“Redistribute the wealth”

/----/ Care to back that nonsense up with some facts?

Fact - Only productive labor creates wealth.

Fact - Ownership does not create wealth.

Fact - Hording wealth is not the same as creating wealth.

So in your strange world ownership of a company doesn't earn wealth? No wonder employees like you are a dime a dozen.


I'm a long way from being a dime a dozen employee. Try six figures.

No ownership does not create wealth in and of itself. An owner may do some productive work that creates wealth, but ownership alone does not.

Hording wealth is not the same thing as creating wealth.
/——-/ Hording wealth? You’re mad they don’t share with you. Ahhhh pooor baby. Don’t cry.
Why do we continue to cut their taxes when it doesn’t work it’s way down

I'm waiting for prices to come down.

The mronic right keeps saying the corporations don't pay taxes, their customers do. Do taxes were cut & where is this price drop?

I see a lot of manufsacturers using a lot of steel are raising prices because the the orange idiot's tariffs.
Fact - Only productive labor creates wealth.

Fact - Ownership does not create wealth.

Fact - Hording wealth is not the same as creating wealth.

So in your strange world ownership of a company doesn't earn wealth? No wonder employees like you are a dime a dozen.


I'm a long way from being a dime a dozen employee. Try six figures.

No ownership does not create wealth in and of itself. An owner may do some productive work that creates wealth, but ownership alone does not.

Hording wealth is not the same thing as creating wealth.
/——-/ Hording wealth? You’re mad they don’t share with you. Ahhhh pooor baby. Don’t cry.
Why do we continue to cut their taxes when it doesn’t work it’s way down

I'm waiting for prices to come down.

The mronic right keeps saying the corporations don't pay taxes, their customers do. Do taxes were cut & where is this price drop?

I see a lot of manufsacturers using a lot of steel are raising prices because the the orange idiot's tariffs.
/——/ Yeah, Because 5 Fed rate hikes since Trump took office has no effect on the CPI.
So in your strange world ownership of a company doesn't earn wealth? No wonder employees like you are a dime a dozen.


I'm a long way from being a dime a dozen employee. Try six figures.

No ownership does not create wealth in and of itself. An owner may do some productive work that creates wealth, but ownership alone does not.

Hording wealth is not the same thing as creating wealth.
/——-/ Hording wealth? You’re mad they don’t share with you. Ahhhh pooor baby. Don’t cry.
Why do we continue to cut their taxes when it doesn’t work it’s way down

I'm waiting for prices to come down.

The mronic right keeps saying the corporations don't pay taxes, their customers do. Do taxes were cut & where is this price drop?

I see a lot of manufsacturers using a lot of steel are raising prices because the the orange idiot's tariffs.
/——/ Yeah, Because 5 Fed rate hikes since Trump took office has no effect on the CPI.
So now it is the Fed's fault? Like everyone did not know rates would go up. It is still lower than before Bush & the Republicans tried to kill America.
If anyone wants to give they can
we have homelessness, in alleged, Right to Work States.

Shouldn't employers promote a work ethic?

Shouldn't you promote your own work ethic
I didn't advocate for Right to Work States.

So what?

You can work at any business that will hire you
Why do we have any poverty, at all?

In the US we really don't have any poverty compared to the majority of the planet

You like most whining entitled Americans have never seen nor experienced real poverty
So you double the tax on rich people. How does that help you or I?

All that really does is give government more money to waste. And since we are 20 trillion in debt and still have deficits, the poor or working won't see a dime of it.

Deficits are going up. Ask your buddy Trump, your economy hero. The wealthy are getting wealthier under Trump & the Middle Class is going backwards,. Typical Republicanism & typical stupidity from Republican voters like you.

Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that the wealthy were not getting wealthier under DumBama and the middle-class were not going backwards? You really live in your own little world, don't you?

And I see you once again deflected. So here's the question again: If we double the tax on the wealthy, how does that help you or me?

Obama worked on changing the tax code. Additional taxes were put into effect that targeted rich people.

You li ve in the world of ignorance. Put down then gun & try picking up a book

Maybe you should take your own advice about reading a book.

