Rape is rape, unless it is homophobia

Liberals think that homosexuals should have the right to rape children. That's why homosexuality is so often compared to child molestation. By any stretch, Katelyn Hunt is a child molester. But she's a lesbian so that makes it okay.
"Relations between two women are not considered true intercourse, and thus female homosexuality would not be enforced with capital punishment under this commandment."
Hasidic University

What came to mind. To say nothing of:

(4) "Sexual intercourse", any penetration, however slight, of the female sex organ by the male sex organ, whether or not an emission results.
Section 566-010 Chapter 566 and chapter 568 definitions

"In Florida, a person under the age of 16 is not legally able to consent to sex."
Gay Florida teen Kaitlyn Hunt pleads no contest in underage sex case - CNN.com

A five-year difference in age is pushing the boundaries of good sense. Especially when the younger party is 14. Line from "The West Wing" comes to mind:

BARTLETT: My problem is not that sheעs white, heעs black, itעs that sheעs a girl and heעs not. To say nothing of heעs older than she is.
LEO: Sheעs nineteen, heעs twenty-one.
BARTLETT: Yeah, but a guy learns a lot in those two years.

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