The end of Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory started out as critical theory. It's a principal of Marxism. The nation is divided between the oppressor class and the oppressed class. This is successful in Europe because they have always had a classed society. Not so in America. No one is oppressed by class. So they changed it to race.
Critical race theory and its supporters can't GTFO fast enough. Adios assholes.
Critical Race Theory started out as critical theory. It's a principal of Marxism. The nation is divided between the oppressor class and the oppressed class. This is successful in Europe because they have always had a classed society. Not so in America. No one is oppressed by class. So they changed it to race.

The only "opressed" people in America are the ones that do it to themselves to be honest and only have themselves to blame.

There isn't even really racism anymore. The country and system isn't racist and blacks arent at a disadvantage. Look at bill Cosby, Oprah and Dave Chappelle. They were all born no name poor blacks but became rich and famous and excelled st what they did. We have had a black president, twice. We have black mayors, doctors, congressman, etc. The concept of a ""racist America" is false. And for every "disadvantaged black" you point at I point at a poor, broke ass, dumb, white person in the same position.

All the so called anti racists do is generate racism and create it when it wasn't there before.
Be on the lookout for a complete re-label of CRT.

It's what Marxists do.

When the stigma of their terrible policies and destruction of freedom come to light, they simply transform into something "new" but they are still fucking commies.
They already have they use terms like Equity, Anti Racism, or Diversity training. LOL.
Critical Race Theory started out as critical theory. It's a principal of Marxism. The nation is divided between the oppressor class and the oppressed class. This is successful in Europe because they have always had a classed society. Not so in America. No one is oppressed by class. So they changed it to race.
Yep the post Marxists were surprised that the workers did not overthrow the ruling class so then they theorized that there must be something rooted in the culture/institutions. So they then went about infiltrating the institutions. In the USA you just take out Bourgeoisie and insert White and for the worker insert Black or some other minority.........which has expanded to gender, sexual orientation etc.

The end of Critical Race Theory

12 Jul 2021 ~~ By Gamaliel Isaac
Critical Race Theory is liable to end for reasons very similar to the reasons the Salem witch trials ended.

In January 1692, nine-year-old Elizabeth (Betty) Parris and 11-year-old Abigail Williams (the daughter and niece of Samuel Parris, minister of Salem Village) began having fits, including violent contortions and uncontrollable outbursts of screaming. After a local doctor, William Griggs, diagnosed bewitchment, other young girls in the community began to exhibit similar symptoms.
A special court, the court of Oyer and Terminer convened in Salem to hear the cases; and based on spectral evidence the first convicted witch, Bridget Bishop, was hanged that June. Eighteen others followed Bishop to Salem’s Gallows Hill, while some 150 more men, women, and children were accused over the next several months.
Opposition to the trials grew as the family and friends of more and more villagers were accused of witchcraft, including the wife of Governor William Phips. Governor Phips saved his wife by dissolving the Court of Oyer and Terminer and moving all trials to a higher court. This superior court did not allow “spectral evidence” and, since most of the earlier accused witches had been executed due to this evidence, any remaining witches were all ruled innocent.
The tide is turning against Critical Race Theory as those who endorse it become its victims. Most teachers and staff of New York schools went along with the CRT craze, because they were afraid they would lose their jobs if they spoke out against it. In fact even George Davison, the headmaster of New York’s Grace Church school that teaches CRT did not dare admit that he had said in a private conversation with Paul Rossi, a teacher at his school, that “we're demonizing kids, we're demonizing white people for being born.” Instead, Davison accused Rossi of misquoting him. Rossi released an audio recording proving his account was accurate after which Mr. Davison, perhaps with some persuasion from his school, decided to retire.
Teachers in the New York High School of Public Service experienced this directly after principal Paula Lev said she was going to get rid of white teachers and fired one of them. According to the New York Post, the teachers had overwhelmingly supported anti-racism and equity. These same teachers became its predictable victims. Prior to this the faculty had no problem teaching Critical Race Theory and dividing the school by race. Belatedly according to the Post, the faculty is rebelling, charging in a vote of no-confidence that Lev has “flagrantly but unsuccessfully attempted to divide our school by race.”
As more and more white workers find that their allegiance to equity and anti-racism is no protection, the day grows closer to when Critical Race Theory will go the way of the Salem Witch Trials. The best way to hasten that day is for maximum publicity to be accorded the fate of those who appease the CRT revolution in vain.

The Salem Witch Hunt is one of those things that got repackaged and repurposed just like Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies did to Civil Rights.
There were no witches killed at Salem. Every single person killed during the witch trials was professing, to the death, a Christian. The real witches got away with killing off the neighbors they didn’t like, destroying Christian testimony in that region for centuries.
Both Marxists and Democrats have a penchant for eating their own in their quest for power.
It's good that parents are showing up in large numbers at school board meetings to protest against CRT.
Yet, I haven't heard of any school boards that have been forced to turn away from CRT due to public outrage. The Left just keeps charging forward. They are impervious to angry words.
Does anyone know of any situation yet where a school board has abandoned CRT?
Group identity and group think, socialism, Marxism, and Communism. It is not going anywhere, it will morph, change it’s name, but it won’t change it’s spots. Underneath it all they will continue to push this in disguise, over and over. If you haven’t read anything about this, how it was used against the Tea Party, against Nixon, against Goldwater, and recently against Trump, you haven’t read enough history to understand that CRT is a the same Marxism that came before, and it will keep coming. We have to keep fighting back against it. It's for the children....
People did not know what fornication meant. People thought it meant sex, not realizing that people who wanted people to be dead, finding any excuse, were born of fornication. The church hid the truth from people eyes. A den of theives will never know what the truth is. People clambering for the death of people said to be witches, were behaving in the same manner as Christs enemies clambering for the death of Jesus. They that clamber for the death of others, need to be reborn.
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The end of Critical Race Theory

