Reefer Madness

That must be some outstanding weed. I have never, not once, hallucinated while under the influence of cannabis. And I have consumed it in almost every way imaginable.
That must be some outstanding weed. I have never, not once, hallucinated while under the influence of cannabis. And I have consumed it in almost every way imaginable.

Maybe you could offer your experience as evidence in the murder case. You might want to discuss it with Rudy Eugene first.
That must be some outstanding weed. I have never, not once, hallucinated while under the influence of cannabis. And I have consumed it in almost every way imaginable.

Maybe you could offer your experience as evidence in the murder case. You might want to discuss it with Rudy Eugene first.

Do you have a problem with my post? Was there something wrong with sharing my experience?
That must be some outstanding weed. I have never, not once, hallucinated while under the influence of cannabis. And I have consumed it in almost every way imaginable.

Maybe you could offer your experience as evidence in the murder case. You might want to discuss it with Rudy Eugene first.

Do you have a problem with my post? Was there something wrong with sharing my experience?

Nothing wrong with anecdotal recitations. It just isn't proof of anything.

I just read a story from a reporter on CNN if I recall correctly. I will try to find it, but she and her husband decided to go skiing in Denver with the purpose of trying pot. She got edibles, truffles for him and a cookie for her. She said the girl (budtender) who sold it told her to eat only a quarter of the cookie. She then goes onto describe being up for the next 8 hours with panic attacks and heart palpitations and tripping. At the end she questions if she ate too much... So perhaps those new to smoking pot or edibles won't know what to expect?

Earlier, my budtender warned me to only eat a quarter of the cookie, but I must have consumed more than was recommended because the next eight hours turned into a heart-racing, chest-thumping, head-spinning trip.

Rocky Mountain high, or how I spent my family vacation -

Here is another report about the woman killed above, she said he was smoking dope and started freaking out.

Police investigate possible pot role in Denver woman's killing; husband, Richard Kirk, arrested - 7NEWS Denver
The main reason I never did LSD or mushroom is that I was absolutely weird from pot (I mean more so than usual) The first time I tried it was at an Allman Brothers concert in NJ and I could swear the person behind me was reading my mind.

One time in college, the local dealer offered me "reefer". It must have been laced with something because an hour later I was trying to find my way back to the campus by following footprints in the grass as if I was Sherlock Holmes. It made perfect sense to me at the time.

My wife and I occasionally smoke on the back deck. It makes me want to multi-task
The main reason I never did LSD or mushroom is that I was absolutely weird from pot (I mean more so than usual) The first time I tried it was at an Allman Brothers concert in NJ and I could swear the person behind me was reading my mind.

One time in college, the local dealer offered me "reefer". It must have been laced with something because an hour later I was trying to find my way back to the campus by following footprints in the grass as if I was Sherlock Holmes. It made perfect sense to me at the time.

My wife and I occasionally smoke on the back deck. It makes me want to multi-task

I was trying to find my way back to the campus by following footprints in the grass as if I was Sherlock Holmes. It made perfect sense to me at the time.

I don't smoke a lot of weed anymore. Too hard to get and too expensive.

But back in the day, I smoked up my share and my favorite part of the "experience" was how it could make the mundane interesting.

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