Reagan Unumployment rate was 10.8% at the End of 82

1. Ronald Reagan attained the presidency following the most inept President in my lifetime, James Carter. Confronting real problems in the areas of foreign and domestic policy, and possibly the most palpable, the economic situation. “Reaganomics” was his plan to fight slow growth and high inflation. The four elements of the plan:
a. A restrictive monetary policy to stabilize the dollar and end inflation.
b. A 25% tax cut to all income levels.
c. A promise to cut domestic spending to balance the budget.
d. An easing of government regulation.

2. He was successful in the first two of the four. Volcker doubled the fed funds rate in one year, reaching 20% in 1981. Historical Changes of the Target Federal Funds and Discount Rates - Federal Reserve Bank of New York
And the tax cuts of the Economic Recovery Act of 1981 stimulated economic growth. “As a 1982 JEC study pointed out,[1] similar across-the-board tax cuts had been implemented in the 1920s as the Mellon tax cuts, and in the 1960s as the Kennedy tax cuts. In both cases the reduction of high marginal tax rates actually increased tax payments by "the rich," also increasing their share of total individual income taxes paid.” The Reagan Tax Cuts: Lessons for Tax Reform

“As inflation came down and as more and more of the tax cuts from the 1981 Act went into effect, the economic began a strong and sustained pattern of growth.” US Department of the Treasury

2. The benefits from Reaganomics:

a. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rate…compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)

b. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)

c. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)

d. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)

e. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95) Economic Report of the President: 2010 Report Spreadsheet Tables

f. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,” p. 116

Half-truths x ( - cause and effect evidence) = - propaganda.

Does a man make history, or does history make the man?
(an essay question from a lower division history course)

PC argues the former, without evidence or documentation.

Leaving out the economic situaton faced by Carter (Stagflation, see Ford & WIN program); the oil embargo and the Iran Revolution/Embassy takeover she fully ignores the massive debt created by Reagan's support for the war machine, his attack on unions, failure to take a growing drug and AIDS epidemic serously and the crash of 1987, PC provides a good story. As usual one not very honest.

Very foolish attempt to support your left-wing fantasies, Wry.

1. "...without evidence or documentation..."
Did you fail to notice the links in my post?
Clean off those specs.

2. "...without evidence or documentation..."
And yours is ......where?

3. A great President has vision, and that of President Reagan saved not only the United States, but the entire world, including the oppressed people of Eastern Europe. This is what he purchased with the increased spending for defense.

You, and Jimmy Carter should go out and get the game of "Clue" and play it a few time.

Did you notice that I didn't claim that you were dishonest? That is the hallmark of the Left.

Why would I need or want to follow your links, I was a working adult, university grad, navy vet, married parent during the Carter Administration. You and your sources have an agenda and when history gets in the way ... well, it's easy enough to change.

One point on which you might comment. Carter pushed energy saving ideas and installed solar collectors on the White House Roof. What did Reagan do and say about this?

Where Did the Carter White House's Solar Panels Go?: Scientific American
Half-truths x ( - cause and effect evidence) = - propaganda.

Does a man make history, or does history make the man?
(an essay question from a lower division history course)

PC argues the former, without evidence or documentation.

Leaving out the economic situaton faced by Carter (Stagflation, see Ford & WIN program); the oil embargo and the Iran Revolution/Embassy takeover she fully ignores the massive debt created by Reagan's support for the war machine, his attack on unions, failure to take a growing drug and AIDS epidemic serously and the crash of 1987, PC provides a good story. As usual one not very honest.

Very foolish attempt to support your left-wing fantasies, Wry.

1. "...without evidence or documentation..."
Did you fail to notice the links in my post?
Clean off those specs.

2. "...without evidence or documentation..."
And yours is ......where?

3. A great President has vision, and that of President Reagan saved not only the United States, but the entire world, including the oppressed people of Eastern Europe. This is what he purchased with the increased spending for defense.

You, and Jimmy Carter should go out and get the game of "Clue" and play it a few time.

Did you notice that I didn't claim that you were dishonest? That is the hallmark of the Left.

Why would I need or want to follow your links, I was a working adult, university grad, navy vet, married parent during the Carter Administration. You and your sources have an agenda and when history gets in the way ... well, it's easy enough to change.

One point on which you might comment. Carter pushed energy saving ideas and installed solar collectors on the White House Roof. What did Reagan do and say about this?

Where Did the Carter White House's Solar Panels Go?: Scientific American

IOW, don't confuse me with the facts.
Half-truths x ( - cause and effect evidence) = - propaganda.

Does a man make history, or does history make the man?
(an essay question from a lower division history course)

PC argues the former, without evidence or documentation.

