Rebel-on-Rebel Violence Seizes Syria


Diamond Member
May 8, 2004
Austin, TX
An al Qaeda spinoff operating near Aleppo, Syria's largest city, last week began a new battle campaign it dubbed "Expunging Filth."

The target wasn't their avowed enemy, the Syrian government. Instead, it was their nominal ally, the U.S.-backed Free Syrian Army.

Across northern and eastern Syria, units of the jihadist group known as ISIS are seizing territory—on the battlefield and behind the front lines—from Western-backed rebels.

Some FSA fighters now consider the extremists to be as big a threat to their survival as the forces of President Bashar al-Assad.
Doesn't look like a place that we should trust.
Al-Qaida-linked gunmen in northern Syria captured a town near the Turkish border after heavy clashes with a rebel group in the area, activists said Thursday.
Jihadis capture northern Syrian town near Turkey - World news
Yes, that the blueprint for the future of Syria. Once the Assad govt. falls, groups like this will fight each other for decades. By the time it's over Syria will be an unrecognizable war torn wasteland.
Assad´s govt won´t fall. He has many friends in the population and maybe, yes maybe, former rebels join the government forces to fight Al Qaeda.
Yes, that the blueprint for the future of Syria. Once the Assad govt. falls, groups like this will fight each other for decades. By the time it's over Syria will be an unrecognizable war torn wasteland.
Assad´s govt won´t fall. He has many friends in the population and maybe, yes maybe, former rebels join the government forces to fight Al Qaeda.
It will fall its just a question of when.
Yes, that the blueprint for the future of Syria. Once the Assad govt. falls, groups like this will fight each other for decades. By the time it's over Syria will be an unrecognizable war torn wasteland.
Assad´s govt won´t fall. He has many friends in the population and maybe, yes maybe, former rebels join the government forces to fight Al Qaeda.

THE battle becomes over freeing Syria of foreign invaders .
The Islamist freedom fighters have good reason to distrust the secular FSA rebels.

Because the FSA is western backed and they would allow Syria to become just another vassal state to the U.S. and Europe after the defeat of Assad. .. :cool:
Yes, that the blueprint for the future of Syria. Once the Assad govt. falls, groups like this will fight each other for decades. By the time it's over Syria will be an unrecognizable war torn wasteland.
Assad´s govt won´t fall. He has many friends in the population and maybe, yes maybe, former rebels join the government forces to fight Al Qaeda.
It will fall its just a question of when.
Read here:
I think what's being missed in this thread is the underlying motivation for the AQ/Sunni/salafi/wahabbi jihadis fighting in Syria. It's a continuation of the blood-feud that divides the Islamic tribes. This blood-feud has smoldered (with frequent flare ups) for more than a thousand years.

The Shiite'esqe Alawite tribe of Assad is an affront to the Sunni/salafi/wahabbi tribe. These lovely folks are reacting to the perceived "Shia Crescent" by way of Iran's influence with regard to Hizzbollacks joining the fight, (hizzbollocks being the local affiliate of the Iranian mullocrats).

The Sunni and Shia despise each other.

For some recent tongue kissing:

Revered Saudi cleric denounces Shi'ites as infidels - Israel News, Ynetnews

An influential cleric of Saudi Arabia's hardline Sunni school of Islam has denounced Shi'ite Muslims as "infidels" in a new religious edict that comes amid rising sectarian tension in the region.

"The rejectionists (Shi'ites) in their entirety are the worst of the Islamic nation's sects. They bear all the characteristics of infidels," Sheikh Abdel-Rahman al-Barrak said in the fatwa, or ruling, distributed on Islamist Web sites.

"They are in truth polytheist infidels, though they hide this," it said, citing theological differences 14 centuries after the death of the Prophet Mohammad, such as reverence of shrines which followers of Saudi Arabia's Wahhabi school consider abhorrent.

