Razorbacks vs. Crimson Tide, let the race for the SEC West begin!


Mar 20, 2008
Judgment day has finally come to Fayetteville. This place is chaotic. Students have been camped outside the stadium since Monday, and as of yesterday the tent count was over 200.

Unfortunately I missed out on going to the game, but going to a game day party with some friends that will be just as fun. We saved $200 a piece on tickets, we can drink beer, our food won't cost $10, and if we lose, we don't have to hang our heads in shame....in public anyway. If we win, however, the traffic to get to Dickson St for the party will be hellacious, but since I'm pretty sure that the fans are going to bring the goalposts to Dickson if it happens, it will be totally worth it.

Go Hogs! Mallett for Heisman! Roll the Tide! WPS!
Woooooo Pig Sooooieee!!!


It's gonna be a great game. Wish I could be tailgating right now....and partying on Dickson later!!! :woohoo:
Since CrimsonWhite is in Iraq, and he can't be here to say this, I'll say it for my good friend CW:

Roll Tide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The goal posts will not ever get out of the stadium. Have you seen the security those guys use now, They surround the endzones with cops.

Hogs by 7
10-7 Hogs at the end of the 1st.


That's awesome considering how stupid we are playing. We should be up 21-7.

Bama didn't come out of the gate looking too smart either. But yeah, they missed a few opportunities. Not bad against the #1 team though. Too early to call a giant killer, but not bad a'tall.

Damn! Did you just see that? Kirkpatrick got beat BAD. Beautiful!!! :clap2:
Touchdown Arkansas!! :woohoo:

16-7 HAWGS, extra point coming up. :D

ETA: Make that 17-7.

Not the best, but damn close. This is the first game I've seen, he's matured a lot since last season.
Not the best, but damn close. This is the first game I've seen, he's matured a lot since last season.

Especially liked it when he grabbed the two chuckleheads who were cheering instead of getting back into the huddle.
Not the best, but damn close. This is the first game I've seen, he's matured a lot since last season.

Especially liked it when he grabbed the two chuckleheads who were cheering instead of getting back into the huddle.

I missed that one. Just had my son come in with a fat lip. No big deal, nothing a little ice can't handle, but those darn tree branches just jump right out from under them apparently. :rolleyes:

He looks all business though. I'm impressed. Very impressed.

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