Reexamining Eugenic Government Murder


Sep 23, 2010
David Catron’s fabulous article about Jonathan Gruber and eugenics might bring an important topic to the fore where it belongs although there is not much chance media ghouls will touch it. Republican Thomas Massie in these two brief videos is a good start:

Please read the article because there is far too much in Catron’s piece for me to cover the Democrat party’s long running butchery. Eugenics goes all the way back to the Progressive Movement in the early 1900s. Suffice to say that Progressive Movement eugenics was responsible for the philosophical force that gave the modern world totalitarian government mass murders. Today, Progressives call themselves liberals.

I want to single out one well-known item that shows that Democrats are committed to funding abortion with tax dollars —— the very thing they have been lying about for years:

Considering his views on the subject, it is virtually certain that Gruber was also involved in the decision to require insurance carriers to include abortion coverage in policies sold through Obamacare exchanges.

Thus, despite the President’s guarantee to gulls like former congressman Bart Stupak that Obamacare would not fund abortions, a recent report from the Government Accountability Office indicates that 1,036 health plans sold through exchanges in 28 states cover “abortion services.” Is it reasonable to associate this with eugenics? To answer that question, it’s necessary to contrast those who insist on the coverage of abortions with the people who actually avail themselves of these “services.” Oddly enough, it is primarily middle class white progressives who push abortion on demand, but most of those who send their unborn babies to “Elsewhere” are women of color.


Most white progressives claim abortion on demand is about “reproductive freedom.” Gruber’s paper suggests that it’s really about controlling the growth of inconvenient segments of the population.

Obamacare and Eugenics
Is “positive selection” a part of PPACA’s cost control strategy?
By David Catron – 12.15.14

Obamacare and Eugenics The American Spectator

NOTE: John Kerry, as foul a piece of lying scum that ever lived, pulled a Gruber when he let the truth slip out in 2003:

In any event, John Kerry let the true reason behind abortion slip out in his losing bid for the presidency:

But Kerry has gone what in better days would have been universally held to be one bridge too far. In a speech last year to the NARAL Pro-Choice America Dinner, he gave an intellectually suicidal summary of his views.

He began by saying that "there is no overturning of Roe v. Wade." He went on: "There is no outlawing of a procedure necessary to save a woman's life or health." That statement of course begs the question on which the entire Congress and the state legislatures and the Supreme Court have been stalled for years, namely, Is the invocation of "health," if made by the woman alone, conclusive in authorizing abortion? If so, Roe v. Wade, which did not authorize willful third-trimester abortions, stands to be revised as the Roe-Wade-Kerry decision.

Kerry continued: "There (shall be) no more cutbacks on population control efforts around the world." This endorses abortion Chinese-style. Too many people? Too few abortions.

But the eye-popper was still to come: "We need to honestly and confidently and candidly take this issue out to the country and we need to speak up and be proud of what we stand for."

Crooked thought
William F. Buckley
February 26, 2004

Crooked thought - William F. Buckley - Page 1

Democrats prefer putting illegal aliens on the welfare state rather than dismantle the welfare state. Their solution to overpopulation is killing infants and the elderly rather than maintaining a stable population.

Conclusion: Democrats prefer killing. Even with many foreign governments putting in with our federal government’s policy of eugenics, I cannot see how the butchers can ever catch up on the killing worldwide. Question: How many billions will be eugenically disposed of in order to satiate Socialism’s bloodlust?

Finally, Taqiyya the Liar’s load of crap:

also says “You did not get your morality on your on. You got help from government butchers.”

Frankly, I can get along without federal government morality that teaches killing.
But as it is written in the Bible, it's okay for God to perform abortions or kill at will....
Let’s not kid each other. Handing Planned Parenthood tax dollars to pay for every abort for any reason is the cornerstone of the Democrat party’s culture of death enshrined by Kermit Gosnell. You can watch two suck-ups being oh so clever in the included video:

“There has been, not on the part of the administration, but an issue surrounding the misinterpretation of the Helms Amendment that prohibits the use of funds ‘for the performance of abortion as a method of family planning,’” she told Kerry during a House Appropriations’ subcommittee hearing on Wednesday.

“But it’s been incorrectly implemented, essentially to become a total ban on funding for abortion.”

The Florida Democrat said she hated “to use the term ‘nuance,’ but there’s a difference between prohibiting abortion entirely and prohibiting its use as a method of family planning.”

She asked Kerry whether the “misinterpretation” had been addressed.

As Kerry offered to investigate the matter, Wasserman Schultz interjected to stress that the situation “predates this administration,” to which Kerry replied, “I’m not taking it personally, I assure you.”


In citing the 1973 Helms Amendment to foreign aid legislation, Wasserman Schultz only quoted part of it.

In full it reads: “No foreign assistance funds may be used to pay for the performance of abortion as a method of family planning or to motivate or coerce any person to practice abortions.”

Wasserman Schultz Complains That Helms Amendment Has Become ‘A Total Ban on Abortion’
February 27, 2015 - 4:28 AM
By Patrick Goodenough

CNS News

Wasserman was not as clever as she thought she was. Connecting Kerry to population control was a big mistake. Too many Americans know what Kerry stands for:

In any event, John Kerry let the true reason behind abortion slip out in his losing bid for the presidency:

But Kerry has gone what in better days would have been universally held to be one bridge too far. In a speech last year to the NARAL Pro-Choice America Dinner, he gave an intellectually suicidal summary of his views.

