Regulated to Death – the stealth jobs killer


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
links in article at site


Bob Beauprez

"But, in the world nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes."

Ben Franklin

If Ben Franklin were around today, he would likely amend the above statement to include the certainty of government regulation. A new report by the Heritage Foundation says that in today's America, regulation costs are a far greater burden than taxes. If the current trend of rapidly increasing regulatory burden by the Obama Administration continues, it will hasten the death of the once great American free-market economy.

According to a newly released Heritage Foundation analysis, the annual cost of federal regulations ($1.752 trillion) is 83% greater than the entire revenue expected to be collected from federal individual income taxes for 2011 ($956 billion).

There is broad agreement that the U.S. Corporate tax rate – the highest of developed nations in the world – is an inhibitor to badly needed job creation and economic growth. Even Barack Obama has given lip-service to lowering the excessively high 35% business tax rate. However, the cost of regulation is 8.8 times greater than the total corporate tax revenue ($198 billion) collected in 2011.

Obama has made a habit of demonizing the "huge profits" of corporations, particularly energy companies. But, consider this: Annual regulatory costs exceeded the total combined pre-tax profits of American corporations by more than $400 billion in 2009, the pit of this recession. With profitability returning somewhat in recent months, analyst's current projections suggest regulation cost and pre-tax profit are currently roughly equal.

Compared to the cost and impact of taxes, regulation gets relatively little attention, but it is like a cancer to the economy – a stealth killer – that grows and grows, dragging down the body until it just can't take anymore and finally succumbs. Instead of attacking the regulatory cancerous tumor and shrinking it, under the Obama Administration new regulations have exploded, and he is forever calling for more.

all of it here..
Regulated to Death
Most endeavors, sports, games, traffic, economics, industry, business, schools, military have rules and regulations, most implemented to make a more level playing field. We seem to accept the rules and regulations as needed, but in economics it seems as if the name of the game is to constantly search for new ways to beat the competition and that means beating the regulations. The end result is more regulations.
Ah, money.
Safety regulations save money, lives

by Mike Rich

Workplace safety advocates and opponents of further government regulation have long argued wither workplace safety requirements improve the safety and productivity or the workplace, or create a drain on a company’s resources.

A new study may have finally answered that debate.

The study, co-authored by Harvard Business School Professor Michael Toffel, Professor David Levine of the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, and Boston University doctoral student Matthew Johnson, states workplace inspections reduce on-the-job injuries and their associated costs without causing any harm to companies’ performance or profits.

Read more: Safety regulations save money, lives - The Safety Blog
Regulated to Death – the stealth jobs killer
Yeah.....let's HEAR IT!!!!! for.....

Over regulation is crushing our competitiveness and draining our industries of profit which the freeloaders want to syphon off as free gubmint goodies.

Can't have both, peeps.
With everything there must be Balance. The Issue here is not regulation or no Regulation, it's sensible Regulations or Over bearing short sighted Regulations that are a serious Burden to Economic Growth.
links in article at site


Bob Beauprez

"But, in the world nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes."

Ben Franklin

If Ben Franklin were around today, he would likely amend the above statement to include the certainty of government regulation. A new report by the Heritage Foundation says that in today's America, regulation costs are a far greater burden than taxes. If the current trend of rapidly increasing regulatory burden by the Obama Administration continues, it will hasten the death of the once great American free-market economy.

According to a newly released Heritage Foundation analysis, the annual cost of federal regulations ($1.752 trillion) is 83% greater than the entire revenue expected to be collected from federal individual income taxes for 2011 ($956 billion).

There is broad agreement that the U.S. Corporate tax rate – the highest of developed nations in the world – is an inhibitor to badly needed job creation and economic growth. Even Barack Obama has given lip-service to lowering the excessively high 35% business tax rate. However, the cost of regulation is 8.8 times greater than the total corporate tax revenue ($198 billion) collected in 2011.

Obama has made a habit of demonizing the "huge profits" of corporations, particularly energy companies. But, consider this: Annual regulatory costs exceeded the total combined pre-tax profits of American corporations by more than $400 billion in 2009, the pit of this recession. With profitability returning somewhat in recent months, analyst's current projections suggest regulation cost and pre-tax profit are currently roughly equal.

