Religion and Philosophy of Life


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Sorry if this thread is a bit inflammatory...I have that tendency.

In our contemporary American culture we have examples of at least three "significant" religions that are, provably, nonsense. In order of nonsensicality (my word, sorry), they are: Scientology, LDS, and the so-called, Black Muslims (aka, the "Nation of Islam").

In all three cases, there is scientific proof that their basic theology or underlying "story" is made up, phony, baloney, or however you want to describe it.


Should we care?

I am told that the Church of Scientology runs some remarkably successful substance abuse clinics. Mormons are "good citizens" from almost every viewpoint; they obey the law, pay taxes, don't get divorced much, and don't commit crimes. The Nation of Islam promotes healthy and responsible lifestyles among a subculture where those character traits are becoming more and more rare.

We, as the taxpayers subsidize these religions, whether we like it or not. Their property and income are not subject to tax, and yet they get the same services as those people and institutions that do pay taxes. They occupy land that otherwise would be subject to tax, thus taking away tax revenue that taxpayers must replace.

If some crazy religious leader founded a religion that worshipped extraterrestrials - no, wait, L.Ron Hubbard already did that - and believed the craziest shit imaginable - no wait, the Mormons already do - but those beliefs made their followers Good Citizens, good taxpayers, volunteers for the United States Armed Forces, and so on, shouldn't The Government do everything within its power to promote that religion?

Lord knows, atheists aren't worth a shit to society.

And shouldn't I teach my kids to believe and to follow the tenets of SOME religion, even if I am, shall we say, extremely skeptical myself about the truth of its beliefs?

Isn't it better that they believe SOMETHING that gives them some guidance in life, rather than turning out to be self-loving narcisists like that bitch on the music awards last week?

Just wondering.
Sorry if this thread is a bit inflammatory...I have that tendency.
Isn't it better that they believe SOMETHING that gives them some guidance in life, rather than turning out to be self-loving narcisists like that bitch on the music awards last week?

Just wondering.
Well now, I'm more interested in that bitch on the music awards last week. :)
Sorry if this thread is a bit inflammatory...I have that tendency.

In our contemporary American culture we have examples of at least three "significant" religions that are, provably, nonsense. In order of nonsensicality (my word, sorry), they are: Scientology, LDS, and the so-called, Black Muslims (aka, the "Nation of Islam").

In all three cases, there is scientific proof that their basic theology or underlying "story" is made up, phony, baloney, or however you want to describe it.


Should we care?

I am told that the Church of Scientology runs some remarkably successful substance abuse clinics. Mormons are "good citizens" from almost every viewpoint; they obey the law, pay taxes, don't get divorced much, and don't commit crimes. The Nation of Islam promotes healthy and responsible lifestyles among a subculture where those character traits are becoming more and more rare.

We, as the taxpayers subsidize these religions, whether we like it or not. Their property and income are not subject to tax, and yet they get the same services as those people and institutions that do pay taxes. They occupy land that otherwise would be subject to tax, thus taking away tax revenue that taxpayers must replace.

If some crazy religious leader founded a religion that worshipped extraterrestrials - no, wait, L.Ron Hubbard already did that - and believed the craziest shit imaginable - no wait, the Mormons already do - but those beliefs made their followers Good Citizens, good taxpayers, volunteers for the United States Armed Forces, and so on, shouldn't The Government do everything within its power to promote that religion?

Lord knows, atheists aren't worth a shit to society.

And shouldn't I teach my kids to believe and to follow the tenets of SOME religion, even if I am, shall we say, extremely skeptical myself about the truth of its beliefs?

Isn't it better that they believe SOMETHING that gives them some guidance in life, rather than turning out to be self-loving narcisists like that bitch on the music awards last week?

Just wondering.

I have several atheists who believe the true gospel I preach. It's Christians who were made unbelievers of the gospel because they think ytheir false written gospels contain the Truth, which is totally false.
And shouldn't I teach my kids to believe and to follow the tenets of SOME religion, even if I am, shall we say, extremely skeptical myself about the truth of its beliefs?

Isn't it better that they believe SOMETHING that gives them some guidance in life, rather than turning out to be self-loving narcisists like that bitch on the music awards last week?
Seriously speaking, I don’t think it would hurt to introduce your children to religion. Many churches have functions and activities for children. Perhaps expose them to various denominations and let them decide. It would give them a good foundation and be a great source of guidance. I would not force my beliefs onto them. Let them explore for themselves. If they end up believing strongly enough, in later years, they'll be on here debating their beliefs along with everyone else. :)
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And shouldn't I teach my kids to believe and to follow the tenets of SOME religion, even if I am, shall we say, extremely skeptical myself about the truth of its beliefs?

Isn't it better that they believe SOMETHING that gives them some guidance in life, rather than turning out to be self-loving narcisists like that bitch on the music awards last week?
Seriously speaking, I don’t think it would hurt to introduce your children to religion. Many churches have functions and activities for children. Perhaps expose them to various denominations and let them decide. It would give them a good foundation and be a great source of guidance. I would not force my beliefs onto them. Let them explore for themselves. If they end up believing strongly enough, in later years, they'll be on here debating their beliefs along with everyone else. :)

It would be better to raise children amongst wolves than their parents who are totally deceived of the Truth. At least they would learn how to defend themselves and eat good.
It would be better to raise children amongst wolves than their parents who are totally deceived of the Truth. At least they would learn how to defend themselves and eat good.
That is a great philosophy! :)
Are you going to let a 12 year old decide which religion to follow? Are you shitting me?