HTF do you think that taking more money from people helps them get richer? Explain those dynamics please. DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lives. What made the rich people richer was the feds dumping trillions of dollars in phoney money into the stock market called Quantitive Easing.........look it up sometime.

The more of the tax burden is paid by the wealthy, the less is paid by the working class. This means the working class has more money to buy shit & that stimulates the economy.

Well now their taxes are lower and so are mine. There goes that theory.
We do not need to redistribute the wealth

Just why does public policy distribute money to the top instead of with working Americans

Because we have more products and services to purchase than ever before. We all give our money to the one percent; several times a week in fact. We buy gasoline, we have internet and cable, many eat out several times a week, we all have cell phones, we have computers, computer programs, we have several video game systems with dozens and dozens of games, big screen television sets.

The only way to stop the money from going to the top is to quit giving them all your money.

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Government has nothing to do with it. Raise minimum wage, and you create inflation. The $7.50 an hour worker who gets a raise from government to $15.00 an hour will find themselves right back in the exact same situation they started from because everything else will drastically increase in price. Then you will be demanding $20.00 an hour.

All you would really accomplish is more jobs leaving the state or country. Why do you think government promotes doubling the minimum wage? Because the higher wage you make, the more taxes you give to government. You're still dirt poor, but they really don't care about that.
Lol inflation depends on how high it is raised and how it is raised such as being indexed. Either way, if people make more money they SPEND more money. Consumer spending is 70% of our economy. This would obviously help the economy in the process.

No, I think you are mistaken. The economy depends on people spending residual or disposal income.

So Democrats take over and institute a $15.00 minimum wage. That means you are now making $600.00 a week instead of $300.00 a week. But your rent increases $100.00 a month. Your groceries increase $100.00 a month. Your utilities increase $100.00 a month. You'd be in worse shape after the increase than before because now you entered a higher income tax bracket where a higher percentage of you paycheck goes to government.
Lol you’re completely making up those figures. I really don’t think you understand the minimum wage debate. We aren’t proposing doubling it tomorrow. It’s gradually raising it over a few years. Again, the federal wage as you know, is only for 3% of the population so doubling it wouldn’t have some catastrophic effect. What’s reasonable is gradually raising it to $12 per hour. The effect on inflation in this case would be insignificant. Something at Burger King would go up by a few dimes and meanwhile a person has a few extra hundred bucks a month. We are talking about pennies on the dollar for any price hike.

Let me ask you this, if wages are already decades behind the rate of inflation, what is magically supposed to happen for corporations to drastically boost wages on their own accord? They maximize profit by spending as little as labor as they possibly can already. Corporate profits are already at an all time high. What exactly are you waiting for to happen? You’re deluding yourself.

Not every business is Burger King. Burger king sells 800 whoppers a day, the sell 400 cheeseburgers a day, they sell 1,200 beverages a day, they sell 700 french fries a day. Of course a minimum wage increase will only affect the prices minimally. However Joe's Hardware store does not sell 700 hammers a day. Bob's beverage store does not sell 500 12 packs a day.

Whether its graduate or immediate, what's the difference? Think people will notice less if it's gradual?

Yes, 3% of our workforce works for minimum wage, but increasing it creates a domino effect. I'm a landlord, and I have to pay the water and sewer bills here. If employees of the water and sewer departments make more money, then my water and sewer bills increase which I have to increase rents to recoup. Same goes if I have a lawn care service or a company to snowplow my parking lot and drive. Same goes if I need a plumber or remodeler. Everybody's wage increase because of the minimum wage increase, and we all pay those increases one way or another. We have to pass on those losses one way or another.
Or those companies could make a little less profit ?

Companies are created for the sole purpose of making profit. Don’t you think it would be counterproductive to do the opposite?

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The lower the minimum wage the higher the level of corporate welfare. The tax payer foots the bill in any scenario.
Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.
Tax breaks to billionaires sees the money go to Panama. Tax breaks for the poorest sees the money immediately recycled into the economy.
I struggle with the mindset of people who dont want poorly paid workers to get a bit more.

We do want them to get more, just not more of our money.

Question: how do we ever teach irresponsible people to be responsible if no matter what they do, we give them a way out?