12 Jul 2021 ~~ By Gamaliel Isaac
Critical Race Theory is liable to end for reasons very similar to the reasons the Salem witch trials ended.

In January 1692, nine-year-old Elizabeth (Betty) Parris and 11-year-old Abigail Williams (the daughter and niece of Samuel Parris, minister of Salem Village) began having fits, including violent contortions and uncontrollable outbursts of screaming. After a local doctor, William Griggs, diagnosed bewitchment, other young girls in the community began to exhibit similar symptoms.
A special court, the court of Oyer and Terminer convened in Salem to hear the cases; and based on spectral evidence the first convicted witch, Bridget Bishop, was hanged that June. Eighteen others followed Bishop to Salem’s Gallows Hill, while some 150 more men, women, and children were accused over the next several months.
Opposition to the trials grew as the family and friends of more and more villagers were accused of witchcraft, including the wife of Governor William Phips. Governor Phips saved his wife by dissolving the Court of Oyer and Terminer and moving all trials to a higher court. This superior court did not allow “spectral evidence” and, since most of the earlier accused witches had been executed due to this evidence, any remaining witches were all ruled innocent.
The tide is turning against Critical Race Theory as those who endorse it become its victims. Most teachers and staff of New York schools went along with the CRT craze, because they were afraid they would lose their jobs if they spoke out against it. In fact even George Davison, the headmaster of New York’s Grace Church school that teaches CRT did not dare admit that he had said in a private conversation with Paul Rossi, a teacher at his school, that “we're demonizing kids, we're demonizing white people for being born.” Instead, Davison accused Rossi of misquoting him. Rossi released an audio recording proving his account was accurate after which Mr. Davison, perhaps with some persuasion from his school, decided to retire.
Teachers in the New York High School of Public Service experienced this directly after principal Paula Lev said she was going to get rid of white teachers and fired one of them. According to the New York Post, the teachers had overwhelmingly supported anti-racism and equity. These same teachers became its predictable victims. Prior to this the faculty had no problem teaching Critical Race Theory and dividing the school by race. Belatedly according to the Post, the faculty is rebelling, charging in a vote of no-confidence that Lev has “flagrantly but unsuccessfully attempted to divide our school by race.”
As more and more white workers find that their allegiance to equity and anti-racism is no protection, the day grows closer to when Critical Race Theory will go the way of the Salem Witch Trials. The best way to hasten that day is for maximum publicity to be accorded the fate of those who appease the CRT revolution in vain.

The Salem Witch Hunt is one of those things that got repackaged and repurposed just like Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies did to Civil Rights.
There were no witches killed at Salem. Every single person killed during the witch trials was professing, to the death, a Christian. The real witches got away with killing off the neighbors they didn’t like, destroying Christian testimony in that region for centuries.
Both Marxists and Democrats have a penchant for eating their own in their quest for power.
It's good that parents are showing up in large numbers at school board meetings to protest against CRT.
Yet, I haven't heard of any school boards that have been forced to turn away from CRT due to public outrage. The Left just keeps charging forward. They are impervious to angry words.
Does anyone know of any situation yet where a school board has abandoned CRT?
Group identity and group think, socialism, Marxism, and Communism. It is not going anywhere, it will morph, change it’s name, but it won’t change it’s spots. Underneath it all they will continue to push this in disguise, over and over. If you haven’t read anything about this, how it was used against the Tea Party, against Nixon, against Goldwater, and recently against Trump, you haven’t read enough history to understand that CRT is a the same Marxism that came before, and it will keep coming. We have to keep fighting back against it. It's for the children....
Interesting… so all of a sudden you’re on the cancel culture train huh??
They already have they use terms like Equity, Anti Racism, or Diversity training. LOL.
The word racism is an artificial word, that should not exist. We are the human race. Should lies be perpetuated? People need to know what causes the lies. It is a thing that makes tax collectors to be sinners. Can you figure out what I am talking about?
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Interesting… so all of a sudden you’re on the cancel culture train huh??

We are humans. Mammon fools the mind. Mammon says love me. People think they are loving others, fooling themselves. Fallen beings like to be self deceived. God, who has a reasonable kind, loving mind, needs to be in our mind.
These elected school board members who are pushing the CRT poison should be voted out ASAP.
Classrooms should be televised so that Parents can monitor the lessons, and so that kids who are absent due to illness can stay caught up.
That idea has been beaten to death on this forum. It is too expensive, can't use television, not enough bandwidth to stream that much over the internet. and violates a large number of privacy laws. Just forget that silly idea!

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