Consider the following role in society: "Parent."

" good"?

The mind reels.
Lord knows, atheists aren't worth a shit to society.

Atheists are the most distrusted members of society and yet there is no valid reason for that distrust.
Are you going to let a 12 year old decide which religion to follow? Are you shitting me?

Consider the following role in society: "Parent."

" good"?

The mind reels.
It’s okay. How often do we hear adults say, “Good, thank you” to the greeting ‘how are you?’. This person seems to have a great imagination. That’s a sign of a creative mind. This is a good place to develop his/her creativity.
Lord knows, atheists aren't worth a shit to society.

Atheists are the most distrusted members of society and yet there is no valid reason for that distrust.
Why do you say atheists are distrusted?

Because that is what the research shows.

In Atheists We Distrust: Scientific American

In Atheists We Distrust

Atheists are one of the most disliked groups in America. Only 45 percent of Americans say they would vote for a qualified atheist presidential candidate, and atheists are rated as the least desirable group for a potential son-in-law or daughter-in-law to belong to. Will Gervais at the University of British Columbia recently published a set of studies looking at why atheists are so disliked. His conclusion: It comes down to trust.
Atheists are the most distrusted members of society and yet there is no valid reason for that distrust.
Why do you say atheists are distrusted?

Because that is what the research shows.

In Atheists We Distrust: Scientific American

In Atheists We Distrust

Atheists are one of the most disliked groups in America. Only 45 percent of Americans say they would vote for a qualified atheist presidential candidate, and atheists are rated as the least desirable group for a potential son-in-law or daughter-in-law to belong to. Will Gervais at the University of British Columbia recently published a set of studies looking at why atheists are so disliked. His conclusion: It comes down to trust.

Right, a poll among 70% christians who say they "distrust" atheists.

I wonder if they took a poll among southerners in 1860 about slavery, how that would have turned out?
Why do you say atheists are distrusted?

Because that is what the research shows.

In Atheists We Distrust: Scientific American

In Atheists We Distrust

Atheists are one of the most disliked groups in America. Only 45 percent of Americans say they would vote for a qualified atheist presidential candidate, and atheists are rated as the least desirable group for a potential son-in-law or daughter-in-law to belong to. Will Gervais at the University of British Columbia recently published a set of studies looking at why atheists are so disliked. His conclusion: It comes down to trust.

Right, a poll among 70% christians who say they "distrust" atheists.

I wonder if they took a poll among southerners in 1860 about slavery, how that would have turned out?

About 70-75% of Americans are Christians and about 15% are unaffiliated with any religion. Professional pollsters take these demographics into account when doing surveys.
Because that is what the research shows.

In Atheists We Distrust: Scientific American

Right, a poll among 70% christians who say they "distrust" atheists.

I wonder if they took a poll among southerners in 1860 about slavery, how that would have turned out?

About 70-75% of Americans are Christians and about 15% are unaffiliated with any religion. Professional pollsters take these demographics into account when doing surveys.

You don't understand how polling works.
Atheists are the most distrusted members of society and yet there is no valid reason for that distrust.
Why do you say atheists are distrusted?

Because that is what the research shows.
Pay no attention to those kinds of things. People normally judge people by their character, not their religious affiliation or no-religious affiliation. The study suggests that a segment of the American population distrusts atheists because of the belief that people behave better when they believe God is watching over them…that when somebody believes in the possibility of divine punishment, they are less likely to do something unethical. That’s like saying as long as we have the Police watching over us, we are less likely to do something criminal.

If one needs the threat of divine punishment/Police to behave ethically, I would be more inclined to distrust that type of person than someone who behaves ethically under any circumstances without the threat of divine punishment/Police intervention. I believe most people can be trusted to behave ethically whether they believe in God or not.
Why do you say atheists are distrusted?

Because that is what the research shows.
Pay no attention to those kinds of things. People normally judge people by their character, not their religious affiliation or no-religious affiliation. The study suggests that a segment of the American population distrusts atheists because of the belief that people behave better when they believe God is watching over them…that when somebody believes in the possibility of divine punishment, they are less likely to do something unethical. That’s like saying as long as we have the Police watching over us, we are less likely to do something criminal.

If one needs the threat of divine punishment/Police to behave ethically, I would be more inclined to distrust that type of person than someone who behaves ethically under any circumstances without the threat of divine punishment/Police intervention. I believe most people can be trusted to behave ethically whether they believe in God or not.

Agreed, but the purpose behind my question is to determine the reasons. So far all we have is what you just stated and if that is all there is behind the distrust then it is high time it was exposed and "repealed".
Agreed, but the purpose behind my question is to determine the reasons. So far all we have is what you just stated and if that is all there is behind the distrust then it is high time it was exposed and "repealed".
Be the best person you can be and don't worry what others think.
So, you're saying the only religions to have claims incompatible with science are the Scientologists, LDS and Nation of Islam?

In what way is virgin birth not disproven by science? Or reincarnation?

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