Have kids you can't afford, we will feed them, give them medical care, and even baby sit for them if you have a job.

Dropped out of school or didn't pay attention; on dope? Have government subsidize your low pay.

Don't feel much like working. Go on our social programs.

Is it any wonder why there are poor people when we keep rewarding them to be poor?
Living on benefits is no life. Benefits/welfare is a corporate handout. But the majority of people having benefits are in work.. Here is the thing. If you cant feed yourself and put a roof over your head wen you are working full time then there is something wrong in society.
Its not the individual it is the job. Because even if the individual moves on the job remains.
Corporations can only pay shit wages because the tax payer is on hand to bail them out. That cant be right.

So it boils down to a very simple proposition.

We pay people a living wage as a minimum. Profits would have to come down a bit and we may have to pay a bit more for stuff.

Or we see people take starvation wages that are subsidised by the taxpayer at the request of the corporate donors.

At the moment its just a racket and our society is crumbling because of it.

You forgot option number three: if you can’t make ends meet, work more hours. If you can’t do that, find a part time job as well as your full time job. We did it all the time when we were younger. Nobody needed government. At one point I worked thee jobs. I worked 45 hours a week at my job, several hours at night at another job, and I had a weekend job.

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I’ve never understood what that phrase really means. There is never an explanation on how to do it.

Republicans of course automatically assume the extreme which is that the wealth would be radically distributed among the entire population which would eliminate the wealthy class of America and thus end capitalism as we know it. However, no prominent progressive has EVER suggested this. The issue on the left is the rising inequality between the middle class and wealthy class. We aren’t suggesting some naive, theoretical utopia where everyone lives off the same wealth regardless of their contribution to society and lives happily ever after. Republicans just assume that’s what lefties mean when we talk about wealth inequality because it makes for a convenient argument. It makes dismissing the leftwing ideology easy.

Of course, what lefties actually want to do is simply narrow the gap so that anyone working 40 hours a week doesn’t have to live in poverty. That’s it. That’s all lefties care about. In this current economy, that is impossible for 10s of millions of people. Why is that impossible? Because the top 3 richest people in the country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers.

Again, I’ll admit I don’t know how it should be done, but it needs to be done. Radical change is necessary. The last time someone could comfortably live off $10 per hour was in the 1960’s.

Here’s the problem lefties don’t understand because they fundamentally lack the basic understanding on how capitalism works. Under socialism, wealth is a finite thing. There’s no incentive nor basis upon which to create additional resources or wealth, so it’s limited. We saw it time & time again. But under capitalism, there is no finite limit. Competition & ingenuity drive the model. You can go on creating forever because the well never runs dry. This system is a proven winner time & time again. The idea isn’t to redistribute wealth, but rather generate additional wealth. Only one system does that...
You’re pretending socialist aspects can’t be mixed with a capitalist model. I’m all for capitalism, but unfettered capitalism does nothing besides besides make the wealthy more wealthy. It serves no purpose in creating a strong middle class or to minimize poverty. Only through government intervention can the middle and poor class benefit.

Government has nothing to do with it. Raise minimum wage, and you create inflation. The $7.50 an hour worker who gets a raise from government to $15.00 an hour will find themselves right back in the exact same situation they started from because everything else will drastically increase in price. Then you will be demanding $20.00 an hour.

All you would really accomplish is more jobs leaving the state or country. Why do you think government promotes doubling the minimum wage? Because the higher wage you make, the more taxes you give to government. You're still dirt poor, but they really don't care about that.
Lol inflation depends on how high it is raised and how it is raised such as being indexed. Either way, if people make more money they SPEND more money. Consumer spending is 70% of our economy. This would obviously help the economy in the process.

No, I think you are mistaken. The economy depends on people spending residual or disposal income.

So Democrats take over and institute a $15.00 minimum wage. That means you are now making $600.00 a week instead of $300.00 a week. But your rent increases $100.00 a month. Your groceries increase $100.00 a month. Your utilities increase $100.00 a month. You'd be in worse shape after the increase than before because now you entered a higher income tax bracket where a higher percentage of you paycheck goes to government.
all the poor do is spend their disposable income.
Lol inflation depends on how high it is raised and how it is raised such as being indexed. Either way, if people make more money they SPEND more money. Consumer spending is 70% of our economy. This would obviously help the economy in the process.

