Religions are fairy tales for adults. Should we encourage them to grow up?

Religions are fairy tales for adults. Should we encourage them to grow up?

How could anyone ever prove a super-system from within a subsystem? The best one could do is show there are unprovables evident from the subsystem and hence evidence, but never proof, of a larger system.
What you want is a man made religion and that is not how it's intended.

Yet all religions are man made.

I find that video clip misleading about what Rudolph Steiner meant.
Rudolph Steiner was a mystic who wrote the book, 'How to know higher worlds. Here is a quote from him.

“There slumber in every human being faculties by means of which he can acquire for himself a knowledge of higher worlds. Mystics, Gnostics, Theosophists — all speak of a world of soul and spirit which for them is just as real as the world we see with our physical eyes and touch with our physical hands.”
Rudolf Steiner, How to Know Higher Worlds

I understand the situation but fail to see the problem.

Jesus preached the same thing in his own way and so do I.

Science also preaches the same thing and so did Freud and Jung in their Father Complex.

All they all are talking about is accessing our higher minds.

The Vatican's largest carving is of the pineal gland that is thought to activate our third eye or higher minds. Jesus call it our single eye.
Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Luke 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Iain McGilchrist: The divided brain | TED Talk |


So you are placing yourself on equal footing as Jesus? the op
You don't want "minds to hide", yet you call yourself a Gnostic Christian...which is all about hidden messages.
You want others to grow up , and you have a cartoon snake as your avatar.

...and what about acceptance, diversity and having an open mind. Does that only apply once in awhile?
SO! Christians are immoral and bad. Homosexuals are pure and good and care only for the eternal welfare of everyone they meet...
Christians believe fairy tails and spread lies. Atheists can fix society and make everything perfect --- a heaven on earth, if only all the Christians were herded together and re-educated to modern governmental standards or disposed of...

There exist wide differences between various religions, and atheism is just another system of beliefs. The trouble we have been facing for about 50 years is that atheism has educational access in most schools without confrontation or scrutiny.

Sorry, but gay behavior does nothing to improve society. Homosexuality promotes hedonism and self-awareness as its goal. Homosexual behavior is in no way equal to a moral heterosexual behavior pattern. Within moral and godly heterosexual behavior, procreation and child rearing is in the forefront. And the protection of children becomes a deep seated emotional need.

The driving force of homosexuality is the desire for intimate relationships. Children while enjoyed, are not either the goal of such relationships nor considered more important than the need to fulfill an emotional void. The thought of celibacy among homosexuals primarily means giving up sexual pleasure with little if any consideration for procreation.

The Christian reviews his desires, and what he thinks he needs in terms of what God provides and expects. Atheists ultimately care only for what a desire will gain him. A lack of spirituality brings with it temper tantrums when personal gratification is not forthcoming quick enough.

We are overpopulated. What makes you think you're doing us a favor when you breed? Maybe gay is natures was of dealing with a parasite? Yes humans are parasites, not godly. Anyone can screw. You like girls? Great.

No one said gays good Christians bad. But you vs gays? They're better than people like you for sure

I always am intrigued about thousands and thousands of miles separate people , yet at the same time they build pyramids in Egypt and south America around the same time..


The Koran and bible have so many similarity's
Word travels fast?

I don't know. Building things is what we do and pyramid shape makes sense.

Do you think multiple tribes figured out God on their own.
Ok... Word travels fast?

Then how come gun powder was invented by the Chinese thousands of years before the Europeans figured it out?
Thousands of years is a blink of an eye.

And most of my answers will be I don't know. I will never give up and say must be God just because that makes me comfortable.
Some believe in science and deny religion. Some believe in religion and deny science. Some are smarter than either of those.

And then there are those that have faith in the LORD and realize that science is only as absolute as man is perfect.

By the time I was four or five years old my maternal grandmother was already working hard on my brainwashing. If I did something a little naughty or against her personal belief she would tell me, "Old Scratch Will Get You!" Old Scratch being her name for Satan. She would walk over a mile in the snow to make church services on a Wednesday evening or Sunday Morning.

