Regime Knew Within Hours Ansar al Sharia Behind Benghazi Attack


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Absolutely no doubt it.

This is from Sharyl Atkisson..... You know, the only Journalist in the ranks of the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM interested in finding the truth behind the lies? You know, the one FIRED by the brother of Ben Rhodes (David Rhodes) who just happens to run CBS (Commie Broadcasting Network)?

Internal Email Shows State Dept Concluded Within Hours Of Benghazi Attack That Ansar Al Sharia Was Behind It


How will the White House explain this one away?

Via Sharyl Attkisson:

A newly-released government email indicates that within hours of the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks on Americans in Benghazi, Libya; the State Department had already concluded with certainty that the Islamic militia terrorist group Ansar al Sharia was to blame.

The private, internal communication directly contradicts the message that President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice and White House press secretary Jay Carney repeated publicly over the course of the next several weeks. They often maintained that an anti-Islamic YouTube video inspired a spontaneous demonstration that escalated into violence.

The email is entitled “Libya update from Beth Jones. ” Jones was then-Assistant Secretary of State to Hillary Clinton. According to the email, Jones spoke to Libya’s Ambassador at 9:45am on Sept. 12, 2012 following the attacks.

“When [the Libyan Ambassador] said his government suspected that former Qaddafi regime elements carried out the attacks, I told him the group that conducted the attacks—Ansar Al Sharia—is affiliated with Islamic extremists,” Jones reports in the email.

They're not going to even try to explain it away, people.

They actually think it's funny. Trust me on that, they really do. They think it's fucking hilarious.

The dead Americans? Unfortunate. The rest of it, the cover-up, the lies, the deception, the collusion with the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, the complete ACT put on by the crusty slut, Hitlery Clinton...?


They think it's absolutely hysterical.

Because you, yes YOU, were STUPID enough to buy it.

To them, this whole thing is just not a big deal. To them, it's like pulling a practical joke on a co-worker. To them, it's like out-smarting or out maneuvering an opponent.


And nothing you do will make them care.

No amount of revelations, no amount of disclosures, no amount of proven lies we uncover, no matter what we do.... They aren't going to care.

And neither will the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

Ladies and Gentlemen..... We have a government and a Media that just doesn't care about the American People.

Live with that fact or be driven crazy worrying about it.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.


Have to admit I haven't been following this whole thing very closely.

What's the spin regarding all those comments that the administration made blaming that goofy video?

Before we go much further, I would like to offer Hillary a bottle of shampoo ... on the house. If she's going to plop herself smack, dab int the middle of the public eye she should at least take a shower and wash her hair.

Okay ... carry on.
Edge, you really are a fucking idiot. You know we are in a war. Right? The War On Terror.
People get killed in a war. What is the fucking problem. We had thousands killed or maimed in Iraq. You get all pissed and bat shit crazy over those war deaths.

Give it a fucking break. People get killed in a war. Sometimes in a war they get killed by friendly fire. Sometimes by accident. Sometimes by bad decisions. Just the nature of war.
But I thought you revolutionaries knew all about that shit? Guess not eh?

Man are you all in for a surprise when you get the revolution started.
Absolutely no doubt it.

This is from Sharyl Atkisson..... You know, the only Journalist in the ranks of the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM interested in finding the truth behind the lies? You know, the one FIRED by the brother of Ben Rhodes (David Rhodes) who just happens to run CBS (Commie Broadcasting Network)?

Internal Email Shows State Dept Concluded Within Hours Of Benghazi Attack That Ansar Al Sharia Was Behind It


How will the White House explain this one away?

Via Sharyl Attkisson:

A newly-released government email indicates that within hours of the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks on Americans in Benghazi, Libya; the State Department had already concluded with certainty that the Islamic militia terrorist group Ansar al Sharia was to blame.

The private, internal communication directly contradicts the message that President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice and White House press secretary Jay Carney repeated publicly over the course of the next several weeks. They often maintained that an anti-Islamic YouTube video inspired a spontaneous demonstration that escalated into violence.

The email is entitled “Libya update from Beth Jones. ” Jones was then-Assistant Secretary of State to Hillary Clinton. According to the email, Jones spoke to Libya’s Ambassador at 9:45am on Sept. 12, 2012 following the attacks.

“When [the Libyan Ambassador] said his government suspected that former Qaddafi regime elements carried out the attacks, I told him the group that conducted the attacks—Ansar Al Sharia—is affiliated with Islamic extremists,” Jones reports in the email.

They're not going to even try to explain it away, people.

They actually think it's funny. Trust me on that, they really do. They think it's fucking hilarious.

The dead Americans? Unfortunate. The rest of it, the cover-up, the lies, the deception, the collusion with the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, the complete ACT put on by the crusty slut, Hitlery Clinton...?


They think it's absolutely hysterical.

Because you, yes YOU, were STUPID enough to buy it.

To them, this whole thing is just not a big deal. To them, it's like pulling a practical joke on a co-worker. To them, it's like out-smarting or out maneuvering an opponent.


And nothing you do will make them care.

No amount of revelations, no amount of disclosures, no amount of proven lies we uncover, no matter what we do.... They aren't going to care.

And neither will the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

Ladies and Gentlemen..... We have a government and a Media that just doesn't care about the American People.

Live with that fact or be driven crazy worrying about it.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.


