Relations via 9/11

Isaac Brock said:
The Cat Came Back, a popular folk-kids song by Harry Miller. The jist of the poem/song is that the owner does all he can to rid himself of a cat, be in spite of his actions, the cat always comes back. My point is that if you only solve terrorism and removing tyrants by killing alone, that it is akin to fixing a leaking faucet by continually mopping up the spill.

We're changing the form of government in Iraq. Have you been watching the news?
rtwngAvngr said:
We're changing the form of government in Iraq. Have you been watching the news?

I've been watching the news, uprisings, riots, rebellions, dead soldiers, a puppet gov't, oh ya, i've been watching.
MrMarbles said:
I've been watching the news, uprisings, riots, rebellions, dead soldiers, a puppet gov't, oh ya, i've been watching.

Pay attention to the conversation, dip. Isaac implied all we're doing is changing tyrants. That's not the case, we're changing the form of government in the society this time.

We have an agenda of freedom, contrary to your agenda of world communist totalitarianism.
rtwngAvngr said:
Pay attention to the conversation, dip. Isaac implied all we're doing is changing tyrants. That's not the case, we're changing the form of government in the society this time.

We have an agenda of freedom, contrary to your agenda of world communist totalitarianism.

Ok they are free now. Bye..... Wait, why aren't you leaving. You've liberated them, and now you are still there against their wishes. Bye, bye.

If they are free, let them control their own oil and economy, there own form of gov't. If they all hated the rule of Saddam and the way things where, they now have a chance to do things right for themselves. Let them choose there gov't, and control their own destinys.
MrMarbles said:
Ok they are free now. Bye..... Wait, why aren't you leaving. You've liberated them, and now you are still there against their wishes. Bye, bye.

If they are free, let them control their own oil and economy, there own form of gov't. If they all hated the rule of Saddam and the way things where, they now have a chance to do things right for themselves. Let them choose there gov't, and control their own destinys.

Ummmm, thats's what we're doing, asscracker. Forcing democracy gives everyone a vote, hence rulers will not rise up due to thuggishness alone.
rtwngAvngr said:
Ummmm, thats's what we're doing, asscracker. Forcing democracy gives everyone a vote, hence rulers will not rise up due to thuggishness alone.

Oh okay. Another great spin off of forced democracy is allowing yourselves of huge cut of Iraqi interets. I hope Haliburton paid alot of money for they're own president, you know these things shouldn't come cheaply.
MrMarbles said:
Oh okay. Another great spin off of forced democracy is allowing yourselves of huge cut of Iraqi interets. I hope Haliburton paid alot of money for they're own president, you know these things shouldn't come cheaply.

What other company can do what Haliburton is doing for a better price?
MrMarbles said:
Oh okay. Another great spin off of forced democracy is allowing yourselves of huge cut of Iraqi interets. I hope Haliburton paid alot of money for they're own president, you know these things shouldn't come cheaply.

"But what's the name of the guy on second?"

" Halliburton."
MrMarbles said:
Oh okay. Another great spin off of forced democracy is allowing yourselves of huge cut of Iraqi interets. I hope Haliburton paid alot of money for they're own president, you know these things shouldn't come cheaply.

Wouldn't that be something the WTO needs to keep an eye on. Bidding on Iraqi reconstruction projects in not limited to US contractors. If something fishy was going on, the WTO needs to do their job and investigate IF anyone had a legitimate complaint that was brought to their attention right?
rtwngAvngr said:
"But what's the name of the guy on second?"

" Halliburton."

I'm pretty sure What is one second. Haliburton just runs the ball park, and the city, state, and white house.
MrMarbles said:
I'm pretty sure What is one second. Haliburton just runs the ball park, and the city, state, and white house.

You know its always funny to see you NeoComs try to pretend your all for freedom and Humanitarian efforts and then get upset when we free a nation or prevent people from being slaughtered in killing fields.

But i forgot its because of our evil corporations who provide jobs and goods and services to millions of people. Its all there fault.
I get it, Neo-communist, ha! It's funny because it is just like Neo-conservative, but it means something completely different. So funny, so original!

When you wage war and kill people to increase your bottom line, then i have a problem with it.
MrMarbles said:
I get it, Neo-communist, ha! It's funny because it is just like Neo-conservative, but it means something completely different. So funny, so original!

When you wage war and kill people to increase your bottom line, then i have a problem with it.

Take a deep breath, and go read the articles I posted about Canada and Finland. :D
NightTrain said:
hmm... who pissed in his cheerios? :D

I guess it was so funny he forgot to laugh. :D Sorry Marbles, I couldn't help myself. Don't bother, I'll do it for you. :slap:

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