No, I think you are mistaken. The economy depends on people spending residual or disposal income.

So Democrats take over and institute a $15.00 minimum wage. That means you are now making $600.00 a week instead of $300.00 a week. But your rent increases $100.00 a month. Your groceries increase $100.00 a month. Your utilities increase $100.00 a month. You'd be in worse shape after the increase than before because now you entered a higher income tax bracket where a higher percentage of you paycheck goes to government.
Lol you’re completely making up those figures. I really don’t think you understand the minimum wage debate. We aren’t proposing doubling it tomorrow. It’s gradually raising it over a few years. Again, the federal wage as you know, is only for 3% of the population so doubling it wouldn’t have some catastrophic effect. What’s reasonable is gradually raising it to $12 per hour. The effect on inflation in this case would be insignificant. Something at Burger King would go up by a few dimes and meanwhile a person has a few extra hundred bucks a month. We are talking about pennies on the dollar for any price hike.

Let me ask you this, if wages are already decades behind the rate of inflation, what is magically supposed to happen for corporations to drastically boost wages on their own accord? They maximize profit by spending as little as labor as they possibly can already. Corporate profits are already at an all time high. What exactly are you waiting for to happen? You’re deluding yourself.

Not every business is Burger King. Burger king sells 800 whoppers a day, the sell 400 cheeseburgers a day, they sell 1,200 beverages a day, they sell 700 french fries a day. Of course a minimum wage increase will only affect the prices minimally. However Joe's Hardware store does not sell 700 hammers a day. Bob's beverage store does not sell 500 12 packs a day.

Whether its graduate or immediate, what's the difference? Think people will notice less if it's gradual?

Yes, 3% of our workforce works for minimum wage, but increasing it creates a domino effect. I'm a landlord, and I have to pay the water and sewer bills here. If employees of the water and sewer departments make more money, then my water and sewer bills increase which I have to increase rents to recoup. Same goes if I have a lawn care service or a company to snowplow my parking lot and drive. Same goes if I need a plumber or remodeler. Everybody's wage increase because of the minimum wage increase, and we all pay those increases one way or another. We have to pass on those losses one way or another.
Or those companies could make a little less profit ?

Companies are created for the sole purpose of making profit. Don’t you think it would be counterproductive to do the opposite?

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I think there needs to be a balance. It seems to me that,at the moment, our society is out of balance.
Companies make their profits by pitting workers against each other,screwing suppliers and taking government handouts.
I have a friend who is a dairy farmer and they are being screwed by the big supermarkets. Its a rigged market.

If ,for example, Burger King have a business model that cant afford to pay a decent wage, or pay suppliers a decent rate, then they have an artificial business model and they should go under.

Someone else will come forward to fill the gap. But the point is that Burger king is very profitable and could afford to treat people better.

Governments all over the world need to tackle the corporate welfare scandal. We are being taken for mugs by billionaires.
we have homelessness, in alleged, Right to Work States.

Shouldn't employers promote a work ethic?

Shouldn't you promote your own work ethic
I didn't advocate for Right to Work States.

So what?

You can work at any business that will hire you
Why do we have any poverty, at all?

In the US we really don't have any poverty compared to the majority of the planet

You like most whining entitled Americans have never seen nor experienced real poverty
A simple poverty of money in any first world capital based economy, is real poverty.
The lower the minimum wage the higher the level of corporate welfare. The tax payer foots the bill in any scenario.
Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.
Tax breaks to billionaires sees the money go to Panama. Tax breaks for the poorest sees the money immediately recycled into the economy.
I struggle with the mindset of people who dont want poorly paid workers to get a bit more.

We do want them to get more, just not more of our money.

Question: how do we ever teach irresponsible people to be responsible if no matter what they do, we give them a way out?

Have kids you can't afford, we will feed them, give them medical care, and even baby sit for them if you have a job.

Dropped out of school or didn't pay attention; on dope? Have government subsidize your low pay.

