were too busy posting to read what you have been responding to.

However, even though we are on the same side, when you make disingenuous arguments, that doesn't help.

What an idiot...
Rand Paul wants to increase defense spending now that he's running for President

It makes him a fraud.

So? The left lies their ass off during elections, blatant lies, big whopper lies like "if you like your plan and doctor you can keep them, period". Turn about is fair play don't you think? I'm for using all the lefts slimy gutter tactics, level the playing field.
So you're a partisan hack, in other words. This thread isn't about whether Republicans are better than Democrats, or vice versa. It's a thread about a particular candidate who has shown that he has no principles and is willing to say whatever he feels he has to in an attempt to get a chance at becoming President.
He certainly is unlike his Daddy...unfortunately.

However I do not think he is flip flopping. He likely always supported military spending.
Except he proposed a budget a few years ago which actually cut useless war spending.
Is there a politician who would advocate for useless war spending? I think not.

However, what pols think are useless war spending and what IS useless war spending, are two very different things.

It is all about garnering campaign contributions from the HUGE and extremely wealthy military industrial complex, but also about not angering them.
Yes, they would, for the very reasons you just gave in your post. I would add, however, that Rand is doing it to appeal to the hawkish voters in the Republican Party who will never support him regardless. They don't believe he's sincere, and now he's alienating many of the non-interventionists who made up his base. So his pandering has hurt him more than it's helped, which any sane person could have told him.
Oh God, the hypocrisy reeks
kaz "chimes-in" :blahblah: That all you got kiddo? an ad hom?

Hypocrisy is a clearly relevant point. It means it isn't actually a standard for you, you are ... wait for it ... lying.

I do like the cartoons that support my position though as if that's somehow an argument against me. I want out of the endless wars and I want to slash defense spending not increase it. I guess you were too busy posting to read what you have been responding to.

However, even though we are on the same side, when you make disingenuous arguments, that doesn't help.

What an idiot...
followed by some blather :blahblah: & another ad hom. :eusa_doh: You are consistent. I'll give you that.

Paul sidled-up to the def contractors/pentagone because its what Repubs do. Its no big secret. :eusa_eh:
While you traitorous Liberals were laughing, I was reading:
The boost would be offset by a two-year combined $212 billion cut to funding for aid to foreign governments,
That's something both Democrats and Republicans can agree on!
So is it now the official position of conservatives and Republicans that spending levels as they stand right now are what we need, or do they still want us to believe that they want to cut spending? You can't have it both ways, though Rand is certainly trying.
Wait, I HAVE TO agree with EVERYTHING a candidate says otherwise I gotta' vote for the opposition?

I don't agree with my Wife 100% of the time and I married HER!
Well there should have been no question that Rand was going to become more and more hawkish and flip flop on past positions as he gets closer to announcing his run for President, and he's lived up to that expectation.

In an olive branch to defense hawks hell-bent on curtailing his White House ambitions, the libertarian Senator introduced a budget amendment late Wednesday calling for a nearly $190 billion infusion to the defense budget over the next two years—a roughly 16 percent increase.

Sen. Rand Paul Offers Amendment to Boost Defense Spending

After signing the Cotton letter to derail diplomacy with Iran and now wanting to increase wasteful Defense spending, it's hard to see what anybody interested in a rational foreign policy could possibly support in Rand Paul.

He'd probably be marginally better than most Republicans and all the Democrats. But he's done nothing to convince me he wants to radically transform government which government badly needs. To your point, this doesn't help
He's certainly no Lindsey Graham or Hillary Clinton on foreign policy, but it seems the closer we get to the actual election the more hawkish he's going to become. The only issue that comes to mind that he hasn't waffled on so far is his opposition to NSA spying, but I imagine it's only a matter of time. It's just not possible to believe him on what he says today when you see how willing he is to change his mind and then lie about past positions tomorrow.
Who takes this guy seriously? This is the same guy who said he was against drones and then said he'd happily use one to take out someone robbing a liquor store. He is a fraud.
That's an oversimplification of his position to the point that it has no basis in what he was actually saying.
Well there should have been no question that Rand was going to become more and more hawkish and flip flop on past positions as he gets closer to announcing his run for President, and he's lived up to that expectation.