They knew the attacks were imminent weeks before.
Edge, you really are a fucking idiot. You know we are in a war. Right? The War On Terror.
People get killed in a war. What is the fucking problem. We had thousands killed or maimed in Iraq. You get all pissed and bat shit crazy over those war deaths.

Give it a fucking break. People get killed in a war. Sometimes in a war they get killed by friendly fire. Sometimes by accident. Sometimes by bad decisions. Just the nature of war.
But I thought you revolutionaries knew all about that shit? Guess not eh?

Man are you all in for a surprise when you get the revolution started.

What a good little tool!
Edge, you really are a fucking idiot. You know we are in a war. Right? The War On Terror.
People get killed in a war. What is the fucking problem. We had thousands killed or maimed in Iraq. You get all pissed and bat shit crazy over those war deaths.

Give it a fucking break. People get killed in a war. Sometimes in a war they get killed by friendly fire. Sometimes by accident. Sometimes by bad decisions. Just the nature of war.
But I thought you revolutionaries knew all about that shit? Guess not eh?

Man are you all in for a surprise when you get the revolution started.

Here's what you don't get, scumbag....

I've said this in here ten fucking times but I'll repeat it for the stupid among you....

Yes, people die in the Service of their Country ALL the time. ALL the time.

But what happened here was we had people serving their country in a hostile setting attacked by KNOWN terrorists and the lying cocksucker in chief did NOTHING.


He could have ordered a flight of F-18's from Sigonella to buzz the area in Full afterburner at 500 feet, he could have order Reaction Forces into preparatory Isolation, he could have ordered a C-130 readied to drop Paratroopers into the area, he could have sent a Gunship or an armed drone (we believe there were some in the area).... There was a lot he could have done, but he didn't.

Presidents make mistakes ALL the time. ALL the time.

But they make the mistakes taking actions to protect our People, not ignoring them.

Now the question is, why?

Clearly, to anyone other than a TOTAL knob-slurping ideologue, the Lying Cocksucker In Chief was trying to protect his campaign mantra of 'osama is dead and GM alive' and 'al qaeda is on the run'

THAT is what is disgusting.

There is the distinct possibility that those men would have died anyway. But the Lying Cocksucker In Chief didn't even TRY to save them.

Okay, that's bad enough, right?

The Lying Cocksucker In Chief could have gone on TV and said, "we made some mistakes and we didn't do all we could have done.'

Fog of Battle and all that. Been there, done that. There are MILLIONS of Veterans in this Country who would have completely understood what the Lying Cocksucker In Chief was talking about and we would have been happy to explain it to the coddled, spoiled masses.

All the Lying Cocksucker In Chief had to do was be just a little honest about the whole thing.

Instead, he does what he always does when confronted with an uncomfortable detail..... He lied his ass off. Like he always does.

He may not have been able to help those men but we'll never know because the Lying Cocksucker chose his political campaign over the the possibility of saving those men's lives.


And you're defending that decision.

Because you are a SCUMBAG.

Because YOU don't care about them anymore than the Lying Cocksucker In Chief did. This is all just a distraction to you. Your Messiah is under attack and you're there to protect him, pants down, mouth open and on your knees.

As usual

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

grow up dirtbag
Absolutely no doubt it.

This is from Sharyl Atkisson..... You know, the only Journalist in the ranks of the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM interested in finding the truth behind the lies? You know, the one FIRED by the brother of Ben Rhodes (David Rhodes) who just happens to run CBS (Commie Broadcasting Network)?

Internal Email Shows State Dept Concluded Within Hours Of Benghazi Attack That Ansar Al Sharia Was Behind It


How will the White House explain this one away?

Via Sharyl Attkisson:

A newly-released government email indicates that within hours of the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks on Americans in Benghazi, Libya; the State Department had already concluded with certainty that the Islamic militia terrorist group Ansar al Sharia was to blame.

The private, internal communication directly contradicts the message that President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice and White House press secretary Jay Carney repeated publicly over the course of the next several weeks. They often maintained that an anti-Islamic YouTube video inspired a spontaneous demonstration that escalated into violence.

The email is entitled “Libya update from Beth Jones. ” Jones was then-Assistant Secretary of State to Hillary Clinton. According to the email, Jones spoke to Libya’s Ambassador at 9:45am on Sept. 12, 2012 following the attacks.

“When [the Libyan Ambassador] said his government suspected that former Qaddafi regime elements carried out the attacks, I told him the group that conducted the attacks—Ansar Al Sharia—is affiliated with Islamic extremists,” Jones reports in the email.
They're not going to even try to explain it away, people.

They actually think it's funny. Trust me on that, they really do. They think it's fucking hilarious.

The dead Americans? Unfortunate. The rest of it, the cover-up, the lies, the deception, the collusion with the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, the complete ACT put on by the crusty slut, Hitlery Clinton...?


They think it's absolutely hysterical.

Because you, yes YOU, were STUPID enough to buy it.

To them, this whole thing is just not a big deal. To them, it's like pulling a practical joke on a co-worker. To them, it's like out-smarting or out maneuvering an opponent.


And nothing you do will make them care.

No amount of revelations, no amount of disclosures, no amount of proven lies we uncover, no matter what we do.... They aren't going to care.

And neither will the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

Ladies and Gentlemen..... We have a government and a Media that just doesn't care about the American People.

Live with that fact or be driven crazy worrying about it.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

What we have is a government that has launched a war against it's people.

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