In grammar school, 3rd and 4th grades my west TN teachers would begin each day with the pledge of allegiance and the Lord's Prayer. On Mondays they assigned each student a bible verse to memorize and recite back to the class on Thursday or Friday. I read the bible and the book of Mormon through while I was still in my teens. I had read the new testament no less than ten times while I was in my twenties. I was baptized in a Baptist church before a congregation of nearly a thousand on a Sunday morning in the spring of 1957. I was a Sunday school teacher, a member of the building committee and the Brotherhood. I worked with RA Boys and coached one of their baseball teams. I was a substitute usher. I spoke with personal testimony in nearby small churches. I visited the sick on Tuesday evenings and twice a year we visited a prison or a jail. We tithed our gross. I walked the walk.

I used to sit in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings and look around at the faces of others and wonder if they doubted the way I did. I was two-faced until I was over sixty years old. After I retired I made a major decision. I did not want to keep living a lie.....I never believed all that malarkey.

I had most of the new testament memorized chapter and verse while I was still in my twenties and 90% of Christians don't know (*)(*)(*)(*) about the bible. Most have a few favorite verses and listen to the self serving messages from a preacher when they go to church but that's usually it. I love to see the look on their faces when I lace them with a couple of verses which absolutely states the opposite of something they have declared.

The good news is that primitive beliefs are on the way out. The organized brainwashing of young, innocent, gullible children by their adult church goers is the reason that after 2000 years it's still alive. You can teach a child anything. For thousands of years tribes of cannibals taught their young to consume human flesh as a religious ritual. Ironically they were converted from their faith to another one which consumes a cracker and some grape juice to simulate eating flesh and drinking blood. It's all such a load of crap written by primitive sheep herders who believed in witches and thought the earth was flat. Again....I've turned 80. I've seen a lot during the last 75 years. The thing that pleases me most is the results of studies like this one. There's still hope:

Survey: One in five Americans has no religion

By Dan Merica

Washington – The fastest growing "religious" group in America is made up of people with no religion at all, according to a Pew survey showing that one in five Americans is not affiliated with any religion.

The number of these Americans has grown by 25% just in the past five years, according to a survey released Tuesday by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.

The survey found that the ranks of the unaffiliated are growing even faster among younger Americans.

Thirty-three million Americans now have no religious affiliation, with 13 million in that group identifying as either atheist or agnostic, according to the new survey.

Pew found that those who are religiously unaffiliated are strikingly less religious than the public at large. They attend church infrequently, if at all, are largely not seeking out religion and say that the lack of it in their lives is of little importance.
Some believe in science and deny religion. Some believe in religion and deny science. Some are smarter than either of those.

And then there are those that have faith in the LORD and realize that science is only as absolute as man is perfect.

By the time I was four or five years old my maternal grandmother was already working hard on my brainwashing. If I did something a little naughty or against her personal belief she would tell me, "Old Scratch Will Get You!" Old Scratch being her name for Satan. She would walk over a mile in the snow to make church services on a Wednesday evening or Sunday Morning.

In grammar school, 3rd and 4th grades my west TN teachers would begin each day with the pledge of allegiance and the Lord's Prayer. On Mondays they assigned each student a bible verse to memorize and recite back to the class on Thursday or Friday. I read the bible and the book of Mormon through while I was still in my teens. I had read the new testament no less than ten times while I was in my twenties. I was baptized in a Baptist church before a congregation of nearly a thousand on a Sunday morning in the spring of 1957. I was a Sunday school teacher, a member of the building committee and the Brotherhood. I worked with RA Boys and coached one of their baseball teams. I was a substitute usher. I spoke with personal testimony in nearby small churches. I visited the sick on Tuesday evenings and twice a year we visited a prison or a jail. We tithed our gross. I walked the walk.

I used to sit in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings and look around at the faces of others and wonder if they doubted the way I did. I was two-faced until I was over sixty years old. After I retired I made a major decision. I did not want to keep living a lie.....I never believed all that malarkey.

I had most of the new testament memorized chapter and verse while I was still in my twenties and 90% of Christians don't know (*)(*)(*)(*) about the bible. Most have a few favorite verses and listen to the self serving messages from a preacher when they go to church but that's usually it. I love to see the look on their faces when I lace them with a couple of verses which absolutely states the opposite of something they have declared.