Concern is growing in Saudi Arabia, birthplace of Islam, over Shi'ite-Sunni violence in Iraq which has taken the northern neighbour to the brink of civil war. Sunni-Shi'ite tensions are also high in Lebanon, where Shi'ites are leading efforts to bring down a Sunni-led cabinet.

"The Sunni and Shi'ites schools of Islam are opposites that can never agree, there can be no coming together unless Sunnis give up their principles," the fatwa said.

Ya' know, every time I hear another politburo mouthpiece for islam utter the "fatwa" word, I just know that humanity is going to suffer because of it.

Anyway, this is pretty powerful stuff. In the orbit of the Moslem social milieu, being labeled an infidel is about as hateful a condemnation as can be hurled.
I think Zionazis like to stir up fighting between Muslims. It is only when these people foreign to the Middle East get in the middle of conflicts in nations like Lebanon and Syria that there are problems.

Just look at the source for that last article posted, a Zionazi propaganda rag!
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Yes, that the blueprint for the future of Syria. Once the Assad govt. falls, groups like this will fight each other for decades. By the time it's over Syria will be an unrecognizable war torn wasteland.
Assad´s govt won´t fall. He has many friends in the population and maybe, yes maybe, former rebels join the government forces to fight Al Qaeda.

THE battle becomes over freeing Syria of foreign invaders .
Lets get this straight. This uprising was started by Assad because he's a brutal, oppressive, bloodthirsty tyrant with other bloodthirsty tyrants like Iran at his side. After an entire year of him slaughtering his people by the tens of thousands, the neighboring Arabs and Muslims stepped in to assist the rebels with military and financial assistance, some of it going to radicalized Islamist groups, who are also Syrian. The radicalization occurred when the Syrian people realized that no one is going to come to their aid, and Assad can keep on slaughtering his people, with no end in sight. The 100,000 that have been bombed, gassed, and slaughtered by the Syrian army, are all Syrians.

All of this could have been prevented when the uprising was a movement by organized by moderate Muslims, and lack of support (possibly intentional by the West) caused the Islamists to gain power.

Now we have this mess to look forward to. Well, at least when Iran gets whacked soon, Syria won't be able to do much. Not that it could, anyhow.
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I think Zionazis like to stir up fighting between Muslims. It is only when these people foreign to the Middle East get in the middle of conflicts in nations like Lebanon and Syria that there are problems.

Just look at the source for that last article posted, a Zionazi propaganda rag!

Sorry, dear, but your being reality challenged is a function of your own failings.

Unless you're going to continue living under a rock, we can agree that the good sheik issuing the fatwa was not a "Zionazi".

I would say ideologically, at the root of the conflict and hatreds that cause moslems to 'splode the competing tribe are are the religious perspectives pulsing away. There are many in the competing Moslem tribes who will seek to define who is, and who is not a “real” Moslem and what “real” Islam is.

Secondly, the article I linked to was not carried exclusively by the "zionist press". The article was carried by many of the MSM's.

My goodness, but how sharper than a serpent's tooth is an angry Sherry?
The Islamist freedom fighters have good reason to distrust the secular FSA rebels.

Because the FSA is western backed and they would allow Syria to become just another vassal state to the U.S. and Europe after the defeat of Assad. .. :cool:
Yes, it's this kind of mentality that will guarantee Syrians to kill each other for decades to come.
Assad´s govt won´t fall. He has many friends in the population and maybe, yes maybe, former rebels join the government forces to fight Al Qaeda.
It will fall its just a question of when.
Read here:
So is the increase in Islamists and weapons from abroad. Buckle up, 'cause this shit is going to hit the fan big time. At some point the army is going to get tired of killing their own people, brothers, sisters, and children and then walk away. That's when Assad will grab all his money and take the next plane out, maybe to Iran, or maybe Venezuela. Who knows.
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I think Zionazis like to stir up fighting between Muslims. It is only when these people foreign to the Middle East get in the middle of conflicts in nations like Lebanon and Syria that there are problems.

