Rebels cut water supplies feeding Damascus


Nov 14, 2012
Terrorists are using water as weapon again...

"Opposition factions in Ain Al-Fijah have cut off, on Friday, water supply completely to the Syrian capital, Damascus, in order to force the government to implement the truce held earlier between the two warring parties.

The ‘move’ sparked a public backlash from locals who are just in their second day of fasting in the Holy month of Ramadan with a temperature nearly hits 36 degree.

The terms include a full cease of bombing, unconditional release of detainees, grant access to aid convoys and dismantle all barricades and checkpoints.

Fierce clashes with light and medium weapons have reportedly erupted between the two sides.

Ain Al-Fihah is a small town located 25 km to the southwest of Damascus and is administratively part of Rif Dimashq Governorate. The town contains the Ain Al-Fijah springs that supply Damascus with drinking water.

For the anti-government rebel groups, this is not the first time they use ‘water’ as a means to have some of their demands answered. Back in November 2014, Damascus also suffered water shortage for days before water is restored.
Zen Adra | Al-Masdar News

In May of the same year, Islamist fighters in Aleppo cut off water to the government-held districts for almost a week, creating a humanitarian crisis and risking the lives of thousands in Syria’s second largest city."

Rebels cut water supplies feeding Damascus
Steps taken to address shortage in water caused by terrorists’ actions

"Damascus, SANA – Director of the Damascus and Damascus Countryside Water Establishment Hussam Eddin Hreidin said that the establishment is currently employing backup reservoirs to compensate for the shortage of drinking water in Damascus which occurred after terrorists diverted the water of al-Fijeh spring to Barada valley.

Hreidin told SANA that the reservoirs cover around 40% of Damascus city’s water needs and are part of the Water Resources Ministry’s contingency plan for any potential emergency, saying that water may be unavailable for a day or two, but it will not be cut off from Damascus completely.

Terrorists had cut off the drinking water supplied to Damascus by diverting the water from al-Fijeh spring to Barada River as part of their systematic attacks and acts of vandalism on services sectors in a bid to pressure the people of Damascus."

Steps taken to address shortage in water caused by terrorists actions

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