The good news is that primitive beliefs are on the way out. The organized brainwashing of young, innocent, gullible children by their adult church goers is the reason that after 2000 years it's still alive. You can teach a child anything. For thousands of years tribes of cannibals taught their young to consume human flesh as a religious ritual. Ironically they were converted from their faith to another one which consumes a cracker and some grape juice to simulate eating flesh and drinking blood. It's all such a load of crap written by primitive sheep herders who believed in witches and thought the earth was flat. Again....I've turned 80. I've seen a lot during the last 75 years. The thing that pleases me most is the results of studies like this one. There's still hope:

Survey: One in five Americans has no religion

By Dan Merica

Washington – The fastest growing "religious" group in America is made up of people with no religion at all, according to a Pew survey showing that one in five Americans is not affiliated with any religion.

The number of these Americans has grown by 25% just in the past five years, according to a survey released Tuesday by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.

The survey found that the ranks of the unaffiliated are growing even faster among younger Americans.

Thirty-three million Americans now have no religious affiliation, with 13 million in that group identifying as either atheist or agnostic, according to the new survey.

Pew found that those who are religiously unaffiliated are strikingly less religious than the public at large. They attend church infrequently, if at all, are largely not seeking out religion and say that the lack of it in their lives is of little importance.
Maybe the Bible is a stepping stone. Is it possible that you should have stepped forward and you stepped back?
Some believe in science and deny religion. Some believe in religion and deny science. Some are smarter than either of those.

And then there are those that have faith in the LORD and realize that science is only as absolute as man is perfect.

By the time I was four or five years old my maternal grandmother was already working hard on my brainwashing. If I did something a little naughty or against her personal belief she would tell me, "Old Scratch Will Get You!" Old Scratch being her name for Satan. She would walk over a mile in the snow to make church services on a Wednesday evening or Sunday Morning.

In grammar school, 3rd and 4th grades my west TN teachers would begin each day with the pledge of allegiance and the Lord's Prayer. On Mondays they assigned each student a bible verse to memorize and recite back to the class on Thursday or Friday. I read the bible and the book of Mormon through while I was still in my teens. I had read the new testament no less than ten times while I was in my twenties. I was baptized in a Baptist church before a congregation of nearly a thousand on a Sunday morning in the spring of 1957. I was a Sunday school teacher, a member of the building committee and the Brotherhood. I worked with RA Boys and coached one of their baseball teams. I was a substitute usher. I spoke with personal testimony in nearby small churches. I visited the sick on Tuesday evenings and twice a year we visited a prison or a jail. We tithed our gross. I walked the walk.

I used to sit in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings and look around at the faces of others and wonder if they doubted the way I did. I was two-faced until I was over sixty years old. After I retired I made a major decision. I did not want to keep living a lie.....I never believed all that malarkey.

I had most of the new testament memorized chapter and verse while I was still in my twenties and 90% of Christians don't know (*)(*)(*)(*) about the bible. Most have a few favorite verses and listen to the self serving messages from a preacher when they go to church but that's usually it. I love to see the look on their faces when I lace them with a couple of verses which absolutely states the opposite of something they have declared.

The good news is that primitive beliefs are on the way out. The organized brainwashing of young, innocent, gullible children by their adult church goers is the reason that after 2000 years it's still alive. You can teach a child anything. For thousands of years tribes of cannibals taught their young to consume human flesh as a religious ritual. Ironically they were converted from their faith to another one which consumes a cracker and some grape juice to simulate eating flesh and drinking blood. It's all such a load of crap written by primitive sheep herders who believed in witches and thought the earth was flat. Again....I've turned 80. I've seen a lot during the last 75 years. The thing that pleases me most is the results of studies like this one. There's still hope:

Survey: One in five Americans has no religion

By Dan Merica

Washington – The fastest growing "religious" group in America is made up of people with no religion at all, according to a Pew survey showing that one in five Americans is not affiliated with any religion.

The number of these Americans has grown by 25% just in the past five years, according to a survey released Tuesday by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.

The survey found that the ranks of the unaffiliated are growing even faster among younger Americans.