Just look at the source for that last article posted, a Zionazi propaganda rag!
You think wrong. Muslims have been slaughtering each other for centuries now, going back to Mohammad's time. All of the Shiite or Sunni prophets have either been beheaded or slaughtered by other Muslims, sometimes even family members.

This tradition has continued into the 21st century and will do so in the foreseeable future. That's why you see Sunnis slaughtering Shiites in places like Pakistan, Yemen, or Iraq, and vice versa.

All the Muslim leaders, whether it be dictators or theocratic dictators have been brutal, barbaric, oppressive, corrupt leaders.

So really, there is nothing to stir up. If you leave Muslims to their own devices (and get the non Muslims out of the way), they will do a very good job of killing each other down to the very last person. All they need to do is to follow what the Koran says. Praise be to Allah.
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I think Zionazis like to stir up fighting between Muslims. It is only when these people foreign to the Middle East get in the middle of conflicts in nations like Lebanon and Syria that there are problems.

Just look at the source for that last article posted, a Zionazi propaganda rag!

Sorry, dear, but your being reality challenged is a function of your own failings.

Unless you're going to continue living under a rock, we can agree that the good sheik issuing the fatwa was not a "Zionazi".

I would say ideologically, at the root of the conflict and hatreds that cause moslems to 'splode the competing tribe are are the religious perspectives pulsing away. There are many in the competing Moslem tribes who will seek to define who is, and who is not a “real” Moslem and what “real” Islam is.

Secondly, the article I linked to was not carried exclusively by the "zionist press". The article was carried by many of the MSM's.

My goodness, but how sharper than a serpent's tooth is an angry Sherry?

Can you not comprehend the fact your source, a Zionazi propaganda rag, has no credibility?

I am not angry, what is there to be angry about?

It is really getting old, this Zionazi technique of alleging an individual is an extremist in a Propaganda Hasbara Report, and attributing one man's alleged extremism to all Muslims in our world.

We don't buy it, the Zionazis need to try another technique, present Propaganda techniques are failures!
Assad´s govt won´t fall. He has many friends in the population and maybe, yes maybe, former rebels join the government forces to fight Al Qaeda.
It will fall its just a question of when.
Read here:

These are certainly positive developments for the people of Syria.

The sooner they get these foreign agitators out of Syria, the better for the people of Syria.
I think Zionazis like to stir up fighting between Muslims. It is only when these people foreign to the Middle East get in the middle of conflicts in nations like Lebanon and Syria that there are problems.

Just look at the source for that last article posted, a Zionazi propaganda rag!

Sorry, dear, but your being reality challenged is a function of your own failings.

Unless you're going to continue living under a rock, we can agree that the good sheik issuing the fatwa was not a "Zionazi".

I would say ideologically, at the root of the conflict and hatreds that cause moslems to 'splode the competing tribe are are the religious perspectives pulsing away. There are many in the competing Moslem tribes who will seek to define who is, and who is not a “real” Moslem and what “real” Islam is.

Secondly, the article I linked to was not carried exclusively by the "zionist press". The article was carried by many of the MSM's.

My goodness, but how sharper than a serpent's tooth is an angry Sherry?

Can you not comprehend the fact your source, a Zionazi propaganda rag, has no credibility?

I am not angry, what is there to be angry about?

It is really getting old, this Zionazi technique of alleging an individual is an extremist in a Propaganda Hasbara Report, and attributing one man's alleged extremism to all Muslims in our world.

We don't buy it, the Zionazis need to try another technique, present Propaganda techniques are failures!

You're not paying attention. I already identified for you that the linked article was carried by the MSM. Here's your homework assignment. Put the following into a browser and report back to us what you find:

"Revered Saudi cleric denounces Shi'ites as infidels"

Honestly, dear, but your insensate joooooo hatred makes you a poor candidate to be taken seriously. This pathology you suffer from colors your every post and only makes you appear to be the hyper-ventilating, saliva-slinging loon.
Sorry, dear, but your being reality challenged is a function of your own failings.

