Real Trump derangement syndrome is MAGA supporters saying Trump is 'God's appointee' being 'crucified' by critics

Trump is God's punishment on Democrats. :muahaha:
Trump is the antiChrist.
I doubt it. You figure what I paid in since 1965 and figure the interest. You leftists think government is the answer to everything.
It is not about ones political leanings. Politicians promise too much to everybody. If we are going to balance our budget, everyone needs to give something up.
It is selfish, selfcentered individuals, no matter their political leaning who blame others. It is not just benefits to the poor or benefits to the rich and big corporations. IT IS EVERYONE.
Check out your Social Security and Medicare payments to taxpaying citizens if they live into their 80's and have serious health issues involving long hospital stays.
Don't just look to everyone else for solutions. Look also what you can do. THAT IS CONSERVATIVE VALUES.
Trump is the antiChrist.

It is not about ones political leanings. Politicians promise too much to everybody. If we are going to balance our budget, everyone needs to give something up.
It is selfish, selfcentered individuals, no matter their political leaning who blame others. It is not just benefits to the poor or benefits to the rich and big corporations. IT IS EVERYONE.
Check out your Social Security and Medicare payments to taxpaying citizens if they live into their 80's and have serious health issues involving long hospital stays.
Don't just look to everyone else for solutions. Look also what you can do. THAT IS CONSERVATIVE VALUES.
What do you want to do to retirees in their 80s who are sick? Let them die in the street? We take care of the aged because Americans are compassionate.
What do you want to do to retirees in their 80s who are sick? Let them die in the street? We take care of the aged because Americans are compassionate.
You sound like a bleeding heart liberal.
No, I am not a cold hearted self serving MAGA saying I want to cut off old people, or the very poor. The changes have to be made before the end of life. Medicaid and Social Security will continue to add the the debt unless taxes are raised or benifits cut.

The majority of our government's annual spending goes toward mandatory spending in the form of entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare. Without major reforms to these programs, our deficits and debt are expected to continue their upward trajectory.

Tax cuts, stimulus programs, increased government spending, and decreased tax revenue caused by widespread unemployment account for sharp rises in the national debt.Sep 21, 2023
When these people start saying Trump is "far right," I know the article is going to be retarded. Trump is left of center on almost all issues. Abortions, 2A, spending, debt & budgets, trade & covid.
then why not get a more ideological representative candidate?

on economics trump is little advanced over the gold bugs, and his spending and budgets are straight from jude wanniski's "two santas" play book
on defense he is isolationist (unless paid, of course, sorry about that yemen) and

like every other "conservative" ,he is a culture warrior .

tell me again what is liberal about the guy? why are we not flocking to his banner?
Real Trump derangement syndrome is MAGA supporters saying Trump is 'God's appointee' being 'crucified' by critics.
These people are not dealing in reality. It is a large % of the MAGA movement feel that way. Thinking like this is an insult to God.
Many Christians feel they cannot support Trump because they feel he is unChristian.

As you always show you know very little history

Lincoln died on Good Friday and the EXACT same thing happened
Many drew the inevitable parallel between a president who died to save the Union, just as Christ died to save men's souls. The assassination transformed Lincoln, who had not been universally beloved, into a martyr.
Real Trump derangement syndrome is MAGA supporters saying Trump is 'God's appointee' being 'crucified' by critics.
These people are not dealing in reality. It is a large % of the MAGA movement feel that way. Thinking like this is an insult to God.
Many Christians feel they cannot support Trump because they feel he is unChristian.

Don't even go there, your ilk sneers at God on a daily basis, now you want to just smear Christians more....f*u
Real Trump derangement syndrome is MAGA supporters saying Trump is 'God's appointee' being 'crucified' by critics.
These people are not dealing in reality. It is a large % of the MAGA movement feel that way. Thinking like this is an insult to God.
Many Christians feel they cannot support Trump because they feel he is unChristian.

There's a lot of competition for victim status these days. Poor pitiful Trump.
then why not get a more ideological representative candidate?

I don't have a choice in the matter. I got one vote, that's not going to change the outcome of the primaries or the general election.

on economics trump is little advanced over the gold bugs,

I have no idea what you're talking about.

and his spending and budgets are straight from jude wanniski's "two santas" play book

Still no idea.

on defense he is isolationist (unless paid, of course, sorry about that yemen) and

Isolationist? FFS, how many billions did he give Ukraine?
like every other "conservative" ,he is a culture warrior .

No sir. Not "like every conservative." Like every RINO. But not conservative.
tell me again what is liberal about the guy? why are we not flocking to his banner?

He's pro choice. (again) His Trumpcare was Obamacare on steroids. He tried to give the black community $500 billion just because they were black. He shoved the Trump shot in our faces and bashed those who didn't want it. He allowed Fauci free reign to start all the lock downs. Even gave an executive order to force landlords to go without rent payments. And another one that kept people from visiting their loved ones in hospitals and nursing homes.
He assaulted our 2A. Signed every "Got dayum" omnibus bill that crossed his desk.
When BLM were rioting, he didn't do a "got dayum" thing about it.
He lowered the tax rate for the poor down to almost nothing. In fact, most of them make money on taxes without paying much in, because he increase the child tax credit. I'm all for tax cuts. But when people get more from the government than they're paying, especially with a $34 trillion debt, it's retarded.

Is that enough? Because I have more (issues that prove Trump is left of center) And things to show that the left is retarded for not trying to recruit Trump. He was better to the left than he was to Republicans.
true. but i'd prefer to talk to someone who does. good bye.

LoL... Ok, just ignore the biggest part of my comments, that proved my point. (Trump is left of center) And move on because I don't wtf gold bugs and jude wanniski's "two santas" play book is.
As you always show you know very little history

Lincoln died on Good Friday and the EXACT same thing happened
Many drew the inevitable parallel between a president who died to save the Union, just as Christ died to save men's souls. The assassination transformed Lincoln, who had not been universally beloved, into a martyr.
You have not read religous or American history.
Lincoln rallied around the priciples that God wants all men (and women) to be equal. It is an argument tham most believers in God would agree with. Lincoln was looked on as one carrying out God's wishes, in freeing the slaves.

I guess you could say the same about Trump. Trump is carrying out god's wishes by having 5 children with 3 wives and multiple affairs. Bragging that he can grab women by the pussy because he is famous. He has admitted fraudlent businees practices with the Trump real estate university. He made ammends by paying back 25 million to those he cheated. He had a charity that was forced to close because the biggest benefactor was Donald Trump, illegal. Trump has said he has had no need to ask for god's forgiveness for anything. Possibly the only human being in the world who does not need god's forgiveness. When Trump was asked what his favorite verse in the Bible he could not come up with one. Maybe because he has not read it. Trump has said "nobody had done more for 'Christianity or for evangelicals or for religion itself' than me. Trump is obviously a humbe believer.

What history books have you read and where have you received your religous orientation.
Don't even go there, your ilk sneers at God on a daily basis, now you want to just smear Christians more....f*u
I will certainly go there. There is no bigger insult to the teachings God than to compare Trump's actions as being divinly driven.

You are not worshipping the same god I do. I think Trump could be the anti-Christ.
Real Trump derangement syndrome is MAGA supporters saying Trump is 'God's appointee' being 'crucified' by critics.
These people are not dealing in reality. It is a large % of the MAGA movement feel that way. Thinking like this is an insult to God.
I finally figured out Trump's attraction by his followers. It's a group Stockholm Syndrome affect. Nothing healthy , rational or good.

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