Thirty-three million Americans now have no religious affiliation, with 13 million in that group identifying as either atheist or agnostic, according to the new survey.

Pew found that those who are religiously unaffiliated are strikingly less religious than the public at large. They attend church infrequently, if at all, are largely not seeking out religion and say that the lack of it in their lives is of little importance.
Better to know the truth. In fact I feel very lucky in the dice roll of life. Not too poor, wasn't born in a bad century, healthy, loving parents. When its over I'm going to thank my great grandparents for mating 2000 years ago, not Jesus.
Some believe in science and deny religion. Some believe in religion and deny science. Some are smarter than either of those.

And then there are those that have faith in the LORD and realize that science is only as absolute as man is perfect.

By the time I was four or five years old my maternal grandmother was already working hard on my brainwashing. If I did something a little naughty or against her personal belief she would tell me, "Old Scratch Will Get You!" Old Scratch being her name for Satan. She would walk over a mile in the snow to make church services on a Wednesday evening or Sunday Morning.

In grammar school, 3rd and 4th grades my west TN teachers would begin each day with the pledge of allegiance and the Lord's Prayer. On Mondays they assigned each student a bible verse to memorize and recite back to the class on Thursday or Friday. I read the bible and the book of Mormon through while I was still in my teens. I had read the new testament no less than ten times while I was in my twenties. I was baptized in a Baptist church before a congregation of nearly a thousand on a Sunday morning in the spring of 1957. I was a Sunday school teacher, a member of the building committee and the Brotherhood. I worked with RA Boys and coached one of their baseball teams. I was a substitute usher. I spoke with personal testimony in nearby small churches. I visited the sick on Tuesday evenings and twice a year we visited a prison or a jail. We tithed our gross. I walked the walk.

I used to sit in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings and look around at the faces of others and wonder if they doubted the way I did. I was two-faced until I was over sixty years old. After I retired I made a major decision. I did not want to keep living a lie.....I never believed all that malarkey.

I had most of the new testament memorized chapter and verse while I was still in my twenties and 90% of Christians don't know (*)(*)(*)(*) about the bible. Most have a few favorite verses and listen to the self serving messages from a preacher when they go to church but that's usually it. I love to see the look on their faces when I lace them with a couple of verses which absolutely states the opposite of something they have declared.

The good news is that primitive beliefs are on the way out. The organized brainwashing of young, innocent, gullible children by their adult church goers is the reason that after 2000 years it's still alive. You can teach a child anything. For thousands of years tribes of cannibals taught their young to consume human flesh as a religious ritual. Ironically they were converted from their faith to another one which consumes a cracker and some grape juice to simulate eating flesh and drinking blood. It's all such a load of crap written by primitive sheep herders who believed in witches and thought the earth was flat. Again....I've turned 80. I've seen a lot during the last 75 years. The thing that pleases me most is the results of studies like this one. There's still hope:

Survey: One in five Americans has no religion

By Dan Merica

Washington – The fastest growing "religious" group in America is made up of people with no religion at all, according to a Pew survey showing that one in five Americans is not affiliated with any religion.

The number of these Americans has grown by 25% just in the past five years, according to a survey released Tuesday by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.

The survey found that the ranks of the unaffiliated are growing even faster among younger Americans.

Thirty-three million Americans now have no religious affiliation, with 13 million in that group identifying as either atheist or agnostic, according to the new survey.

Pew found that those who are religiously unaffiliated are strikingly less religious than the public at large. They attend church infrequently, if at all, are largely not seeking out religion and say that the lack of it in their lives is of little importance.
Better to know the truth. In fact I feel very lucky in the dice roll of life. Not too poor, wasn't born in a bad century, healthy, loving parents. When its over I'm going to thank my great grandparents for mating 2000 years ago, not Jesus.

I heard that. Screw all of the ancient gods and invisible "MEN" in the sky. Men wrote the book and is it any surprise that men are in charge?
Some believe in science and deny religion. Some believe in religion and deny science. Some are smarter than either of those.

And then there are those that have faith in the LORD and realize that science is only as absolute as man is perfect.