Don't feel much like working. Go on our social programs.

Is it any wonder why there are poor people when we keep rewarding them to be poor?
Living on benefits is no life. Benefits/welfare is a corporate handout. But the majority of people having benefits are in work.. Here is the thing. If you cant feed yourself and put a roof over your head wen you are working full time then there is something wrong in society.
Its not the individual it is the job. Because even if the individual moves on the job remains.
Corporations can only pay shit wages because the tax payer is on hand to bail them out. That cant be right.

So it boils down to a very simple proposition.

We pay people a living wage as a minimum. Profits would have to come down a bit and we may have to pay a bit more for stuff.

Or we see people take starvation wages that are subsidised by the taxpayer at the request of the corporate donors.

At the moment its just a racket and our society is crumbling because of it.

You forgot option number three: if you can’t make ends meet, work more hours. If you can’t do that, find a part time job as well as your full time job. We did it all the time when we were younger. Nobody needed government. At one point I worked thee jobs. I worked 45 hours a week at my job, several hours at night at another job, and I had a weekend job.

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Most people who are on the breadline do have more than one job. In the UK the abusive employers cap hours just below the level where they have to pay benefits to staff. We also have the US invention of zero hours contracts where people dont know what hours they will get week to week. How does that benefit society ?
Its a race to the bottom and society will pick up the tab at some point.
Shouldn't you promote your own work ethic
I didn't advocate for Right to Work States.

So what?

You can work at any business that will hire you
Why do we have any poverty, at all?

In the US we really don't have any poverty compared to the majority of the planet

You like most whining entitled Americans have never seen nor experienced real poverty
A simple poverty of money in any first world capital based economy, is real poverty.

Get a job, save some money and travel to Central and South America or Africa then come back and tell me what real poverty is
Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.
Tax breaks to billionaires sees the money go to Panama. Tax breaks for the poorest sees the money immediately recycled into the economy.
I struggle with the mindset of people who dont want poorly paid workers to get a bit more.

We do want them to get more, just not more of our money.

Question: how do we ever teach irresponsible people to be responsible if no matter what they do, we give them a way out?

Have kids you can't afford, we will feed them, give them medical care, and even baby sit for them if you have a job.

Dropped out of school or didn't pay attention; on dope? Have government subsidize your low pay.

Don't feel much like working. Go on our social programs.

Is it any wonder why there are poor people when we keep rewarding them to be poor?
Living on benefits is no life. Benefits/welfare is a corporate handout. But the majority of people having benefits are in work.. Here is the thing. If you cant feed yourself and put a roof over your head wen you are working full time then there is something wrong in society.
Its not the individual it is the job. Because even if the individual moves on the job remains.
Corporations can only pay shit wages because the tax payer is on hand to bail them out. That cant be right.

So it boils down to a very simple proposition.

We pay people a living wage as a minimum. Profits would have to come down a bit and we may have to pay a bit more for stuff.

Or we see people take starvation wages that are subsidised by the taxpayer at the request of the corporate donors.

At the moment its just a racket and our society is crumbling because of it.

You forgot option number three: if you can’t make ends meet, work more hours. If you can’t do that, find a part time job as well as your full time job. We did it all the time when we were younger. Nobody needed government. At one point I worked thee jobs. I worked 45 hours a week at my job, several hours at night at another job, and I had a weekend job.

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Most people who are on the breadline do have more than one job. In the UK the abusive employers cap hours just below the level where they have to pay benefits to staff. We also have the US invention of zero hours contracts where people dont know what hours they will get week to week. How does that benefit society ?
Its a race to the bottom and society will pick up the tab at some point.

Since when is business supposed to benefit society?
Most people who are on the breadline do have more than one job. In the UK the abusive employers cap hours just below the level where they have to pay benefits to staff. We also have the US invention of zero hours contracts where people dont know what hours they will get week to week. How does that benefit society ?
Its a race to the bottom and society will pick up the tab at some point.

