Red Corner with Richard Gere, the movie that started the ban of him and any of his movies in China, erasing his career


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
A decent movie. It's long before the current government so it is even more unrealistic than it would be today (it is probably worse today). These types of movies scare me far more than a horror movie because such circumstances occur in this world, with the same lack of justice (well, I wont spoil it if you didnt watch).

It is also a reminder why, as much as there is so much culturally that China has to offer, the fear of facing injustice is too dangerous. I know first hand about this injustice in Canada and all indications is that it is even worse there.

Like Canada, specifically Ontario; they may also face the consequences and loss of economic opportunities if they continue to abuse human rights. Maybe much of it is just lies, but, if I know what is going on in my country of socialism light, I can only guess what is occurring in other systems.
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