Reagan, worst prez in our lifetime

No, it has more to do with the realization of the impact Reagan policies had on the destruction of the middle class and a reliance on deficit spending

There has been no "destruction" of the middle class. I see the middle class everywhere I look every single day. While they're feeling the pinch of the current economy, they're still quite vibrant. If you want to know, however, who is doing the most damage to the middle class you and your jealous class warfare buddies only need to look in the mirror.

What has happened to the middle class?

Wages are stagnant, benefits are gone. Workers put in more hours for less pay. American dream is disappearing. College is unaffordable and doesn't yield a well paying job

Meanwhile, the wealthier are just adding to their wealth

Just like conservatives dreamed

And that decline of the middle class has occurred while government has gotten bigger, both in terms of the share of the economy, and the massive amounts of regulations which micromanage things like the light bulbs we are allowed to by.

Anyone with proper cognitive functions would see the causality relationship, but sadly, you don't fit that requirement.
American Liberals are the laughing stock of every form Soviet satellite. You're too fucking stupid to understand you're rooting for your slavery and poverty.
Your avatar looks like the POV from a Moody Blues groupy.

And you keep misspelling your screen name.

Lame is spelled L-A-M-E, not L-O-I-N.

Reagan cut taxes for the Rich, increased taxes on the Middle Class. Reagan was a serial tax raiser.
Tripled the National Debt, made the United States a debtor nation
Reagan funded Terrorists
Unemployment issues; Unemployment soared after Reagan’s 1981 tax cuts Reagan grew the size of the federal government tremendously - even more than the Bush Dynasty.
Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million Undocumented Immigrants
Ignoring AIDS; he refused to even utter the word
His attack on Unions and the Middle Class

"A tree's a tree. How many more do you need to look at?" -- Ronald Reagan (Governor of California), quoted in the Sacramento Bee, opposing expansion of Redwood National Park, March 3, 1966

"All the waste in a year from a nuclear power plant can be stored under a desk." --Ronald Reagan (Republican candidate for president), quoted in the Burlington (Vermont) Free Press, February 15, 1980

"It's silly talking about how many years we will have to spend in the jungles of Vietnam when we could pave the whole country and put parking stripes on it and still be home by Christmas." --Ronald Reagan (candidate for Governor of California), interviewed in the Fresno Bee, October 10, 1965

"...the moral equal of our Founding Fathers." --President Reagan, describing the Nicaraguan contras, March 1, 1985

"Fascism was really the basis for the New Deal." --Ronald Reagan, quoted in Time, May 17, 1976

"...a faceless mass, waiting for handouts." --Ronald Reagan, 1965. (Description of Medicaid recipients.)

"Unemployment insurance is a pre-paid vacation for freeloaders." --California Governor Ronald Reagan, in the Sacramento Bee, April 28, 1966

"We were told four years ago that 17 million people went to bed hungry every night. Well, that was probably true. They were all on a diet." --Ronald Reagan, TV speech, October 27, 1964


US: 8 reasons why Ronald Reagan was the worst President of our lifetime -- Puppet Masters --

Criminalize Conservatism: Reagan: Worst President of Our Lifetime

Anyone want to add anything?

Yeah, he beat the useless peanut farmer quite comfortably.

Then he beat the quasi-socialist Mondale with the greatest Presidential election landslide.

Then he laid the foundation to beat the most evil empire in the world's history, the Soviet Union compared to whom Hitler and Nazi Germany is more benign than Mother Teresa.

Then he retired with honor, unlike Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton and suffered the attacks on his affliction with dignity and quiet majesty and magnanimity.

The same thing will NEVER be said about Clinton or especially Obama.

And before the insensitive and offensive and typically liberal remarks about Alzheimer's Disease begin to fly from the usual suspects, let us remember that a disease meted out by Nature is nowhere near as bad as lying under oath, as chosen by Clinton in order to save his worthless hide or the willful destruction of America as envisioned and enacted by Obama.
There has been no "destruction" of the middle class. I see the middle class everywhere I look every single day. While they're feeling the pinch of the current economy, they're still quite vibrant. If you want to know, however, who is doing the most damage to the middle class you and your jealous class warfare buddies only need to look in the mirror.

What has happened to the middle class?