The government set the conditions under which the businesses decided to cap hours. The government tried to force the businesses to pay extra benefits and screwed the workers as a result. To answer your question, the government didn't do a damn thing to benefit society in that scenario, so what else would you like the government to screw up?
Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.
Tax breaks to billionaires sees the money go to Panama. Tax breaks for the poorest sees the money immediately recycled into the economy.
I struggle with the mindset of people who dont want poorly paid workers to get a bit more.

We do want them to get more, just not more of our money.

Question: how do we ever teach irresponsible people to be responsible if no matter what they do, we give them a way out?

Have kids you can't afford, we will feed them, give them medical care, and even baby sit for them if you have a job.

Dropped out of school or didn't pay attention; on dope? Have government subsidize your low pay.

Don't feel much like working. Go on our social programs.

Is it any wonder why there are poor people when we keep rewarding them to be poor?
Living on benefits is no life. Benefits/welfare is a corporate handout. But the majority of people having benefits are in work.. Here is the thing. If you cant feed yourself and put a roof over your head wen you are working full time then there is something wrong in society.
Its not the individual it is the job. Because even if the individual moves on the job remains.
Corporations can only pay shit wages because the tax payer is on hand to bail them out. That cant be right.

So it boils down to a very simple proposition.

We pay people a living wage as a minimum. Profits would have to come down a bit and we may have to pay a bit more for stuff.

Or we see people take starvation wages that are subsidised by the taxpayer at the request of the corporate donors.

At the moment its just a racket and our society is crumbling because of it.

You forgot option number three: if you can’t make ends meet, work more hours. If you can’t do that, find a part time job as well as your full time job. We did it all the time when we were younger. Nobody needed government. At one point I worked thee jobs. I worked 45 hours a week at my job, several hours at night at another job, and I had a weekend job.

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Most people who are on the breadline do have more than one job. In the UK the abusive employers cap hours just below the level where they have to pay benefits to staff. We also have the US invention of zero hours contracts where people dont know what hours they will get week to week. How does that benefit society ?
Its a race to the bottom and society will pick up the tab at some point.

Well we do share one thing in common, and that is government Fn up industry. Here we reward people for not working. Where you are at they reward companies for not giving enough hours to workers. Maybe the solution is to get government out of the workplace?

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I didn't advocate for Right to Work States.

So what?

You can work at any business that will hire you
Why do we have any poverty, at all?

In the US we really don't have any poverty compared to the majority of the planet

You like most whining entitled Americans have never seen nor experienced real poverty
A simple poverty of money in any first world capital based economy, is real poverty.

Get a job, save some money and travel to Central and South America or Africa then come back and tell me what real poverty is
We have a First World economy. Only the right wing, never gets it.
Tax breaks to billionaires sees the money go to Panama. Tax breaks for the poorest sees the money immediately recycled into the economy.
I struggle with the mindset of people who dont want poorly paid workers to get a bit more.

We do want them to get more, just not more of our money.

Question: how do we ever teach irresponsible people to be responsible if no matter what they do, we give them a way out?

Have kids you can't afford, we will feed them, give them medical care, and even baby sit for them if you have a job.

Dropped out of school or didn't pay attention; on dope? Have government subsidize your low pay.

Don't feel much like working. Go on our social programs.

Is it any wonder why there are poor people when we keep rewarding them to be poor?
Living on benefits is no life. Benefits/welfare is a corporate handout. But the majority of people having benefits are in work.. Here is the thing. If you cant feed yourself and put a roof over your head wen you are working full time then there is something wrong in society.
Its not the individual it is the job. Because even if the individual moves on the job remains.
Corporations can only pay shit wages because the tax payer is on hand to bail them out. That cant be right.

So it boils down to a very simple proposition.

We pay people a living wage as a minimum. Profits would have to come down a bit and we may have to pay a bit more for stuff.

Or we see people take starvation wages that are subsidised by the taxpayer at the request of the corporate donors.

At the moment its just a racket and our society is crumbling because of it.

You forgot option number three: if you can’t make ends meet, work more hours. If you can’t do that, find a part time job as well as your full time job. We did it all the time when we were younger. Nobody needed government. At one point I worked thee jobs. I worked 45 hours a week at my job, several hours at night at another job, and I had a weekend job.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Most people who are on the breadline do have more than one job. In the UK the abusive employers cap hours just below the level where they have to pay benefits to staff. We also have the US invention of zero hours contracts where people dont know what hours they will get week to week. How does that benefit society ?
Its a race to the bottom and society will pick up the tab at some point.

