McCain is insane. He's now claiming that Rand Paul is working for Putin. Wow just wow

McCain needs to be censured and forced into retirement, he's an embarrassment to the country
That's it!!!!

Get rid of ANYONE from the House and Senate who will NOT march in lock step down the pure 'Party-Line'. What's next for those who won't toe that pure 'Party-Line'? Re-education camps for Party re-indoctrination with a little red book in your hand.
Libs alrdy of lunatics
Now McCain is on the same league of Pelosi, Maxine Waters and hundred of other left limousine liberals.

They have surpassed their due date......long....long.....looooooooooooong ago. :confused:
Paul is an isolationist, thus his vote is understandable from his point of view.

McCain, however, is correct in saying Putin would want all senators to follow Paul's lead.
of course 'real' americans are proud to support a draft dodger but not an ex pow....

McCain <I used to be a hero but now I'm just a bitter old man> backed the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorists in Syria. He no longer deserves any respect.
of course 'real' americans are proud to support a draft dodger but not an ex pow....

McCain <I used to be a hero but now I'm just a bitter old man> backed the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorists in Syria. He no longer deserves any respect.

Exactly. :thup:

McCain is scum. Period.

McCain and Democrats pointing fingers at different people and saying they are "working for Putin" are showing serious signs of paranoia and remind me another personage in the history of US: US Secretary of Defense James Forrestal was dealing with preparing war with the USSR, he was working out a plan of nuclear attack of 100 Russian cities. He constantly demanded to increase war spending and called everybody who disagreed with him “Russian agents”. He constantly was talking about “Soviet threat”.

He lost a lot of weight and looked exhausted. Finally, his colleagues suspected something wrong was going on with him. Forrestal was examined by doctors and found mentally ill. He was removed from his position and put into a mental hospital. Even in the hospital Forrestal was constantly repeating “I saw Russian soldiers, they are already here!” He has been stuffed with a lot of medicine and became more quiet, so the doctors eased up their control on him. And it was a wrong thing to do. On May 22, 1949 Forrestal jumped out of the window, screaming “Russians are coming!” and killed himself.

James Forrestal - Wikipedia
The Fall Of James Forrestal

Looks like McCain also belongs to a mental hospital.
Rand Paul is a fool. His statement makes no sense whatsoever. The amount of money we put into NATO doesn't change whether Montenegro is a member or not. Also worth noting is that pro-Russia leaders in Montenegro are urging Steve Bannon tp block their bid. Rand Paul is helping Putin. Rand Paul is a punk and nothing more.
McCain has been going off the deep end for a couple years. It's doubtful he'll be re-elected.

He might have one more term in him at best. He's essentially a Liberal Wearing Conservative Clothing.
Exactly what you'd expect from a corrupt Globalist Elite Establishment bastard. McCain represents the worst of the worst in our Government. I can't fathom how he keeps getting reelected. Most Republicans i know, absolutely despise him.
This guy is seriously losing it. FAST
He lost it fast.

I could only imagine what he is and has been blackmailed with.

He is a complete and total shell of what he once was. Not even sure if he ever was anything to begin with.

He is thoroughly corrupt. A complete and effective tool for the socialists.
All the same people who eagerly defended Trump when he said Hillary was "literally the creator of ISIS" are now bent out of shape when McCain uses hyperbole.

McCain should just cross the floor and not even pretend to be a Republican anymore.

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