Recession II - 2013. Brought to you by....YOU.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Well we voted them all back in.
And today we see that we will get what we voted for....everything remains the same.

Today Obama will do exactly what he did earlier this year. He will appear on television and just like before you will hear "working together"..."bipartisan"..."compromise".
Just like before. But that is for television. Also just like before, he will gather Republican leaders...once....and give them the opportunity to agree with him, and when they obviously don't - he will say Republicans refuse to cooperate, and the MSM media machine will go into full force calling Republicans obstructionist, protecting the rich - without mentioning...once...that reality is they simply want any new taxes to also include spending cuts and entitlement reform...which the Democrats will never agree to.
And we will get a new recession next year. The CBO agrees, and projects a return of 9% unemployment by the end of 2013.

WE - voted them back in.
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Recession loss to average household in the range of $50k-120k...

Households Lost Average of $50K-$120K in Great Recession
September 16, 2013 — As a result of the Great Recession, the average American household will have lost between $50,000 and $120,000 in earning potential, according to a letter from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Those figures assume that the country's economic output eventually returns to its pre-recession trend path. The estimated loss nationwide is between $6 trillion and $14 trillion, and the Dallas Fed partially attributes that wide range to uncertainty of how long the recovery will take. The letter also notes the losses could be greater than $14 trillion — possibly twice as much — when accounting for the psychological impact on Americans and if the crisis permanently lowers the path of future output, in comparison to other post-recession rebounds.

In addition to lost earning potential, U.S. households' net worth declined $16 trillion from the third quarter of 2007 to the first quarter of 2009 — a 24% dive. However, the Fed says it's more difficult to quantify how the pain of the economic downturn will linger in the minds of Americans —and furthermore, how it could impact their consumer behavior.

The Larger, Lasting Effects?

Further losses could result from the psychological effects of stress, reduced job security and unemployment-induced declines in self-worth. The letter mentioned other losses of human capital, including reduced economic opportunity and skill atrophy among the jobless and underemployed, as well as the economic impact of a lost public trust and cost of government intervention in the economic crisis. The high end of the loss estimate ($14 trillion) is nearly as much as the country's annual economic output, and lingering trauma may lead to the equivalent of two years' foregone consumption, the Dallas Fed said.

The way I see it, we never really emerged from the Bush recession of 2001.

Actually, we have been in a horrible cycle of recession/recovery since Kennedy's murder. This "economic system" has sucked for most Americans for the better part of decades. It's hard to believe we haven't looked for a better system yet.
Google Constitution Party

Google Constituionally Correct Radio, about the Constitution Party.

I'll post links when I get over my first 15 posts here.
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Constitutionally Correct
Well we voted them all back in.
And today we see that we will get what we voted for....everything remains the same.

Today Obama will do exactly what he did earlier this year. He will appear on television and just like before you will hear "working together"..."bipartisan"..."compromise".
Just like before. But that is for television. Also just like before, he will gather Republican leaders...once....and give them the opportunity to agree with him, and when they obviously don't - he will say Republicans refuse to cooperate, and the MSM media machine will go into full force calling Republicans obstructionist, protecting the rich - without mentioning...once...that reality is they simply want any new taxes to also include spending cuts and entitlement reform...which the Democrats will never agree to.
And we will get a new recession next year. The CBO agrees, and projects a return of 9% unemployment by the end of 2013.

WE - voted them back in.

For those who are done with the two-party-duopoly and are looking for a new home, let me introduce you to “The Constitution Party:”

Constitution Party > Home

If you’d like to learn more about the Constitution Party and understand the planks of the platform and other information, you will want to check out Constitution Party Talk Radio archives where there is a tremendous amount of information:

Constitutionally Correct

You DO understand that this system of government is based upon the Constitution, right? It may be that that ancient document does not answer to modern problems. We are still trying to address modern issues with 220 year-old answers.

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