"Real Jobs"


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I realize it may sound snobbish to say this, but I take with a grain of salt the pronouncements of people who have never had a Real Job.

There is nothing special about a Real Job. A "Real Job" is just this: it is gainful employment, either as an entrepreneur or with a company, where you are required to accomplish something in support of the production of something valuable, for a profit. A Real Job implies that if you do not accomplish something of value you will be cast aside ("fired") in favor of someone more productive.

Examples of Real Jobs are ubiquitous. Construction workers, tradesmen, Cable Guys, waitresses, cooks, retail sales clerks, insurance agents, cab and truck drivers, accountants, Presidents, CEO's, Controllers, and Directors of Engineering, landscapers, painters, Doctors and Nurses, mill workers, auto workers, welders, security guards, bankers. The list is almost endless.

Having a Real Job keeps you grounded. Having had to produce something IN ORDER TO LIVE is an enriching experience, and it puts you into a fraternity that many people never enter.

Because it is with great sadness that I realize that many of our "Leaders," and many of our most noted public personalities, have never actually had a Real Job. If you discount part time gigs during college, few Congresspersons have ever had a Real Job - almost no Democrats.

See, not every "job" is a Real Job. Being an elected official is not a Real Job. Many lawyers do not have a Real Job. Being a fucking Community Activist is not having a Real Job. Working for a "foundation" is no a Real Job. Being a college professor is not a Real Job. Many, many civil service jobs are not Real Jobs because it is almost literally impossible to be "fired" for non-performance (I know; I've been there). Being a "regulator" is definitely NOT a Real Job.

And it just grinds my ass when I hear some politician going on about how tough it is to "make it" on a minimum-wage job. Because UNLIKE THAT CONGRESSMAN, I have actually supported myself with a minimum wage job - and I didn't spend my time fretting. I was begging for overtime and out looking for something better. BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO WHEN YOU WORK A M.W. JOB. That congressman has no fucking idea.

I'm rambling. I'll quit now.
I look at it as more of a difference between a job and a career

A job gives you some kind of paycheck. A career allows you to support yourself and a family, buy a house, someday retire
I'd argue with what you describe as not being a "real job".

Anyhow- we know where the real jobs have been for the past 5 years of this administration:

I'd argue with what you describe as not being a "real job".

Anyhow- we know where the real jobs have been for the past 5 years of this administration:


That can't be true. The rw's here say that President Obama has stopped all exploration, extraction and drilling.
Only the private sector can grow the economy. Even low information lefties understand that jobs paid for by confiscated taxpayer money actually drain the economy. The federal government never earned a single dime in it's entire history. Now the radical left wants to punish entrepreneurs with unreasonable taxation and regulation in order to finance even more useless government jobs. The radical left seems to rely on a Marxist a,fascist concept they call "income inequality" to sooth the low information masses after the private sector took the chances, set up the machinery, trained the workers and marketed the product.
Funny how the so called repression of companies in the US does not affect foreign investment in the USA..

United States Foreign Direct Investment

Foreign Direct Investment in the United States increased to 68145 USD Million in the fourth quarter of 2013 from 54321 USD Million in the third quarter of 2013. Foreign Direct Investment in the United States averaged 18270.28 USD Million from 1960 until 2013, reaching an all time high of 140759 USD Million in the second quarter of 1999 and a record low of -9004 USD Million in the second quarter of 2005.

Only the private sector can grow the economy. Even low information lefties understand that jobs paid for by confiscated taxpayer money actually drain the economy. The federal government never earned a single dime in it's entire history. Now the radical left wants to punish entrepreneurs with unreasonable taxation and regulation in order to finance even more useless government jobs. The radical left seems to rely on a Marxist a,fascist concept they call "income inequality" to sooth the low information masses after the private sector took the chances, set up the machinery, trained the workers and marketed the product.

Silly rightwing Nonsense

The public sector pumps trillions of dollars into the economy
I'd argue with what you describe as not being a "real job".

Anyhow- we know where the real jobs have been for the past 5 years of this administration:


That can't be true. The rw's here say that President Obama has stopped all exploration, extraction and drilling.

