Rating The Top 8 GOP Contenders – Summing Up


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Blue = Excellent (3 pts) – Implies candidate is solidly better than most of the GOP and all of the Dems.

Green = Good (2 pts) – Implies candidate is better than GOP average and probably all Dems.

Yellow = Low Pass (1 pt) – Candidate is on the low end of the GOP and is not impressive.

Red = Terrible (0 pts) – Denotes a very nice person who does not need to serve as POTUS.

I'll leave the rest up to you. My own likes are Walker and Cruz.

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agree on Cruz and I'll add Carson but for now I support Trump . Walker just seems squishy to me especially on the immigration issue that Mr, Trump has so kindly highlighted .
Whomever is drawing those up is not taking into account the moderate center. No way they would touch Cruz with a 10' pole.
Whomever is drawing those up is not taking into account the moderate center. No way they would touch Cruz with a 10' pole.

As a moderate you're very right! Anyone that would cut infrastructure, science, education and deregulate the corporations won't ever get my vote.
My top eight as of today.......

2) Trump
3) Trump
5) Trump
6) Trump
7) Trump
8) Trump


Blue = Excellent (3 pts) – Implies candidate is solidly better than most of the GOP and all of the Dems.

Green = Good (2 pts) – Implies candidate is better than GOP average and probably all Dems.

Yellow = Low Pass (1 pt) – Candidate is on the low end of the GOP and is not impressive.

Red = Terrible (0 pts) – Denotes a very nice person who does not need to serve as POTUS.

I'll leave the rest up to you. My own likes are Walker and Cruz.

Read the rest @ Rating The Top 8 GOP Contenders - Summing Up | RedState

I agree with you 100%. As of today, although a long way out, the only person who COULD get elected, and actually fix things afterwards is Cruz. He is a constitutionalist; which is exactly why I am for him as he won cases in the Supreme Court.

As far as the "moderate" thing, anyone who follows the constitution is better than someone who does not. Why? Because it will take congressional approval on virtually everything to enact legislation. That is a better deal then we have now, where 1 person has a pen and a phone, doing whatever he wants.

It is also why I am not for Trump. I have already had our 1st dictator, and I do not want another. People want their government to work, and no way does it work when you have 1 or 2 people telling everyone what they will do.
Cruz is good , a Cruz - Trump team would be fine with me . I have no favorite between the 2 at this time so one or the other at the top of the team . I will vote for no one that ' I ' define as a rino .
agree on Cruz and I'll add Carson but for now I support Trump . Walker just seems squishy to me especially on the immigration issue that Mr, Trump has so kindly highlighted .

Kasich needs to be added, too. Governors usually make the best Presidents.
nope , no Kasich or Fiorina for me JWoodie . just my opinion . Fiorina is a panderer to muslims and Kasich is a squish rino like 'jebito' , imo !! Cruz , Trump , maybe Carson of the top tier and that's it for me JWoodie .
Whomever is drawing those up is not taking into account the moderate center. No way they would touch Cruz with a 10' pole.
well then , I'll do my best to give the moderates what they fear most . I'll do my best to give them Bernie or Hilary or whatever 'dem' is running 'Derideo' !!

Blue = Excellent (3 pts) – Implies candidate is solidly better than most of the GOP and all of the Dems.

Green = Good (2 pts) – Implies candidate is better than GOP average and probably all Dems.

Yellow = Low Pass (1 pt) – Candidate is on the low end of the GOP and is not impressive.

Red = Terrible (0 pts) – Denotes a very nice person who does not need to serve as POTUS.

I'll leave the rest up to you. My own likes are Walker and Cruz.

Read the rest @ Rating The Top 8 GOP Contenders - Summing Up | RedState

That's funny you rate Trump as having the best ability to change America. Nonsense. The president has very limited ability to change America if the congress isn't compliant. Take Obama for instance. He had many ideas to change America and the RWers vowed to cripple his plans. Voila! Little change Massive anger, name calling and retaliation in congress leading the country nowhere.

Blue = Excellent (3 pts) – Implies candidate is solidly better than most of the GOP and all of the Dems.

Green = Good (2 pts) – Implies candidate is better than GOP average and probably all Dems.

Yellow = Low Pass (1 pt) – Candidate is on the low end of the GOP and is not impressive.

Red = Terrible (0 pts) – Denotes a very nice person who does not need to serve as POTUS.

I'll leave the rest up to you. My own likes are Walker and Cruz.

Read the rest @ Rating The Top 8 GOP Contenders - Summing Up | RedState

That's funny you rate Trump as having the best ability to change America. Nonsense. The president has very limited ability to change America if the congress isn't compliant. Take Obama for instance. He had many ideas to change America and the RWers vowed to cripple his plans. Voila! Little change Massive anger, name calling and retaliation in congress leading the country nowhere.

That is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard. Do you actually believe what you posted!

Of course you don't, you are one of the people who has 30,000 posts, paid by political operatives, who sits in their parents basement in their underwear.

