"Real Jobs"

That aircraft carrier is a legitimate capital investment of the taxpayers, for which the Constitution provides ample authority. Unlike, for example, Operation Headstart, which is blatantly unconstitutional.
That aircraft carrier is a legitimate capital investment of the taxpayers, for which the Constitution provides ample authority. Unlike, for example, Operation Headstart, which is blatantly unconstitutional.

No it isn't

It is covered in Article 1, Section 1 of the Constitution
The Department of Defense pumps trillions into our economy and provides millions of jobs

Every taxpayer has to pay thousands of dollars to fund the Dept of Defense. That's money sucked out of the economy, money that could have been spent on cars, houses, flat screen televisions, vacations and things that actually improve the quality of your life. How does an aircraft carrier improve the quality of your life?

It keeps you free....haven't you heard?

You can argue that it's necessary, but it certainly doesn't improve our material standard of living. Furthermore, it is not a net benefit to the economy.
I realize it may sound snobbish to say this, but I take with a grain of salt the pronouncements of people who have never had a Real Job.

There is nothing special about a Real Job. A "Real Job" is just this: it is gainful employment, either as an entrepreneur or with a company, where you are required to accomplish something in support of the production of something valuable, for a profit. A Real Job implies that if you do not accomplish something of value you will be cast aside ("fired") in favor of someone more productive.

Examples of Real Jobs are ubiquitous. Construction workers, tradesmen, Cable Guys, waitresses, cooks, retail sales clerks, insurance agents, cab and truck drivers, accountants, Presidents, CEO's, Controllers, and Directors of Engineering, landscapers, painters, Doctors and Nurses, mill workers, auto workers, welders, security guards, bankers. The list is almost endless.

Having a Real Job keeps you grounded. Having had to produce something IN ORDER TO LIVE is an enriching experience, and it puts you into a fraternity that many people never enter.

Because it is with great sadness that I realize that many of our "Leaders," and many of our most noted public personalities, have never actually had a Real Job. If you discount part time gigs during college, few Congresspersons have ever had a Real Job - almost no Democrats.

See, not every "job" is a Real Job. Being an elected official is not a Real Job. Many lawyers do not have a Real Job. Being a fucking Community Activist is not having a Real Job. Working for a "foundation" is no a Real Job. Being a college professor is not a Real Job. Many, many civil service jobs are not Real Jobs because it is almost literally impossible to be "fired" for non-performance (I know; I've been there). Being a "regulator" is definitely NOT a Real Job.

And it just grinds my ass when I hear some politician going on about how tough it is to "make it" on a minimum-wage job. Because UNLIKE THAT CONGRESSMAN, I have actually supported myself with a minimum wage job - and I didn't spend my time fretting. I was begging for overtime and out looking for something better. BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO WHEN YOU WORK A M.W. JOB. That congressman has no fucking idea.

I'm rambling. I'll quit now.

Let me see if I've got this right. "Being a college professor is not a Real Job," irregardless of subject. But if I teach high school, does that make it a real job? Do any teachers have real jobs?

"Being a "regulator" is definitely NOT a Real Job," but being an accountant is. So is a CPA who works for the SEC have a real job or not?

Controllers have real jobs, except when they work for the government. Do I have that right? Doctors and nurses who work for the VA, do they have real jobs?
Every taxpayer has to pay thousands of dollars to fund the Dept of Defense. That's money sucked out of the economy, money that could have been spent on cars, houses, flat screen televisions, vacations and things that actually improve the quality of your life. How does an aircraft carrier improve the quality of your life?

It keeps you free....haven't you heard?

You can argue that it's necessary, but it certainly doesn't improve our material standard of living. Furthermore, it is not a net benefit to the economy.

Do you have any idea how much money is generated building an aircraft carrier? Any idea of the number of jobs throughout the country?
Department of Defense, roads, bridges, schools, police, fire....

The Government doesn't create jobs?

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