Ray Epps

So this insurrection shit you leftists say took place didn't happen. Your defense of Epps is very telling
I say 5 will getcha 10 that the entire J6 was a Plot.
It managed to Impeach Trump for a 3rd time.
Iniatiate a complete lockdown of the Capitol and the
Biden Inauguration.Where the capitol grounds were
barricaded,and concertina wire put up.No american was
allowed to visit their Representative.As wild explanations
and Lies about January 6th circulated.While protecting a person
{ Nancy Pelosi } from any blame when she was The most responsible
for Security on January 6th.
Plus a whole lot more stuff that doesn't even come close to
explaining J6 and the aftermath.
I had to be a Plot.Because every Democrat played along.
With imbecilic explanations and lies and gross exaggerations.
You want Trump in prison for telling people to go peacefully and patriotically to have your voices heard. Far less than Epps telling people to enter the capitol.
I didn’t say I want him in prison for what he did. All feelings, no facts.
Some, but generally the violent, arsonist, looters, assaulters were let go if they were even arrested. Why?

Inform yourself: RealClearInvestigations' Jan. 6-BLM Riots Comparison
Actually, the really violent acts got stiff sentences.

Inform yourself.

The judges were overwhelmingly lenient with the Jan 6 defendants: Ray Epps, subject of Jan. 6 conspiracy theories, sentenced to 1 year probation

The Intercept’s analysis sharply contradicts that right-wing narrative. In many cases, judges have rejected prosecutors’ requests for prison time, often reducing defendants’ sentences to home detention or probation.
Defendants have been sentenced to standard prison terms in only 429 out of 719 cases, or 60 percent. Another 31 defendants were sentenced to intermittent incarceration, meaning they only had to serve time on nights or weekends. Home detention was given instead of prison in 101 cases, while defendants in 135 cases got probation.

However, what keeps getting ignored is that there many Floyd protests (only 4% became violent) across the country, and they went into state, not federal courts and state courts typically give lighter sentences (which is one reason for such wild disparity in sentencing for Floyd cases). Jan 6 was one event, and it went under the Federal courts.

But…but….what about unfairness? Hmmm….

The judges were overwhelmingly lenient with the Jan 6 defendants: Ray Epps, subject of Jan. 6 conspiracy theories, sentenced to 1 year probation
This is about Epps, for goodness sakes. Are you now arguing that Epps got let off easy because he was a federal plant? From your link:

Prosecutors requested six months in prison for Epps, who they said engaged in a “rugby scrum-like group effort” to shove past police officers.

“Even if Epps did not physically touch law enforcement officers or go inside of the building, he undoubtedly engaged in collective aggressive conduct,” the government wrote in its sentencing memo.

Thanks for helping to prove the point you've previously been arguing against. :rolleyes:
The Intercept’s analysis sharply contradicts that right-wing narrative. In many cases, judges have rejected prosecutors’ requests for prison time, often reducing defendants’ sentences to home detention or probation.
Defendants have been sentenced to standard prison terms in only 429 out of 719 cases, or 60 percent. Another 31 defendants were sentenced to intermittent incarceration, meaning they only had to serve time on nights or weekends. Home detention was given instead of prison in 101 cases, while defendants in 135 cases got probation.

And from your really worthless AP link that reads like an oped:

An Associated Press review of court documents in more than 300 federal cases stemming from the protests sparked by George Floyd’s death last year shows that dozens of people charged have been convicted of serious crimes and sent to prison.

Imagine that, DOZENS have been convicted when something like 14,000 were arrested. :rolleyes: Your unlinked Intercept's analysis is rather old and wrong. Again, inform yourself. Seriously, I find leftists to be generally uninformed and you're no exception.

In the three years since the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol, federal prosecutors have charged more than 1,265 defendants across nearly all 50 states and D.C. and secured sentences of incarceration for more than 460 people, according to newly released numbers from the U.S. Attorney's Office in D.C.

In remarks Friday, Attorney General Merrick Garland described the Justice Department's sprawling probe of the Capitol attack as "one of the largest and most complex and resource-intensive investigations in our history."

Of the more than 1,265 individuals charged since Jan. 6, 2021, department prosecutors have secured more than 718 guilty pleas -- including 213 who pleaded to felonies that include assaults on federal officers, obstructing law enforcement and seditious conspiracy.

..............While 467 individuals have been sentenced to periods of incarceration, hundreds of others have been sentenced for lesser offenses to periods of home detention or probation.

2,000 cops were injured, some are on permanent disability from the injuries inflicted on them during the Floyd riots, 1 was murdered. So far you've shown me that dozens were convicted and incarcerated when we had numerous deaths, hundreds of assaults, numerous rapes, massive looting and arson that lasted an ENTIRE summer. Entire city blocks were burned down. If you don't see a disparity, you're not capable of being informed.

I have not bothered to use the realclearinvestigations piece to show how uninformed you are and I really doubt you even read it.

There is something to be said for state and federal charges being adjudicated differently but you cannot tell me, by any stretch, that the Floyd rioters were treated with anything resembling the magnitude and force that the Jan6 rioters were.

And that, my dear, is unequal protection under the law and is completely unconstitutional and resembles tyranny not democracy.

The Equal Protection Clause is part of the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The clause, which took effect in 1868, provides "nor shall any State ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." It mandates that individuals in similar situations be treated equally by the law. wiki
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Gawd, you can't learn either. What is wrong with you? He was clearly on video pushing people to enter the Capitol on both Jan 5 and Jan.6. And he was on the frigging front line on Jan 6.
Let’s see the video of him pushing people to enter the Capitol on January 6th.
Then so could all the other protesters. Good lord
They couldn’t make that claim on January 6th when it was apparent the Capitol was closed.

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