Real witchcraft in action.


Gold Member
Nov 17, 2012
This is in Romania, but could be anywhere.

A midlife crisis guy had enough of his nice wife, and paid a witch 900 euros to make her go away. Soon, he got a new and better job in another city, and moved there with his wife. The wife didn't want to, but then she found a good job there too, and they lived together there. Then he got fired and had to move back to his old city, but his wife didn't want to give up her job, so she split from him. Now he wants his wife back.

Here are the questions.

1. Is he stupid and selfish?
2. Is the witch successful?
3. Will the witch suffer, as a result of this successful splitting of his love life, which is a negative work?
4. Will he ever get his wife back? Will the work of the which like expire then the wife goes back?
5. Can he go back to the witch to fix his problem, or is he better to go to church to fix it?
Neither the witch nor church will have any effect. Instead of turning to magic to solve his problems, he should turn to his wife and hope it’s not too late.
This is in Romania, but could be anywhere.

A midlife crisis guy had enough of his nice wife, and paid a witch 900 euros to make her go away. Soon, he got a new and better job in another city, and moved there with his wife. The wife didn't want to, but then she found a good job there too, and they lived together there. Then he got fired and had to move back to his old city, but his wife didn't want to give up her job, so she split from him. Now he wants his wife back.

Here are the questions.

1. Is he stupid and selfish?
2. Is the witch successful?
3. Will the witch suffer, as a result of this successful splitting of his love life, which is a negative work?
4. Will he ever get his wife back? Will the work of the which like expire then the wife goes back?
5. Can he go back to the witch to fix his problem, or is he better to go to church to fix it?
First. Do you have a source for this rather apocryphal story? I ask, because I tried to source the story, and couldn't. I mean, don't get me wrong, if it was just a hypothetical, it is rather an amusing thought experiment.
This is in Romania, but could be anywhere.

A midlife crisis guy had enough of his nice wife, and paid a witch 900 euros to make her go away. Soon, he got a new and better job in another city, and moved there with his wife. The wife didn't want to, but then she found a good job there too, and they lived together there. Then he got fired and had to move back to his old city, but his wife didn't want to give up her job, so she split from him. Now he wants his wife back.

Here are the questions.

1. Is he stupid and selfish?
2. Is the witch successful?
3. Will the witch suffer, as a result of this successful splitting of his love life, which is a negative work?
4. Will he ever get his wife back? Will the work of the which like expire then the wife goes back?
5. Can he go back to the witch to fix his problem, or is he better to go to church to fix it?
First. Do you have a source for this rather apocryphal story? I ask, because I tried to source the story, and couldn't. I mean, don't get me wrong, if it was just a hypothetical, it is rather an amusing thought experiment.

This was part of the exposee about Romanian witchcraft on TV here in France. By the way, they say that Romanian president Ion Illiescu also believes in witchcraft, called a national witch convention, and made witchcraft tax exempt.

Witches are his least concern. The second half of this video shows just how far zombies have evolved.
This is in Romania, but could be anywhere.

A midlife crisis guy had enough of his nice wife, and paid a witch 900 euros to make her go away. Soon, he got a new and better job in another city, and moved there with his wife. The wife didn't want to, but then she found a good job there too, and they lived together there. Then he got fired and had to move back to his old city, but his wife didn't want to give up her job, so she split from him. Now he wants his wife back.

Here are the questions.

1. Is he stupid and selfish?
2. Is the witch successful?
3. Will the witch suffer, as a result of this successful splitting of his love life, which is a negative work?
4. Will he ever get his wife back? Will the work of the which like expire then the wife goes back?
5. Can he go back to the witch to fix his problem, or is he better to go to church to fix it?
All witches will join their master in Hell. Do not fear them. They have no power. Not against those who know Christ, at least. After all, demons believe in God, and they tremble.
This is in Romania, but could be anywhere.

A midlife crisis guy had enough of his nice wife, and paid a witch 900 euros to make her go away. Soon, he got a new and better job in another city, and moved there with his wife. The wife didn't want to, but then she found a good job there too, and they lived together there. Then he got fired and had to move back to his old city, but his wife didn't want to give up her job, so she split from him. Now he wants his wife back.

Here are the questions.
Okay. I can probably answer most of these from my memory of a period in my life when I practised neo-pagan witchcraft.

1. Is he stupid and selfish?
My personal opinion is yes. Yes he is stupid, and selfish.
2. Is the witch successful?
Well...he got what he paid for, didn't he? The rational mind screams coincidence, however, if one is inclined to believe in the power of witchcraft, then wouldn't achieving the desired result a demonstration of success?
3. Will the witch suffer, as a result of this successful splitting of his love life, which is a negative work?
Well, there's a couple of different ways to look at this. On the one hand, she did facilitate the dissolution of a marriage so that is a "bad thing", so, yeah, there may be some karmic blowback for that. On the other hand, as we have already established the husband was a weak, stupid, selfish man. So, didn't the witch actually do his wife a favour by ridding her of him? Which means that what she did wasn't really all that bad, now was it? See, this is the kind of consideration one needs to put into their actions as they consider, "Remember the three fold law ye should/three times bad, and three times good,"
4. Will he ever get his wife back? Will the work of the which like expire then the wife goes back?
It would depend on the work. Did he just ask the witch to make his wife "go away"? Or did he ask her to permanently remover her from his life? There's not really enough information to answer the question.
5. Can he go back to the witch to fix his problem, or is he better to go to church to fix it?
My personal opinion? I don't think he deserves to have this "fixed". His story is the perfect example of "Be careful what you ask just might get it," His ex-wife is clearly better off without his short-sighted, selfish ass.

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