Randy Moss signs with Tennessee

Good place for him to wind up. Fisher is a good coach that can handle malcontents.
Did Randy Moss come from a well-to-do family or something? He seems like the stereo-typical spoiled brat. (Yeah I know, not exactly a news flash there) :lol:
Good place for him to wind up. Fisher is a good coach that can handle malcontents.

agreed about Fisher.thats why I think he will be around for a couple years.Belichick straightend him out while in New England for a while but whats not being said and is the obvious reason Moss did not stay in NE,was Belichick got tired of his half ass attitide of not going out on every play.Fisher will as well within a couple of years.

Looks like my pickup of Nate Washington off of the waiver wire was a good move! :)
It's not "the Colts'" division, it's the Texans' division...

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