It absolutely MUST happen: The Presidency of the US has to become FAR less profitable

When you have people willing to lie, cheat and steal and even murder to gain or remain in power, something is so off that drastic measures need to be taken to make sure being president of the US is not so profitable (as it is now).

The left has tried everything to stop Trump. Here is one story about a HUGE injustice done to Trump just because he is running for president.

and I'd be here all day if I were to get links to all the other cases. Then we had this assassination attempt which we still do not know much about...

Gee... wonder why we don't know much?

TRUMP did not take a salary when he was president. Take a clue, leftist scum

It would be very interesting to tie a president's compensation to US economic indicators, similar to how corporate executives get compensated.

We'd probably get a much better result for the average American pocketbook than we currently get.
They would just come up with some other scheme to launder the money that's really bribes and kickbacks for doling out government contracts. Hunters paintings for example, riiiiight the money was for the painting (wink, wink).
At least give it our best effort

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