Really, ban the word "bossy" ???

If the word "bossy" is banned, is this country doomed?

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You're a real trip, 2nd.

No one is suggesting making a law banning the word "bossy" - and even someone were, you think that's what would make "revolution" overdue?
You're a real trip, 2nd.

No one is suggesting making a law banning the word "bossy" - and even someone were, you think that's what would make "revolution" overdue?

It's been my experience that ideologies wanting to ban words, are the same ideologies that want to eliminate races, religions, and entire ethnicities, all under the auspices of one left-wing revolution or another.
You're a real trip, 2nd.

No one is suggesting making a law banning the word "bossy" - and even someone were, you think that's what would make "revolution" overdue?

It's been my experience that ideologies wanting to ban words, are the same ideologies that want to eliminate races, religions, and entire ethnicities, all under the auspices of one left-wing revolution or another.

The left wants to mix all races and cultures into one tan color. Sounds pretty fucking extreme to me.
2A is not "left wing". He's Wing Nut.

2nd is one of the few people around here with a sense of the absurd and some talent with acerbic wit. Why don't some of you lefty sloths practice up for 10 or 15 years, then one of two of you might actually learn to enjoy intelligence and humor...not at the same time of course. I'm not expecting miracles here.

Oh yeah! He's extremely talented. Such insight.
My God, how long will this crap go on. Women have just as much opportunity as men in the work place. No matter how much the rest of the world bends over backward to accommodate women in the work place its never enough. Yes women do things differently than men, there women. The glass ceiling is gone.
You're a real trip, 2nd.

No one is suggesting making a law banning the word "bossy" - and even someone were, you think that's what would make "revolution" overdue?

Only thing that could trigger another revolution (pointless as that would be,) would be disruption of basic services like power. Turn off the tvs for long enough and people will stumble outside. After a while it'll occur to them things are screwed up and some will make a futile gesture about changing it.

Though they claimed it was out of concern about the Soviets, I think the decentralization of the US government, and Continuity of Government (CoG) plans were more about ensuring the government could survive another revolution. And it can. Short of a massiv eTet-offensive like effort attacking many locations simultaneously, you could never disrupt the US government so completely that it collapsed. It's designed to survive a nuclear attack, what chance do a lot of Bubbas and Bobby-Rays have?

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