"Rejoice"...We're making history....

All that one has to look at is the "proposed budget" and ACA "replacement" filled with tax cuts for the very wealthy, while screwing the very SAME people that elected this clueless demagogue, to see just how fucking dumb they really were to elect an incompetent clown; some are realizing it....the truly dumber ones, will soon.
Quit smoking that shit. Libtardos have been kicked to the curb.
^^^ An opinion....nothing more and nothing less

That dingbat is totally brainwashed. The Libtardos have lost a 1000 elected seats, The White House, The Senate, The House of Representatives, and the Supreme Court for a generation and she calls the deplorables, "morons".

Yes, she's truly libtarded.

Moron......If you had just a couple more of functioning brain cells, you'd realize that YOU lost TOO......LOL

RWNJs believe its only liberals/Dems who will lost money, rights, the future for their kids.
a pussy grabber has taken the most respected position in the free world and turned it into the laughing stock of the free world in less than 75 days.

Yeah and we're not even 3 months into this 4 year debacle.
LOL, In other words, BUSINESS AS USUAL continues in Washington D.C, thanks for sharing....

The difference, however, is that Trump is NOT really in charge. While he tweets his vengeful stupidities to appease his low self-esteem, MUCH WORSE oligarchs are screwing up this country.
Uh-huh, like I said, BUSINESS AS USUAL in Washington, which should please the hell out of you gub'mint worshipers, you folks wanted this gigantic monstrosity in Washington and you got exactly what you wished for, enjoy it while it lasts.

"As I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same." -- Job 4:8
LOL, In other words, BUSINESS AS USUAL continues in Washington D.C, thanks for sharing....

The difference, however, is that Trump is NOT really in charge. While he tweets his vengeful stupidities to appease his low self-esteem, MUCH WORSE oligarchs are screwing up this country.
Uh-huh, like I said, BUSINESS AS USUAL in Washington, which should please the hell out of you gub'mint worshipers, you folks wanted this gigantic monstrosity in Washington and you got exactly what you wished for, enjoy it while it lasts.

"As I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same." -- Job 4:8

the Russians in the mother country are loving it, and our home grown RussianWingers are loving it. Everyone with an IQ over 80 can't believe it.
In this country's relatively short history, 2017 will be written in the history books as the WORST administration that has ever occupied the WH....

View attachment 117186

In 2 Months Under Trump:
- Stock Market hits record high
- Jobs Boom, highest in decade(s)
- Debt decreases
- Illegal Immigration cut by 40%

Compared to the Obama administration:
- Most debt added by every US President COMBINED
- LEAST Transparent Administration IN US History (75% Illegally Non-Compliant w/FOIA
- 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized Wars (Libya & Syria)
- Aiding and abetting Mexican Drug Cartels & Terrorists
- Interfering in Foreign Elections/Govts: Israel, Egypt, Libya, Syria
- Attempting to hack US State Election Systems (In &Ga)
- Most lawless administration ever
- Facilitating the illegal of information
...and this is just for starters...


In this country's relatively short history, 2017 will be written in the history books as the WORST administration that has ever occupied the WH....

View attachment 117186

In 2 Months Under Trump:
- Stock Market hits record high
- Jobs Boom, highest in decade(s)
- Debt decreases
- Illegal Immigration cut by 40%

Compared to the Obama administration:
- Most debt added by every US President COMBINED
- LEAST Transparent Administration IN US History (75% Illegally Non-Compliant w/FOIA
- 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized Wars (Libya & Syria)
- Aiding and abetting Mexican Drug Cartels & Terrorists
- Interfering in Foreign Elections/Govts: Israel, Egypt, Libya, Syria
- Attempting to hack US State Election Systems (In &Ga)
- Most lawless administration ever
- Facilitating the illegal of information
...and this is just for starters...


In this country's relatively short history, 2017 will be written in the history books as the WORST administration that has ever occupied the WH....Forget Pierce or Grant's administrations, we are in the midst of the most inept bunch of morons to ever stain the American reputation....world-wide.

These so-called "deplorables" have helped to elect a cadre of self-serving oligarchs who embody the paragon of ineptitude, immorality and incompetence; these ignorant voters are slowly also realizing their mistake, but are either too stubborn and embarrassed to admit it.
Hey now, Grant got the railroad built after all. A bit overbudget, but ..... compromises were made. (-;
Did you see Merkel's face today ? She was cringing at POTUS' stupidity.

This buffoon has the international community laughing at him/ scared to death how unhinged he is..
In this country's relatively short history, 2017 will be written in the history books as the WORST administration that has ever occupied the WH....

View attachment 117186

In 2 Months Under Trump:
- Stock Market hits record high
- Jobs Boom, highest in decade(s)
- Debt decreases
- Illegal Immigration cut by 40%

Compared to the Obama administration:
- Most debt added by every US President COMBINED
- LEAST Transparent Administration IN US History (75% Illegally Non-Compliant w/FOIA
- 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized Wars (Libya & Syria)
- Aiding and abetting Mexican Drug Cartels & Terrorists
- Interfering in Foreign Elections/Govts: Israel, Egypt, Libya, Syria
- Attempting to hack US State Election Systems (In &Ga)
- Most lawless administration ever
- Facilitating the illegal of information
...and this is just for starters...



Part time jobs and doctored numbers. Next.
In this country's relatively short history, 2017 will be written in the history books as the WORST administration that has ever occupied the WH....

View attachment 117186

In 2 Months Under Trump:
- Stock Market hits record high
- Jobs Boom, highest in decade(s)
- Debt decreases
- Illegal Immigration cut by 40%

Compared to the Obama administration:
- Most debt added by every US President COMBINED
- LEAST Transparent Administration IN US History (75% Illegally Non-Compliant w/FOIA
- 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized Wars (Libya & Syria)
- Aiding and abetting Mexican Drug Cartels & Terrorists
- Interfering in Foreign Elections/Govts: Israel, Egypt, Libya, Syria
- Attempting to hack US State Election Systems (In &Ga)
- Most lawless administration ever
- Facilitating the illegal of information
...and this is just for starters...



You mean thank you fed. And also, fed, thank you for the hyper inflation coming.
I'm guessing that by Fall of next year, a lot of right wingers on here will be typing,
"Who me? No, I never liked Trump all that much anyway...."
I'm guessing that by Fall of next year, a lot of right wingers on here will be typing,
"Who me? No, I never liked Trump all that much anyway...."
Seriously, if anything, history will remember the incessant whining of the losers. There has certainly never been anything like it before.
Seriously, if anything, history will remember the incessant whining of the losers. There has certainly never been anything like it before.

For a couple of reasons, based on the "intellectual" level of your responses, you must have been born AFTER the 2012 re-election of Obama....LOL
I'm guessing that by Fall of next year, a lot of right wingers on here will be typing,
"Who me? No, I never liked Trump all that much anyway...."
Well, you were right about the election, oh wait.................................:blowup:

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