In an olive branch to defense hawks hell-bent on curtailing his White House ambitions, the libertarian Senator introduced a budget amendment late Wednesday calling for a nearly $190 billion infusion to the defense budget over the next two years—a roughly 16 percent increase.

Sen. Rand Paul Offers Amendment to Boost Defense Spending

After signing the Cotton letter to derail diplomacy with Iran and now wanting to increase wasteful Defense spending, it's hard to see what anybody interested in a rational foreign policy could possibly support in Rand Paul.

He'd probably be marginally better than most Republicans and all the Democrats. But he's done nothing to convince me he wants to radically transform government which government badly needs. To your point, this doesn't help
He's certainly no Lindsey Graham or Hillary Clinton on foreign policy, but it seems the closer we get to the actual election the more hawkish he's going to become. The only issue that comes to mind that he hasn't waffled on so far is his opposition to NSA spying, but I imagine it's only a matter of time. It's just not possible to believe him on what he says today when you see how willing he is to change his mind and then lie about past positions tomorrow.
This is why the two-party false paradigm is a sham. It forces people like Ran & Bernie to caucus w/ the duopoly and rely on their entrenched infrastructure or be shut out of national races.
That's hardly new to politicians running for President soon Hillary will be flipping and flopping like a fish out of water as well.
I take it you are unaware that Rand Paul's amendment would not increase the deficit because it would pay for the additional defense spending with offsetting cuts in other areas of the budget.

And speaking of "derailing" the negotiations with Iran, what do you have to say about the very recent high-ranking Iranian defector who is warning us that Obama's negotiating team is acting as an Iran proxy in the negotiations? Does that report bother you at all?
I'll ask you the same question I asked a poster earlier: Is it the position of conservatives and Republicans that spending as it stands now is good? I seem to recall eight years of Republicans whining about Obama's deficits and spending being too high, but now it seems that that spending level is ok when a Republican wants to use it for something.
Well there should have been no question that Rand was going to become more and more hawkish and flip flop on past positions as he gets closer to announcing his run for President, and he's lived up to that expectation.

In an olive branch to defense hawks hell-bent on curtailing his White House ambitions, the libertarian Senator introduced a budget amendment late Wednesday calling for a nearly $190 billion infusion to the defense budget over the next two years—a roughly 16 percent increase.

Sen. Rand Paul Offers Amendment to Boost Defense Spending

After signing the Cotton letter to derail diplomacy with Iran and now wanting to increase wasteful Defense spending, it's hard to see what anybody interested in a rational foreign policy could possibly support in Rand Paul.
well he does caucus w/ the party that relies on *cough* "defense" contractors to fill their campaign chests. Aint Citizens United grand rw'ers? :doubt:
And uber-hawk Hillary isn't going to get any of that money, right?
Well there should have been no question that Rand was going to become more and more hawkish and flip flop on past positions as he gets closer to announcing his run for President, and he's lived up to that expectation.

In an olive branch to defense hawks hell-bent on curtailing his White House ambitions, the libertarian Senator introduced a budget amendment late Wednesday calling for a nearly $190 billion infusion to the defense budget over the next two years—a roughly 16 percent increase.

Sen. Rand Paul Offers Amendment to Boost Defense Spending

After signing the Cotton letter to derail diplomacy with Iran and now wanting to increase wasteful Defense spending, it's hard to see what anybody interested in a rational foreign policy could possibly support in Rand Paul.
well he does caucus w/ the party that relies on *cough* "defense" contractors to fill their campaign chests. Aint Citizens United grand rw'ers? :doubt:

Oh God, the hypocrisy reeks
kaz "chimes-in" :blahblah: That all you got kiddo? an ad hom?

Repubs and their drone voters falling for this for the last 15 or so yrs:

Attack now and worry about consequences later? You mean like Libya? Wasn't that a Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama debacle? How about Yemen? Seems like stupid interventions are bipartisan to me.
Wait, I HAVE TO agree with EVERYTHING a candidate says otherwise I gotta' vote for the opposition?

I don't agree with my Wife 100% of the time and I married HER!
Since nobody said anything of the sort it would be pointless to respond.

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