Leaving out the economic situaton faced by Carter (Stagflation, see Ford & WIN program); the oil embargo and the Iran Revolution/Embassy takeover she fully ignores the massive debt created by Reagan's support for the war machine, his attack on unions, failure to take a growing drug and AIDS epidemic serously and the crash of 1987, PC provides a good story. As usual one not very honest.

Very foolish attempt to support your left-wing fantasies, Wry.

1. "...without evidence or documentation..."
Did you fail to notice the links in my post?
Clean off those specs.

2. "...without evidence or documentation..."
And yours is ......where?

3. A great President has vision, and that of President Reagan saved not only the United States, but the entire world, including the oppressed people of Eastern Europe. This is what he purchased with the increased spending for defense.

You, and Jimmy Carter should go out and get the game of "Clue" and play it a few time.

Did you notice that I didn't claim that you were dishonest? That is the hallmark of the Left.

Why would I need or want to follow your links, I was a working adult, university grad, navy vet, married parent during the Carter Administration. You and your sources have an agenda and when history gets in the way ... well, it's easy enough to change.

One point on which you might comment. Carter pushed energy saving ideas and installed solar collectors on the White House Roof. What did Reagan do and say about this?

Where Did the Carter White House's Solar Panels Go?: Scientific American

By 1986, the Reagan administration had gutted the research and development budgets for renewable energy at the then-fledgling U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) and eliminated tax breaks for the deployment of wind turbines and solar technologies
Damn, that works for me. I wish we had a president with that kind of guts.
What starts to kill America was Reagans deregulation of the banks and turning Walls St into a leaglized casino.
The Glass/Steagal Act was repealed under Clinton in 1999. Do a little reading and you'll find that THAT was the start of the banking problems.
You'll ALSO find-out Phil Gramm COULDN'T get it passed, on it's own, he then buried it in an appropriations bill!!!!

[ame=]YouTube - Q&A: Leslie & Andrew Cockburn[/ame]
@ 10:15


Where were REPUBLICANS??!!!!
The problem with the left is their plans always rely on the ever present mantra of higher taxes and higher spending. The Republicans on the other hand always fall back on reducing taxes and caving on the latter half of the Dems plans.

That's why I like Ryan... he' a realist. Like it or not, there's real pain in our immediate future.
Last edited:
Very foolish attempt to support your left-wing fantasies, Wry.

1. "...without evidence or documentation..."
Did you fail to notice the links in my post?
Clean off those specs.

2. "...without evidence or documentation..."
And yours is ......where?

3. A great President has vision, and that of President Reagan saved not only the United States, but the entire world, including the oppressed people of Eastern Europe. This is what he purchased with the increased spending for defense.

You, and Jimmy Carter should go out and get the game of "Clue" and play it a few time.

Did you notice that I didn't claim that you were dishonest? That is the hallmark of the Left.

Why would I need or want to follow your links, I was a working adult, university grad, navy vet, married parent during the Carter Administration. You and your sources have an agenda and when history gets in the way ... well, it's easy enough to change.

One point on which you might comment. Carter pushed energy saving ideas and installed solar collectors on the White House Roof. What did Reagan do and say about this?

Where Did the Carter White House's Solar Panels Go?: Scientific American

IOW, don't confuse me with the facts.

Too-many big words, huh??

We haven't had a laissez faire economy in nearly a century.

Perhaps we should try it again. I guarentee if we cut spending and cut taxes we would see unparallelled economic growth that we haven't seen in years.
We haven't had a laissez faire economy in nearly a century.

Perhaps we should try it again. I guarentee if we cut spending and cut taxes we would see unparallelled economic growth that we haven't seen in years.
There are no guarantees, in matter WHAT The Clerics tell you.

Very foolish attempt to support your left-wing fantasies, Wry.

1. "...without evidence or documentation..."
Did you fail to notice the links in my post?
Clean off those specs.

2. "...without evidence or documentation..."
And yours is ......where?

3. A great President has vision, and that of President Reagan saved not only the United States, but the entire world, including the oppressed people of Eastern Europe. This is what he purchased with the increased spending for defense.

You, and Jimmy Carter should go out and get the game of "Clue" and play it a few time.

Did you notice that I didn't claim that you were dishonest? That is the hallmark of the Left.

Why would I need or want to follow your links, I was a working adult, university grad, navy vet, married parent during the Carter Administration. You and your sources have an agenda and when history gets in the way ... well, it's easy enough to change.

One point on which you might comment. Carter pushed energy saving ideas and installed solar collectors on the White House Roof. What did Reagan do and say about this?

Where Did the Carter White House's Solar Panels Go?: Scientific American

IOW, don't confuse me with the facts.