Wages are stagnant, benefits are gone. Workers put in more hours for less pay. American dream is disappearing. College is unaffordable and doesn't yield a well paying job

Meanwhile, the wealthier are just adding to their wealth

Just like conservatives dreamed

And that decline of the middle class has occurred while government has gotten bigger, both in terms of the share of the economy, and the massive amounts of regulations which micromanage things like the light bulbs we are allowed to by.

Anyone with proper cognitive functions would see the causality relationship, but sadly, you don't fit that requirement.

Government grew under Reagan
Unpaid for tax cuts
Tripled the debt
Deregulation of industry
Crushed unions

Beginning of the end for the middle class
BTW, I don't consider the cigarette advert anything in particular. In those days, everyone smoked and it wasn't uncommon for grade B actors to sell anything they could just to make the rent.

Some of this sounds like what I watched on that Oliver Stone documentary that is being showed on Showtime. It's an excellent series, I learned about the virtues of Henry A. Wallace and "the other side of the story".
What has happened to the middle class?

Wages are stagnant, benefits are gone. Workers put in more hours for less pay. American dream is disappearing. College is unaffordable and doesn't yield a well paying job

Meanwhile, the wealthier are just adding to their wealth

Just like conservatives dreamed

And that decline of the middle class has occurred while government has gotten bigger, both in terms of the share of the economy, and the massive amounts of regulations which micromanage things like the light bulbs we are allowed to by.

Anyone with proper cognitive functions would see the causality relationship, but sadly, you don't fit that requirement.

Government grew under Reagan
Unpaid for tax cuts
Tripled the debt
Deregulation of industry
Crushed unions

Beginning of the end for the middle class

You pathetic booby. Government has grown since the Federal Reserve was established and the Income Tax was enacted. FDR poured gasoline on the fire with The New Deal.

What we are seeing now is the snowballing of decades of government expansion.
BTW, I don't consider the cigarette advert anything in particular. In those days, everyone smoked and it wasn't uncommon for grade B actors to sell anything they could just to make the rent.

Some of this sounds like what I watched on that Oliver Stone documentary that is being showed on Showtime. It's an excellent series, I learned about the virtues of Henry A. Wallace and "the other side of the story".

Oh.Mi.Gawd. Stone's mockumentary is delusional revisionist historical fiction.
Government grew under Reagan
Unpaid for tax cuts
Tripled the debt
Deregulation of industry
Crushed unions

Beginning of the end for the middle class
True, the government and the debt grew bigger, but the economy grew relatively far morer under Reagan.

What the hell is an "unpaid for tax cut"?

With the deregulation of industry and crushed unions, perhaps you're right in that he didn't go far enough. Still, he did one hell of a job!
BTW, I don't consider the cigarette advert anything in particular. In those days, everyone smoked and it wasn't uncommon for grade B actors to sell anything they could just to make the rent.

Some of this sounds like what I watched on that Oliver Stone documentary that is being showed on Showtime. It's an excellent series, I learned about the virtues of Henry A. Wallace and "the other side of the story".

Oh.Mi.Gawd. Stone's mockumentary is delusional revisionist historical fiction.

What facts do you SPECIFICALLY disagree with in those documentaries? What was allegedly "revisionist"?
The entire tone about how the U.S. is so Evul.

Stone is a hack who makes awful movies, and now he's added fake documentaries to his repertoire.
If the so-called Grade B actors of yesteryear, as allegedly Ronald Reagan was were derided, how come the present day B-actors such as Barbra Streisand, Keefer Sutherland, Jerry Seinfeld, Jon Stewart, etc. are held such high regard?

Or the especially stupid like Danny Glover or Samuel Jackson?
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Government grew under Reagan
Unpaid for tax cuts
Tripled the debt
Deregulation of industry
Crushed unions

Beginning of the end for the middle class
True, the government and the debt grew bigger, but the economy grew relatively far morer under Reagan.

What the hell is an "unpaid for tax cut"?

With the deregulation of industry and crushed unions, perhaps you're right in that he didn't go far enough. Still, he did one hell of a job!

Unpaid tax cut is where you cut taxes and don't cut spending. In Reagans case, he increased spending
-American hostages released in Iran.

-Lead the country through black Monday:, which as we see with Obama he did without crashing the US economy or 6 trillion in debt.

