Religion of Peace - Muzzler chops off wife's fingers cuz she wants to go to college

Sometimes your own society is so fucked up beyond repair you have to focus on other societies to maintain the denial of your own.
Yep. American exceptionalism is reduced to "at least we're better than them."

Ain't that the truth.

And the bar is set even lower for trump.

I've actually seen the nutters say "at least it's not treason".

Watched him in France, trashing the US, lying about the US and then backing down from reporters.

And as usual, he looked like unbaked bread stuffed into an unmade bed. Why can't he wear clothes that fit and why so rude to his wife?

We're now seeing that he really is a sleazy crook. And pure coward.

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Sometimes your own society is so fucked up beyond repair you have to focus on other societies to maintain the denial of your own.
Our society is fine. It's your perception that's fucked.
You're "exceptional" gramps, just stick with that.
Damn right son!

I am an American Badass....
Why do liberals and feminists support these women-hating muslims.? Answer - because liberals and feminists are above all else white-haters and refuse to criticize any non-white.

Husband chops off wife's fingers to stop her studying | Daily Mail Online

july 10 2017 A jealous husband is facing life in prison after chopping off his wife's fingers because she began studying for a degree without his permission.
Rafiqul Islam, 30, blindfolded his wife Hawa Akhter, 21, and taped her mouth, telling her he was going to give her a surprise present.

Instead he made her hold out her hand and cut off all five fingers. One of his relatives then threw Ms Akhter's fingers in the dustbin to ensure doctors could not reattach them.

Mr Islam, who is a migrant worker in the United Arab Emirates, had warned his wife there would 'severe consequences' if she did not give up her studies

It could have been worse if she was ghey they would have thrown her off a building.
Sometimes your own society is so fucked up beyond repair you have to focus on other societies to maintain the denial of your own.

And here it come. Western culture and society has produced the greatest civilization the world has ever known, it has its share of problems which thanks to our culture and society we are free to debate, peaceably protest, and try to fix without fear of state terror and mass violent reprisal, and compared to the alternatives it's fucking paradise you ungrateful piece of shit.
Everyone wants to live with the White people

Sure - white people (white men actually) mean a high-tech and comfortable life. Non-white means living in the stone age and eating bugs and living in caves and dying at 32.

White men are superior to everyone else. Most obvious thing in the world.

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