RED ALERT! MELTDOWN CONFIRMED At Fukushima Nuclear Reactor


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
Greetings to All:

[ame=""]RED ALERT - OWN CONFIRMED At Fukushima Nuclear Reactor[/ame]

STRATFOR Global Intelligence

Red Alert: Nuclear Meltdown at Quake-Damaged Japanese Plant

March 12, 2011 | 0827 GMT

A March 12 explosion at the earthquake-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Okuma, Japan, appears to have caused a reactor meltdown.

The key piece of technology in a nuclear reactor is the control rods. Nuclear fuel generates neutrons; controlling the flow and production rate of these neutrons is what generates heat, and from the heat, electricity. Control rods absorb neutrons — the rods slide in and out of the fuel mass to regulate neutron emission, and with it, heat and electricity generation.

A meltdown occurs when the control rods fail to contain the neutron emission and the heat levels inside the reactor thus rise to a point that the fuel itself melts, generally temperatures in excess of 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit, causing uncontrolled radiation-generating reactions and making approaching the reactor incredibly hazardous. A meltdown does not necessarily mean a nuclear disaster. As long as the reactor core, which is specifically designed to contain high levels of heat, pressure and radiation, remains intact, the melted fuel can be dealt with. If the core breaches but the containment facility built around the core remains intact, the melted fuel can still be dealt with — typically entombed within specialized concrete — but the cost and difficulty of such containment increases exponentially.

However, the earthquake in Japan, in addition to damaging the ability of the control rods to regulate the fuel — and the reactor’s coolant system — appears to have damaged the containment facility, and the explosion almost certainly did. There have been reports of “white smoke,” perhaps burning concrete, coming from the scene of the explosion, indicating a containment breach and the almost certain escape of significant amounts of radiation. [More]

[ame=""]March 12, 2011 - Current assessment of Geologic Activity - CONFIRMED MELTDOWN 11am CST[/ame]

Dutchsinse made this report at 11 AM this morning saying the same thing. This story right here has the potential to affect the entire world and the earth change events are just getting started.

Before/After Pics

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Oh and, where's your thread on how Bush Sr, Bush Jr, Cheney and Halliburton detonated that massive super-secret protonuclear bomb under the ocean bed, to cause this earthquake so poppa Bush could finish his WW2 work eradicating the Japanese? You're slipping, you must be getting old.
Hi Mid:

Oh and, where's your thread on how Bush Sr, Bush Jr, Cheney and Halliburton detonated that massive super-secret protonuclear bomb in the ocean, to cause this earthquake so poppa Bush could finish his WW2 work eradicating the Japanese? You're slipping, you must be getting old.

[ame=""]Holy cows! This all you got?[/ame]

Here you go hotshot (What Happened on 9/11) start debunking. Diver and his idiots have the troll department covered, but this place can always use another loudmouth shill that cannot make a conspiracy case to save his sorry soul. Bush, Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld and all their hooligans are murderers of innocent Americans and thieves of trillions from innocent Americans and liars to millions of Americans and the world and you are one of their little stooges.

Take a number and get in line and welcome to the party. Your kind do not usually hang around long. ;0)

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Hi Mid:

Oh and, where's your thread on how Bush Sr, Bush Jr, Cheney and Halliburton detonated that massive super-secret protonuclear bomb in the ocean, to cause this earthquake so poppa Bush could finish his WW2 work eradicating the Japanese? You're slipping, you must be getting old.

[ame=""]Holy cows! This all you got?[/ame]

Diver and his idiots have the troll department covered, but this place can always use another loudmouth idiot that cannot make a conspiracy case to save his sorry soul. Bush, Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld and all their hooligans are murderers of innocent Americans and thieves of trillions from innocent Americans and liars to millions of Americans and the world and you are one of his little idiots. Take a number and get in line and welcome to the party. Your kind do not usually hang around long. ;0)

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You're such a fun kickball! Really.
Uh, I don't think people understand the "Japanese Crisis Mentality". The Japanese are trained to say "everythings just fine" and "no problem" from the time of their birth until the day they die. For everything. All the time. Don't make waves, gotta' have "Wa" (peace).

The Japanese are gonna' say every things' just fine right up until the power plant melts down and the management runs for the hills or starts committing "Hari Kari".

In fact, while they just released the latest "we have everything under control" propaganda message, they evacuated a larger area around that one nuclear plant. :eek:

They aren't anywhere near being out of danger.
this place can always use another loudmouth shill that cannot make a conspiracy case to save his sorry soul.
It takes a special kind of mental illness to "make" conspiracy theories. But it is good to see you so freely admit they are manufactured out of thin air!

See? You're getting old and SLIPPING!
From my link:
WASHINGTON - US nuclear experts warned Saturday that pumping sea water to cool a quake-hit Japanese nuclear reactor was an "act of desperation" that may foreshadow a Chernobyl-like disaster.

"The situation has become desperate enough that they apparently don't have the capability to deliver fresh water or plain water to cool the reactor and
stabilize it, and now, in an act of desperation, are having to resort to diverting and using sea water," said Robert Alvarez, who works on nuclear disarmament at the Institute for Policy Studies.