Unless you're going to continue living under a rock, we can agree that the good sheik issuing the fatwa was not a "Zionazi".

I would say ideologically, at the root of the conflict and hatreds that cause moslems to 'splode the competing tribe are are the religious perspectives pulsing away. There are many in the competing Moslem tribes who will seek to define who is, and who is not a “real” Moslem and what “real” Islam is.

Secondly, the article I linked to was not carried exclusively by the "zionist press". The article was carried by many of the MSM's.

My goodness, but how sharper than a serpent's tooth is an angry Sherry?

Can you not comprehend the fact your source, a Zionazi propaganda rag, has no credibility?

I am not angry, what is there to be angry about?

It is really getting old, this Zionazi technique of alleging an individual is an extremist in a Propaganda Hasbara Report, and attributing one man's alleged extremism to all Muslims in our world.

We don't buy it, the Zionazis need to try another technique, present Propaganda techniques are failures!

You're not paying attention. I already identified for you that the linked article was carried by the MSM. Here's your homework assignment. Put the following into a browser and report back to us what you find:

"Revered Saudi cleric denounces Shi'ites as infidels"

Honestly, dear, but your insensate joooooo hatred makes you a poor candidate to be taken seriously. This pathology you suffer from colors your every post and only makes you appear to be the hyper-ventilating, saliva-slinging loon.

Who cares what one Islamic cleric allegedly said? He does not speak for all Muslims. Most Muslims do not hate other Muslims. Most Muslims do not want to kill other Muslims. Before the US invaded Iraq, after Israel encouraged them to do so, most Muslims in Iraq got along. There were issues with the Kurds, but that was tied up with their desire for their own country and they were Sunni, as was Saddam.

The fact is Israel is trying to stir up fighting between Sunnis and Shiites.
Can you not comprehend the fact your source, a Zionazi propaganda rag, has no credibility?

I am not angry, what is there to be angry about?

It is really getting old, this Zionazi technique of alleging an individual is an extremist in a Propaganda Hasbara Report, and attributing one man's alleged extremism to all Muslims in our world.

We don't buy it, the Zionazis need to try another technique, present Propaganda techniques are failures!

You're not paying attention. I already identified for you that the linked article was carried by the MSM. Here's your homework assignment. Put the following into a browser and report back to us what you find:

"Revered Saudi cleric denounces Shi'ites as infidels"

Honestly, dear, but your insensate joooooo hatred makes you a poor candidate to be taken seriously. This pathology you suffer from colors your every post and only makes you appear to be the hyper-ventilating, saliva-slinging loon.

Who cares what one Islamic cleric allegedly said? He does not speak for all Muslims. Most Muslims do not hate other Muslims. Most Muslims do not want to kill other Muslims. Before the US invaded Iraq, after Israel encouraged them to do so, most Muslims in Iraq got along. There were issues with the Kurds, but that was tied up with their desire for their own country and they were Sunni, as was Saddam.

The fact is Israel is trying to stir up fighting between Sunnis and Shiites.

We've made some progress. It seems you have abandoned your "Zionazi propaganda" charge as indefensible. Let the clouds part and the sun shine.

Unfortunately, you have sidestepped toward a different argument, one that denies the visceral hatreds separating the two largest tribes of islamism. You really should make the effort to understand the motivations for the historical and continued mass murder that defines Sunni vs. Shia relations.

As with most of the lesser followed tribes of the islam, the shia are considered a heretical sect by most of the majority sunni tribe. There are even groups with the sunni sect that are actively trying to purge the ummah of the shia and others. Some of those groups are in Iraq where we read of the continued asplodin' of mosques and the competing tribes adherents.

As to your claimed "fact" that Israel is trying to stir up fighting between Sunnis and Shiites, they don't need any external provocation.

You confuse your selfish need to believe conspiracy theories in place of, and in spite of, facts.

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