Facts? I offered some facts Rabbi, lying is your default position as we all know, but your inability to think critically makes everything you post funny if not absurd.
Can We All Agree Reaganomics/Trickle Down Theory Is A Complete Failure

No. The data says otherwise.

Here's a study based on 18 large economies to prove that it works:

Fiscal Policy, Profits, and Investment

Please let us know when you've read it.

Please let us know when all 19 pages are posted, what is linked says less than little.

It's not free anymore. Well shoot. I did find a free version for you, though. It's a copied version, but if you can read English and you understand economics, you should be fine. Enjoy:
Very foolish attempt to support your left-wing fantasies, Wry.

1. "...without evidence or documentation..."
Did you fail to notice the links in my post?
Clean off those specs.

2. "...without evidence or documentation..."
And yours is ......where?

3. A great President has vision, and that of President Reagan saved not only the United States, but the entire world, including the oppressed people of Eastern Europe. This is what he purchased with the increased spending for defense.

You, and Jimmy Carter should go out and get the game of "Clue" and play it a few time.

Did you notice that I didn't claim that you were dishonest? That is the hallmark of the Left.

Why would I need or want to follow your links, I was a working adult, university grad, navy vet, married parent during the Carter Administration. You and your sources have an agenda and when history gets in the way ... well, it's easy enough to change.

One point on which you might comment. Carter pushed energy saving ideas and installed solar collectors on the White House Roof. What did Reagan do and say about this?

Where Did the Carter White House's Solar Panels Go?: Scientific American

By 1986, the Reagan administration had gutted the research and development budgets for renewable energy at the then-fledgling U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) and eliminated tax breaks for the deployment of wind turbines and solar technologies
Damn, that works for me. I wish we had a president with that kind of guts.

"guts"? On January 1, 2006 GWB in his SOTU message warned of our "addiction to oil". I suppose it takes "guts" to ignore history (OPEC, oil embargos, dependence on foreign nations/foreign policy colored by our addiction). Too bad Reagan didn't have the sense needed to anticipate how this addiction would result in the world we live in today.
Why would I need or want to follow your links, I was a working adult, university grad, navy vet, married parent during the Carter Administration. You and your sources have an agenda and when history gets in the way ... well, it's easy enough to change.

One point on which you might comment. Carter pushed energy saving ideas and installed solar collectors on the White House Roof. What did Reagan do and say about this?

Where Did the Carter White House's Solar Panels Go?: Scientific American

By 1986, the Reagan administration had gutted the research and development budgets for renewable energy at the then-fledgling U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) and eliminated tax breaks for the deployment of wind turbines and solar technologies
Damn, that works for me. I wish we had a president with that kind of guts.

"guts"? On January 1, 2006 GWB in his SOTU message warned of our "addiction to oil". I suppose it takes "guts" to ignore history (OPEC, oil embargos, dependence on foreign nations/foreign policy colored by our addiction). Too bad Reagan didn't have the sense needed to anticipate how this addiction would result in the world we live in today.
Hell.....ReRon ALWAYS knew who donated the biggest......

Can We All Agree Reaganomics/Trickle Down Theory Is A Complete Failure

No. The data says otherwise.

Here's a study based on 18 large economies to prove that it works:

Fiscal Policy, Profits, and Investment

Please let us know when you've read it.

Trickle down to whom? The concept of trickle down was to have the end result where it trickled down to working Americans. Did it?

Average Weekly Earnings in Real Dollars (in 1982 constant dollars)
For all private nonfarm workers

1981 277.35 -1.39%
1982 272.74 -1.66%
1983 277.50 1.75%
1984 279.22 0.62%
1985 276.23 -1.07%
1986 276.11 -0.04%
1987 272.88 -1.17%
1988 270.32 -0.94%
1989 267.27 -1.13%

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Factually speaking, the trickle down didn't effect the working class's wages as they basically stayed the same.
Can We All Agree Reaganomics/Trickle Down Theory Is A Complete Failure

No. The data says otherwise.

Here's a study based on 18 large economies to prove that it works:

Fiscal Policy, Profits, and Investment

Please let us know when you've read it.

Trickle down to whom? The concept of trickle down was to have the end result where it trickled down to working Americans. Did it?

Average Weekly Earnings in Real Dollars (in 1982 constant dollars)
For all private nonfarm workers

1981 277.35 -1.39%
1982 272.74 -1.66%
1983 277.50 1.75%
1984 279.22 0.62%
1985 276.23 -1.07%
1986 276.11 -0.04%
1987 272.88 -1.17%
1988 270.32 -0.94%
1989 267.27 -1.13%

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Factually speaking, the trickle down didn't effect the working class's wages as they basically stayed the same.

You didn't take into account the 35-40% increase in the number of new graduates into the work force.

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