"I would describe this measure as a 'Hail Mary' pass," added Alvarez, using American football slang for a final effort to win the game as time expires.
I don't think Terral is overreacting at all.
From my link:
WASHINGTON - US nuclear experts warned Saturday that pumping sea water to cool a quake-hit Japanese nuclear reactor was an "act of desperation" that may foreshadow a Chernobyl-like disaster.

"The situation has become desperate enough that they apparently don't have the capability to deliver fresh water or plain water to cool the reactor and
stabilize it, and now, in an act of desperation, are having to resort to diverting and using sea water," said Robert Alvarez, who works on nuclear disarmament at the Institute for Policy Studies.

"I would describe this measure as a 'Hail Mary' pass," added Alvarez, using American football slang for a final effort to win the game as time expires.
I don't think Terral is overreacting at all.
The headline on the thread IS overreacting. At least he demonstrated the Pavlovian habit of starting the thread in the conspiracy forum. It took a long time for him to learn that.

The issue is, he WANTS it to melt down. Therefore he is reporting prematurely, that it has. He is essentially, a liar.

But we all, already knew that. Nothing new there.
I'm subscribing to this thread, just because I want to see if Terral is going to somehow tie this into the light-bending Brown Dwarf that's sitting in a gravity well behind Mars.
This is "the Terral effect." It's like the Boy who Cried Wolf. BECAUSE Terral is saying something, it becomes presumptively erroneous.

Sadly, in this case, like the proverbial broken clock, even Terral might be right.

There actually IS evidence suggesting that there has been a nuclear meltdown of some unknown dimension at the facility.

The apparent atmospheric release of caesium is a very bad sign implying that there is a very real chance that a meltdown has occurred.
From Kyodo News Service:
Another reactor at Fukushima nuke plant loses cooling functions | Kyodo News
Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Sunday another reactor of its quake-hit Fukushima nuclear power plants had lost its cooling functions, while at least 15 people at a nearby hospital were found to have been exposed to radioactivity. The utility supplier notified the government early Sunday morning that the No. 3 reactor at the No. 1 Fukushima plant had lost the ability to cool the reactor core. The reactor is now in the process of releasing radioactive steam, according to top government spokesman Yukio Edano.
It was the sixth reactor overall at the Fukushima No. 1 and No. 2 plants to undergo cooling failure since the massive earthquake and ensuing tsunami struck Japan on Friday.
From bad to worse. :frown:
Hi Lia:

This is "the Terral effect." It's like the Boy who Cried Wolf. BECAUSE Terral is saying something, it becomes presumptively erroneous.

Sadly, in this case, like the proverbial broken clock, even Terral might be right.

There actually IS evidence suggesting that there has been a nuclear meltdown of some unknown dimension at the facility.

The apparent atmospheric release of caesium is a very bad sign implying that there is a very real chance that a meltdown has occurred.

First of all, all of my Opening Posts include evidentiary support for my hypothesis, claims and conclusions. My OP's generally have more links to third-party information than all of my critics combined. I present the evidence and allow everyone to draw his own conclusions one way or the other. This event started from the earth change earthquake event caused by Nibiru (25 Symptoms).

The March 15, 2011 first conjunction/alignment (Timeline Topic) is still coming 'and' the super moon reaches perigee on March 19, 2011 (story). You guys might need to find a Nibiru Safe Zone (topic). We could be looking at a completely different world by the end of March. Then we still have Nibiru reaching perigee on September 11, 2011 for the pole shift starting September 26, 2011 at the second conjunction. Then we have the pole shift reversal around November 22, 2011 at the third conjunction, which means this roller coaster ride has just started.

Now many of you can understand why I headed for the hills March 1, 2011. ;0)

Hi Lia:

This is "the Terral effect." It's like the Boy who Cried Wolf. BECAUSE Terral is saying something, it becomes presumptively erroneous.

Sadly, in this case, like the proverbial broken clock, even Terral might be right.

There actually IS evidence suggesting that there has been a nuclear meltdown of some unknown dimension at the facility.

The apparent atmospheric release of caesium is a very bad sign implying that there is a very real chance that a meltdown has occurred.

First of all, all of my Opening Posts include evidentiary support for my hypothesis, claims and conclusions. My OP's generally have more links to third-party information than all of my critics combined. I present the evidence and allow everyone to draw his own conclusions one way or the other. This event started from the earth change earthquake event caused by Nibiru (25 Symptoms).

The March 15, 2011 first conjunction/alignment (Timeline Topic) is still coming 'and' the super moon reaches perigee on March 19, 2011 (story). You guys might need to find a Nibiru Safe Zone (topic). We could be looking at a completely different world by the end of March. Then we still have Nibiru reaching perigee on September 11, 2011 for the pole shift starting September 26, 2011 at the second conjunction. Then we have the pole shift reversal around November 22, 2011 at the third conjunction, which means this roller coaster ride has just started.

Now many of you can understand why I headed for the hills March 1, 2011. ;0)


Terral, would you please, for once, be a decent human being and just shut the fuck up?

This is not a soap-box event for your moronic, irrational and totally baseless theories. Linking to bullshit from YouTube is NOT support.

There is still no warp-speed traveling brown dwarf star and planetary system approaching us, you shit head. And even if one were closing in, it is nowhere near close enough to be seen or its gravitational effects felt in ANY way.

You are fucking reveling in this tragedy and the tragedy is growing worse by the hour. Yet you gloat.

Fuck yourself.

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