Rasmussen Has Trump At 50% Approval July 31. Will This Story Be On CNN/MSNBC All Weekend?

Rasmussen is an outlier. Not another poll within 5 points

The other polls are fake news.

Anyway, it is good time to bet for Trump if you like gambling and want good ratios. Or well, at least last week it was. Trump is beating the lies too fast.
Yeah, right. Everybody out of step but little Johnny. Have a nice election.
Wow! Trump at 50% approval. This must mean that Biden is actually around 35% being we need to give about 15% to the undecided. This probably also means that Trumps Approval in the rust belt is actually between 55 to 60 per-cent being most people there are white deplorables.
Probably not without the rest of the polls, as Rasmussen is an outlier or out and out liar, depending on point of views, as they known to be in the bag for trump. Here are the others listed on FiveThirtyEight:
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The fake news DNC supporting leftist media will never report how Trump's poll numbers are higher than Barry's were at the same point in his time in office....

Because they aren't.
Lie, deny, & whine like a lil' bitch - the Democrat / snowflake playbook...
Rasmussen is anywhere up to 15-20 points off every other poll.
Exactly - they aren't part of the 'I Hate Trump' fake news polls.
Wow! Trump at 50% approval. This must mean that Biden is actually around 35% being we need to give about 15% to the undecided. This probably also means that Trumps Approval in the rust belt is actually between 55 to 60 per-cent being most people there are white deplorables.

No, because no one takes Rasmussen seriously as a poll.

Every other poll has Trump underwater by double digits.


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