Compared to the cost and impact of taxes, regulation gets relatively little attention, but it is like a cancer to the economy – a stealth killer – that grows and grows, dragging down the body until it just can't take anymore and finally succumbs. Instead of attacking the regulatory cancerous tumor and shrinking it, under the Obama Administration new regulations have exploded, and he is forever calling for more.

all of it here..
Regulated to Death

All I see is right wing biased sources citing other right wing biased sources.
a game without rules is not much of a game

The difference is most rules in a game can fit on a single piece of paper... The guys that sign our rules into law concerning the economy can't even follow them.

Then again your party gave the world a depression when it took over the house in 2006 and that is a fact.
a game without rules is not much of a game

A game with too many rules is a game that can't be played. Our economy passed that point about 100 years ago.

It's no surprise that all the leftwing turds in here would deny the premise that you can have too much regulation.

Libturds are terminally stupid.
Safety regulations save money, lives

by Mike Rich

Workplace safety advocates and opponents of further government regulation have long argued wither workplace safety requirements improve the safety and productivity or the workplace, or create a drain on a company’s resources.

A new study may have finally answered that debate.

The study, co-authored by Harvard Business School Professor Michael Toffel, Professor David Levine of the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, and Boston University doctoral student Matthew Johnson, states workplace inspections reduce on-the-job injuries and their associated costs without causing any harm to companies’ performance or profits.

Read more: Safety regulations save money, lives - The Safety Blog

Harvard, Berkeley and Boston University?

Yeah, now those are three bastions of capitalism for you.
Last edited:
links in article at site


Bob Beauprez

"But, in the world nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes."

Ben Franklin

If Ben Franklin were around today, he would likely amend the above statement to include the certainty of government regulation. A new report by the Heritage Foundation says that in today's America, regulation costs are a far greater burden than taxes.


Yeah.....let's HEAR IT!! for......


Stupid Fuckin' Teabaggers
There needs to be regulation but IMO they have taken it way to far.

Every time something happens theres a knee jerk reaction and whamoo another regulation.

AS for capital gains. Cut the sucker to 15% and watch the economy roll.

Ain't gonna wait for that to happen because the asshole Dems still think they can tax, with no spending cuts to speak of, their way to properity.

Been tried many times and failed many times. Why do something that doesnt' work?? Well. You may get a different result this time.

Talk about a buch of fucking clowns.
There needs to be regulation but IMO they have taken it way to far.

Every time something happens theres a knee jerk reaction and whamoo another regulation. "conservatives" are so-much-more adept at pre-emptive striking.



[ame=]WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP - YouTube[/ame]​
Most endeavors, sports, games, traffic, economics, industry, business, schools, military have rules and regulations, most implemented to make a more level playing field. We seem to accept the rules and regulations as needed, but in economics it seems as if the name of the game is to constantly search for new ways to beat the competition and that means beating the regulations. The end result is more regulations.
Ah, money.

NO it is because IDIOTS like you have NO common sense!
The whole point of "rules and regulations" is that MORE and MORE Idiots like you want more and more regulations BECAUSE YOU and other idiots have NO common sense!

YOU people that WANT more rules and regulations are like THESE IDIOTS that have evidently NO IDEA of what the laws of physics mean!
[ame=]Stupid People - Why R People So Dumb?? - YouTube[/ame]

What MUST happen is education of COMMON SENSE!
YOU don't tow an idiot on a skate board behind a truck! STUPID tricks for sure!
Most regulations, laws, rules and so forth are in answer to problems. The problem usually comes first then the regulation The unfortunate thing is that we often forget why a regulation was passed, but are usually aware of the regulation. But regulations can cut into profits, and many of those that profited more before the regulation might continue to work to remove the regulation and regain the lost profit.
Over regulation is the real cause of off shoring companies. That's the reason all hangar manufacturers have left the country. It wasn't because it was more expensive to do business here, but because it was impossible.

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