He began by saying that "there is no overturning of Roe v. Wade." He went on: "There is no outlawing of a procedure necessary to save a woman's life or health." That statement of course begs the question on which the entire Congress and the state legislatures and the Supreme Court have been stalled for years, namely, Is the invocation of "health," if made by the woman alone, conclusive in authorizing abortion? If so, Roe v. Wade, which did not authorize willful third-trimester abortions, stands to be revised as the Roe-Wade-Kerry decision.

Kerry continued: "There (shall be) no more cutbacks on population control efforts around the world." This endorses abortion Chinese-style. Too many people? Too few abortions.

But the eye-popper was still to come: "We need to honestly and confidently and candidly take this issue out to the country and we need to speak up and be proud of what we stand for."

Crooked thought
William F. Buckley
February 26, 2004

Crooked thought - William F. Buckley - Page 1
David Catron’s fabulous article about Jonathan Gruber and eugenics might bring an important topic to the fore where it belongs although there is not much chance media ghouls will touch it. Republican Thomas Massie in these two brief videos is a good start:

Please read the article because there is far too much in Catron’s piece for me to cover the Democrat party’s long running butchery. Eugenics goes all the way back to the Progressive Movement in the early 1900s. Suffice to say that Progressive Movement eugenics was responsible for the philosophical force that gave the modern world totalitarian government mass murders. Today, Progressives call themselves liberals.

I want to single out one well-known item that shows that Democrats are committed to funding abortion with tax dollars —— the very thing they have been lying about for years:

Considering his views on the subject, it is virtually certain that Gruber was also involved in the decision to require insurance carriers to include abortion coverage in policies sold through Obamacare exchanges.

Thus, despite the President’s guarantee to gulls like former congressman Bart Stupak that Obamacare would not fund abortions, a recent report from the Government Accountability Office indicates that 1,036 health plans sold through exchanges in 28 states cover “abortion services.” Is it reasonable to associate this with eugenics? To answer that question, it’s necessary to contrast those who insist on the coverage of abortions with the people who actually avail themselves of these “services.” Oddly enough, it is primarily middle class white progressives who push abortion on demand, but most of those who send their unborn babies to “Elsewhere” are women of color.


Most white progressives claim abortion on demand is about “reproductive freedom.” Gruber’s paper suggests that it’s really about controlling the growth of inconvenient segments of the population.

Obamacare and Eugenics
Is “positive selection” a part of PPACA’s cost control strategy?
By David Catron – 12.15.14

Obamacare and Eugenics The American Spectator

NOTE: John Kerry, as foul a piece of lying scum that ever lived, pulled a Gruber when he let the truth slip out in 2003:

In any event, John Kerry let the true reason behind abortion slip out in his losing bid for the presidency:

But Kerry has gone what in better days would have been universally held to be one bridge too far. In a speech last year to the NARAL Pro-Choice America Dinner, he gave an intellectually suicidal summary of his views.

He began by saying that "there is no overturning of Roe v. Wade." He went on: "There is no outlawing of a procedure necessary to save a woman's life or health." That statement of course begs the question on which the entire Congress and the state legislatures and the Supreme Court have been stalled for years, namely, Is the invocation of "health," if made by the woman alone, conclusive in authorizing abortion? If so, Roe v. Wade, which did not authorize willful third-trimester abortions, stands to be revised as the Roe-Wade-Kerry decision.

Kerry continued: "There (shall be) no more cutbacks on population control efforts around the world." This endorses abortion Chinese-style. Too many people? Too few abortions.

But the eye-popper was still to come: "We need to honestly and confidently and candidly take this issue out to the country and we need to speak up and be proud of what we stand for."

Crooked thought
William F. Buckley
February 26, 2004

Crooked thought - William F. Buckley - Page 1

Democrats prefer putting illegal aliens on the welfare state rather than dismantle the welfare state. Their solution to overpopulation is killing infants and the elderly rather than maintaining a stable population.

Conclusion: Democrats prefer killing. Even with many foreign governments putting in with our federal government’s policy of eugenics, I cannot see how the butchers can ever catch up on the killing worldwide. Question: How many billions will be eugenically disposed of in order to satiate Socialism’s bloodlust?

Finally, Taqiyya the Liar’s load of crap:

also says “You did not get your morality on your on. You got help from government butchers.”

Frankly, I can get along without federal government morality that teaches killing.

Many US states had eugenics programs.

Eugenics in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

US programs in fact inspired the Nazis for their's.

Hillary Clinton was repealed. Now that Hillarycare II is less than 60 days away from being repealed it is nice of Jonathan Gruber to come forth to save it.

Gruber, in case you have forgotten, is the MIT economics professor who frequently referred to himself as the “father of Obamacare” during the long health reform debate that culminated in the passage of the ironically titled “Affordable Care Act.” He became an unperson two years ago when a video emerged in which he delivered himself of the following words of wisdom concerning the law: “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.… And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”

Now, he’s attempting to make a comeback by defending the “reform” law from repeal. In an opinion piece published yesterday in the NewYork Daily News, Gruber demonstrated that he still thinks we’re a bunch of brain dead morons. He begins by telling the long-suffering readers of that publication that the law has been a success. In support of this preposterous claim, he offers the same talking points we have been getting from the Obama administration. He glibly repeats, for example, the following whopper: “Twenty million Americans have gained insurance coverage.”​

Gruber Still Lying About Obamacare
David Catron

Gruber Still Lying About Obamacare | The American Spectator

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