Since when is business supposed to benefit society?
We have a social contract not a capital contract for a Constitution.

Sorry to burst your bubble.
So what?

You can work at any business that will hire you
Why do we have any poverty, at all?

In the US we really don't have any poverty compared to the majority of the planet

You like most whining entitled Americans have never seen nor experienced real poverty
A simple poverty of money in any first world capital based economy, is real poverty.

Get a job, save some money and travel to Central and South America or Africa then come back and tell me what real poverty is
We have a First World economy. Only the right wing, never gets it.
And we have no real poverty

Only you don't get that
No, I think you are mistaken. The economy depends on people spending residual or disposal income.

So Democrats take over and institute a $15.00 minimum wage. That means you are now making $600.00 a week instead of $300.00 a week. But your rent increases $100.00 a month. Your groceries increase $100.00 a month. Your utilities increase $100.00 a month. You'd be in worse shape after the increase than before because now you entered a higher income tax bracket where a higher percentage of you paycheck goes to government.
Lol you’re completely making up those figures. I really don’t think you understand the minimum wage debate. We aren’t proposing doubling it tomorrow. It’s gradually raising it over a few years. Again, the federal wage as you know, is only for 3% of the population so doubling it wouldn’t have some catastrophic effect. What’s reasonable is gradually raising it to $12 per hour. The effect on inflation in this case would be insignificant. Something at Burger King would go up by a few dimes and meanwhile a person has a few extra hundred bucks a month. We are talking about pennies on the dollar for any price hike.

Let me ask you this, if wages are already decades behind the rate of inflation, what is magically supposed to happen for corporations to drastically boost wages on their own accord? They maximize profit by spending as little as labor as they possibly can already. Corporate profits are already at an all time high. What exactly are you waiting for to happen? You’re deluding yourself.

Not every business is Burger King. Burger king sells 800 whoppers a day, the sell 400 cheeseburgers a day, they sell 1,200 beverages a day, they sell 700 french fries a day. Of course a minimum wage increase will only affect the prices minimally. However Joe's Hardware store does not sell 700 hammers a day. Bob's beverage store does not sell 500 12 packs a day.

Whether its graduate or immediate, what's the difference? Think people will notice less if it's gradual?

Yes, 3% of our workforce works for minimum wage, but increasing it creates a domino effect. I'm a landlord, and I have to pay the water and sewer bills here. If employees of the water and sewer departments make more money, then my water and sewer bills increase which I have to increase rents to recoup. Same goes if I have a lawn care service or a company to snowplow my parking lot and drive. Same goes if I need a plumber or remodeler. Everybody's wage increase because of the minimum wage increase, and we all pay those increases one way or another. We have to pass on those losses one way or another.
Or those companies could make a little less profit ?

Companies are created for the sole purpose of making profit. Don’t you think it would be counterproductive to do the opposite?

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I think there needs to be a balance. It seems to me that,at the moment, our society is out of balance.
Companies make their profits by pitting workers against each other,screwing suppliers and taking government handouts.
I have a friend who is a dairy farmer and they are being screwed by the big supermarkets. Its a rigged market.

If ,for example, Burger King have a business model that cant afford to pay a decent wage, or pay suppliers a decent rate, then they have an artificial business model and they should go under.

Someone else will come forward to fill the gap. But the point is that Burger king is very profitable and could afford to treat people better.

Governments all over the world need to tackle the corporate welfare scandal. We are being taken for mugs by billionaires.

If you came across a small fortune, let’s say 200k cash, what would you do with it?

Your house is paid for, so is your car, and you even have a few grand in the bank, what would you do with that extra money?

If you were smart, you would invest it. You would look for a low risk investment with the highest return. So would most people.

Businesses heavily rely on investors, so they try to produce the highest return for them to attract people just like you. Could they overpay workers? Sure they could, and it would cost them a ton of money and investors. You would transfer your money to a better paying company. After all, this is life changing money we’re talking about here.

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