Reading a capacitor


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
It's fairly common for me to put my meter on a capacitor from a Goodman unit and find it at low capacitance or completely dead within one year.

So what does that tell me?

1) A company like Goodman doesn't give a rat's ass about quality. As long as the government approves everything, (gets their cut) everything is ready to be sold.
Quite a fairly easy remedy to use better capacitors in their equipment.

2) The Federal government has no quality control. China can send us pure crap and laugh about it, but our leaders are so eager to give the Chinese murders our business , they let them do whatever they want.

3) The majority of American politicians are worthless. This problem should have been fixed long before I could every write a post about it.

4) State of California recycling is worthless. They don't want anything fluid filled. Unless you give them pure materials and gift wrap it with a big bow, they don't what it. They don't want to have to do any work.

5) Federal environmentalism is worthless. Thousands of capacitors come here from China made of zinc, castor oil, and whatever else bullshit they put in them, they don't last a year and they go right into a landfill.
Instead of telling me some bullshit about trash, why don't you tell Chinese companies to build something that lasts for a while.
"Environmentalism" is a big, political, funny joke, ain't it?
Use only genuine Interocitor parts.

It's fairly common for me to put my meter on a capacitor from a Goodman unit and find it at low capacitance or completely dead within one year.

So what does that tell me?

1) A company like Goodman doesn't give a rat's ass about quality. As long as the government approves everything, (gets their cut) everything is ready to be sold.
Quite a fairly easy remedy to use better capacitors in their equipment.

2) The Federal government has no quality control. China can send us pure crap and laugh about it, but our leaders are so eager to give the Chinese murders our business , they let them do whatever they want.

3) The majority of American politicians are worthless. This problem should have been fixed long before I could every write a post about it.

4) State of California recycling is worthless. They don't want anything fluid filled. Unless you give them pure materials and gift wrap it with a big bow, they don't what it. They don't want to have to do any work.

5) Federal environmentalism is worthless. Thousands of capacitors come here from China made of zinc, castor oil, and whatever else bullshit they put in them, they don't last a year and they go right into a landfill.
Instead of telling me some bullshit about trash, why don't you tell Chinese companies to build something that lasts for a while.
"Environmentalism" is a big, political, funny joke, ain't it?
This is happening all the time. The last one I remember is a "protien" shipped from China for use in dog food. It killed many cats and dogs. I don't feed anything to my pets that come from China for just that reason.
I put two 40/5's in today.Both Goodman units.Anhui electric China

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