When Malaise Carter left off the inflation rate was about 12%, unemployment 11%, and Prime interest of 21% Reaganomics, including tax cuts, tax reform, reduction in welfare, reduced all three, inflation, unemployment, and interest, which all dropped all during his Presidency.

He deregulated the airline industry,

deregulated transportation.

15 million new jobs were created during his Presidency.

He rebuilt the military, and his peace by brute force policy and military spending brought down the USSR because they could not complete.

Most of all, after 16 years of presidents that had administrations end in disaster Reagan became the leader of the free world. He restored faith in America. He ALWAYS spoke of American exceptionalism. He made people proud to be Americans. Perfect, no, head and shoulders above what we had before or since, no comparision.

His ability to talk to the American people was unpresidented and still is.

Ronald Reagan Accomplishments In Presidency

Ronald Reagan's biggest accomplishment in presidency was to improve the self confidence that America had by strengthening the nation's economy. He did this by reducing inflation, increasing employment and cutting taxes to nearly 25 percent. He was also instrumental in appointing the first female Supreme Court Justice, Sandra Day O'Connor. Besides this, be started a war against the drugs,

The economic policies that Reagan started in 1981 are known as Reaganomics. He endeavored to encourage entrepreneurship and limit the growth of social spending. In addition he reduced not just inflation but also regulations. By the mid-1980s, the economy had recovered substantially and was growing. This helped Reagan to get re-elected in a landslide victory.

The US administration had always been anti-communist. Reagan increasing defense spending and built up the military. He also sent US troops to Grenada to prevent the communist takeover. This was the first time after Vietnam that US troops were sent abroad. The Reagan administration also gave financial aid to paramilitary forces who were looking to overthrow socialist governments in other countries, especially in Central America and Afghanistan. He encouraged new defense technology so that the US could confront the Soviet Union and its allies. He forged a strong relationship with Britain, and met Mikhail Gorbachev four times with the view of reducing the nuclear weapons in both countries.

Reagan's presidency is often known as Reagan Revolution as it caused political re-alignment not just within the US, but also abroad. Many attribute the fall of the Iron Curtain to Ronald Reagan which shuttled in the end of the Cold War. This made the US the only super power in the world.

Although Ronald Reagan was plagued by the Iran-Contra affair in the second term of his presidency, it did nothing to reduce his approval ratings among the people. When he left office after finishing his term, his approval rating stood at 64 percent.
The good that Reagan did for black America

Based on the remarks by Reps. Owens, Wynn and Watson, and similar sentiments expressed by other black leaders, one might conclude that the Reagan era was a period of retrenchment for the black population.

But the reality is, the 1980s, with a conservative, free-market Republican in the White House, were a boom time for black America.

Indeed, Andrew Brimmer, the Harvard-trained black economist, the former Federal Reserve Board member, estimated that total black business receipts increased from $12.4 billion in 1982 to $18.1 billion in 1987, translating into an annual average growth rate of 7.9 percent (compared to 5 percent for all U.S. businesses.

The success of the black entrepreneurial class during the Reagan era was rivaled only by the gains of the black middle class.

In fact, black social scientist Bart Landry estimated that that upwardly mobile cohort grew by a third under Reagan's watch, from 3.6 million in 1980 to 4.8 million in 1988. His definition was based on employment in white-collar jobs as well as on income levels.

All told, the middle class constituted more than 40 percent of black households by the end of Reagan's presidency, which was larger than the size of black working class, or the black poor.

The impressive growth of the black middle class during the 1980s was attributable in no small part to the explosive growth of jobs under Reagan, which benefited blacks disproportionately.
Senator Ted Kennedy is credited with pushing deregulation of the airline and trucking industries.

Reagan sent US Marines and others into harms way with orders to be targets and then he did shit in retaliation

In retaliation for the attacks, France launched an airstrike in the Bekaa Valley against alleged Islamic Revolutionary Guards positions.
There was no serious retaliation for the Beirut bombing from the Americans
The entire tone about how the U.S. is so Evul.

Stone is a hack who makes awful movies, and now he's added fake documentaries to his repertoire.

Ok, so you really don't have any specifics just a vague and unsubstantiated conjecture. Do you realize he has been critical of the current Administration as well? How is stating historical facts saying that "the U.S. is so Evul"?

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