I got news for you people of massive posts...............Americans are FINALLY paying attention, and that attention is going to grow because AMERICA IS PISSED! If I was the bunch of you brilliant posters, I would start looking for a job that required you to be out of your underwear doing some labor, because America isn't buying your PROPAGANDA any longer. You will no longer have much sway, because we SEE WHO YOU ARE on here; which means whatever you say is, PAID FOR..............and we don't like lectures from people sitting in their underwear, lololol!
Can you spell "Walker/Rubio"? Now if only one of them were black OR transgendered there'd be enough Democrat crossover to make an election a mere formality!
He [Cruz] is a constitutionalist; which is exactly why I am for him as he won cases in the Supreme Court.

Too bad the facts prove the opposite. Cruz lost most of his cases before the SCOTUS!


Mr. Cruz rarely mentions his earliest appearances before the Supreme Court, which do not make for great campaign material. During his first tripthere, in 2003, he argued that Texas was free to back out of a legal settlement in which it had vowed to improve health care services for poor children. The justices ruled unanimously against Texas.

The next year, Mr. Cruz persuaded the court not to release Michael Haley, who had been sentenced to 14 years in prison for stealing a calculator from a Walmart, even though the maximum was two years under state law. Although Mr. Cruz conceded that prosecutors had erred, he argued that freeing Mr. Haley would set a precedent that could undermine the convictions of others who were unquestionably guilty.

The justices sent the case back to a lower court, which Texas viewed as a victory. A state court resentenced Mr. Haley to time served, according to Eric Albritton, his lawyer.

Mr. Cruz’s last case as solicitor general to reach the Supreme Court has emerged as a campaign issue, as his defeat abruptly transformed from a loss into an embarrassment. Soon after the court ruled in 2008 onKennedy v. Louisiana that the death penalty for raping a child was unconstitutional, a blogger pointed out that Congress allowed such a punishment for the same crime under military court-martial.

None of the briefs filed in the case mentioned it, and neither did Mr. Cruz, who had argued in support of Louisiana on behalf of 10 states.

“Ted Cruz’s incompetent research led to the gutting of one of the toughest versions of Jessica’s Law in the nation,” Mark Miner, an adviser for Mr. Dewhurst, said last month.

Blue = Excellent (3 pts) – Implies candidate is solidly better than most of the GOP and all of the Dems.

Green = Good (2 pts) – Implies candidate is better than GOP average and probably all Dems.

Yellow = Low Pass (1 pt) – Candidate is on the low end of the GOP and is not impressive.

Red = Terrible (0 pts) – Denotes a very nice person who does not need to serve as POTUS.

I'll leave the rest up to you. My own likes are Walker and Cruz.

Read the rest @ Rating The Top 8 GOP Contenders - Summing Up | RedState

That's funny you rate Trump as having the best ability to change America. Nonsense. The president has very limited ability to change America if the congress isn't compliant. Take Obama for instance. He had many ideas to change America and the RWers vowed to cripple his plans. Voila! Little change Massive anger, name calling and retaliation in congress leading the country nowhere.

That is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard. Do you actually believe what you posted!

Of course you don't, you are one of the people who has 30,000 posts, paid by political operatives, who sits in their parents basement in their underwear.

I got news for you people of massive posts...............Americans are FINALLY paying attention, and that attention is going to grow because AMERICA IS PISSED! If I was the bunch of you brilliant posters, I would start looking for a job that required you to be out of your underwear doing some labor, because America isn't buying your PROPAGANDA any longer. You will no longer have much sway, because we SEE WHO YOU ARE on here; which means whatever you say is, PAID FOR..............and we don't like lectures from people sitting in their underwear, lololol!

The MOST ridiculous statement you have ever heard? First of all if you are "hearing" what I posted you are crazy. I offered no sound component. Secondly you clearly have not been paying attention. I doubt my post was even in the top 100 most ridiculous even on this message board....today.

If I was in my mom's basement that would be extra creepy. She's been dead for several years and her house had no basement that I'm aware of.

I would gladly accept monetary donations for my posts. That would be SWEET!

I matters not to me that America is pissed. We have the government we elected. I doubt any of the

candidates are Manchurian candidates that snuck up on us after the voting was over.

If you voted for a firm believer in Christianity then you cast your approval of someone that believes and repeats shear nonsense. Those people are certifiably crazy. If they believe that god speaks to them then we are talking about a whole nuther level of insanity.

If you cannot elect rational reality based candidates then stop acting all surprised when they say and do insane things. That is their nature. If you elect representatives that believe you will get your life's reward after you die and the BeJeebus decides if you are worthy to enter heaven then these representatives have no obligation to make THIS world more better to live in. To them it's just their playground to manipulate and possibly do so with their own best monetary interests in mind...not yours.
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Blue = Excellent (3 pts) – Implies candidate is solidly better than most of the GOP and all of the Dems.

Green = Good (2 pts) – Implies candidate is better than GOP average and probably all Dems.

Yellow = Low Pass (1 pt) – Candidate is on the low end of the GOP and is not impressive.

Red = Terrible (0 pts) – Denotes a very nice person who does not need to serve as POTUS.

I'll leave the rest up to you. My own likes are Walker and Cruz.

Read the rest @ Rating The Top 8 GOP Contenders - Summing Up | RedState

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