It's in spite of Obama. The growth is due to private development on private lands. There would be more of it if Obama didn't oppose the Keystone...
I'd argue with what you describe as not being a "real job".

Anyhow- we know where the real jobs have been for the past 5 years of this administration:


That can't be true. The rw's here say that President Obama has stopped all exploration, extraction and drilling.

It's in spite of Obama. The growth is due to private development on private lands. There would be more of it if Obama didn't oppose the Keystone...

I'm not so sure that construction of the final leg of the Keystone project would spur further drilling and production in the U.S.
...Real Jobs create value within the economy, and non - Real Jobs do not. For every Director of Compliance, a company has to have a dozen or more productive people, generating revenue to pay her salary. For every bureaucrat, there must be scores of people paying taxes to fund their pay and benefits.

Many government jobs and non - Real Jobs are quite necessary and valuable (teacher, cop, soldier, tax collector), but when the proportion of Real Jobs to other jobs (and government teat-suckers) reaches a certain level, the whole house of cards collapses. Democrats don't seem to understand the critical difference between creating a Real Job and adding a school administrator or a regulator. One is a contributor to the economy and the other is a drain on the economy - FOR LIFE.

Thus, hiring more cops (who are not really needed) is NOT a good thing.
...Real Jobs create value within the economy, and non - Real Jobs do not. For every Director of Compliance, a company has to have a dozen or more productive people, generating revenue to pay her salary. For every bureaucrat, there must be scores of people paying taxes to fund their pay and benefits.

Many government jobs and non - Real Jobs are quite necessary and valuable (teacher, cop, soldier, tax collector), but when the proportion of Real Jobs to other jobs (and government teat-suckers) reaches a certain level, the whole house of cards collapses. Democrats don't seem to understand the critical difference between creating a Real Job and adding a school administrator or a regulator. One is a contributor to the economy and the other is a drain on the economy - FOR LIFE.

Thus, hiring more cops (who are not really needed) is NOT a good thing.

I guess it depends on where you live
Only the private sector can grow the economy. Even low information lefties understand that jobs paid for by confiscated taxpayer money actually drain the economy. The federal government never earned a single dime in it's entire history. Now the radical left wants to punish entrepreneurs with unreasonable taxation and regulation in order to finance even more useless government jobs. The radical left seems to rely on a Marxist a,fascist concept they call "income inequality" to sooth the low information masses after the private sector took the chances, set up the machinery, trained the workers and marketed the product.

Silly rightwing Nonsense

The public sector pumps trillions of dollars into the economy

It sucks even more out of the economy, and for the most part it produces nothing.
Only the private sector can grow the economy. Even low information lefties understand that jobs paid for by confiscated taxpayer money actually drain the economy. The federal government never earned a single dime in it's entire history. Now the radical left wants to punish entrepreneurs with unreasonable taxation and regulation in order to finance even more useless government jobs. The radical left seems to rely on a Marxist a,fascist concept they call "income inequality" to sooth the low information masses after the private sector took the chances, set up the machinery, trained the workers and marketed the product.

Silly rightwing Nonsense

The public sector pumps trillions of dollars into the economy

It sucks even more out of the economy, and for the most part it produces nothing.

The Department of Defense pumps trillions into our economy and provides millions of jobs
Silly rightwing Nonsense

The public sector pumps trillions of dollars into the economy

It sucks even more out of the economy, and for the most part it produces nothing.

The Department of Defense pumps trillions into our economy and provides millions of jobs

Every taxpayer has to pay thousands of dollars to fund the Dept of Defense. That's money sucked out of the economy, money that could have been spent on cars, houses, flat screen televisions, vacations and things that actually improve the quality of your life. How does an aircraft carrier improve the quality of your life?
It sucks even more out of the economy, and for the most part it produces nothing.

The Department of Defense pumps trillions into our economy and provides millions of jobs

Every taxpayer has to pay thousands of dollars to fund the Dept of Defense. That's money sucked out of the economy, money that could have been spent on cars, houses, flat screen televisions, vacations and things that actually improve the quality of your life. How does an aircraft carrier improve the quality of your life?

It keeps you free....haven't you heard?

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