By the time I was four or five years old my maternal grandmother was already working hard on my brainwashing. If I did something a little naughty or against her personal belief she would tell me, "Old Scratch Will Get You!" Old Scratch being her name for Satan. She would walk over a mile in the snow to make church services on a Wednesday evening or Sunday Morning.

In grammar school, 3rd and 4th grades my west TN teachers would begin each day with the pledge of allegiance and the Lord's Prayer. On Mondays they assigned each student a bible verse to memorize and recite back to the class on Thursday or Friday. I read the bible and the book of Mormon through while I was still in my teens. I had read the new testament no less than ten times while I was in my twenties. I was baptized in a Baptist church before a congregation of nearly a thousand on a Sunday morning in the spring of 1957. I was a Sunday school teacher, a member of the building committee and the Brotherhood. I worked with RA Boys and coached one of their baseball teams. I was a substitute usher. I spoke with personal testimony in nearby small churches. I visited the sick on Tuesday evenings and twice a year we visited a prison or a jail. We tithed our gross. I walked the walk.

I used to sit in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings and look around at the faces of others and wonder if they doubted the way I did. I was two-faced until I was over sixty years old. After I retired I made a major decision. I did not want to keep living a lie.....I never believed all that malarkey.

I had most of the new testament memorized chapter and verse while I was still in my twenties and 90% of Christians don't know (*)(*)(*)(*) about the bible. Most have a few favorite verses and listen to the self serving messages from a preacher when they go to church but that's usually it. I love to see the look on their faces when I lace them with a couple of verses which absolutely states the opposite of something they have declared.

The good news is that primitive beliefs are on the way out. The organized brainwashing of young, innocent, gullible children by their adult church goers is the reason that after 2000 years it's still alive. You can teach a child anything. For thousands of years tribes of cannibals taught their young to consume human flesh as a religious ritual. Ironically they were converted from their faith to another one which consumes a cracker and some grape juice to simulate eating flesh and drinking blood. It's all such a load of crap written by primitive sheep herders who believed in witches and thought the earth was flat. Again....I've turned 80. I've seen a lot during the last 75 years. The thing that pleases me most is the results of studies like this one. There's still hope:

Survey: One in five Americans has no religion

By Dan Merica

Washington – The fastest growing "religious" group in America is made up of people with no religion at all, according to a Pew survey showing that one in five Americans is not affiliated with any religion.

The number of these Americans has grown by 25% just in the past five years, according to a survey released Tuesday by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.

The survey found that the ranks of the unaffiliated are growing even faster among younger Americans.

Thirty-three million Americans now have no religious affiliation, with 13 million in that group identifying as either atheist or agnostic, according to the new survey.

Pew found that those who are religiously unaffiliated are strikingly less religious than the public at large. They attend church infrequently, if at all, are largely not seeking out religion and say that the lack of it in their lives is of little importance.
Better to know the truth. In fact I feel very lucky in the dice roll of life. Not too poor, wasn't born in a bad century, healthy, loving parents. When its over I'm going to thank my great grandparents for mating 2000 years ago, not Jesus.

I heard that. Screw all of the ancient gods and invisible "MEN" in the sky. Men wrote the book and is it any surprise that men are in charge?
I am so glad to see religions are losing their grip on Europe Canada America Australia. I know we are thousands of years away from outgrowing gods because we have the bible belt Israel Mormons and Islam. None of them are going away any time soon. Too much appeal. People will always be conned by these cults. Hopefully their numbers decline enough their status gets downgraded from religions to cults.

How many Christians don't even believe Mary was a virgin or Jesus was a God? Allegories. Yet they call themselves Christians because they follow Christ as a teacher?
Some believe in science and deny religion. Some believe in religion and deny science. Some are smarter than either of those.

And some understand they are not mutually exclusive.
God comes up very little in a science lab. That's because after all the experiments nothing has ever proved a God exists and never will.
Quantum mechanics comes up very little when doing acceleration due to gravity experiments in high school.
Again why we're the Egyptian's building pyramids around the same time the Aztecs were?

They were separated by oceans

And why did they abandoned the practice?
This fails as an appeal to ignorance fallacy.

That you don't know why the Egyptians were building pyramids around the same time as the Aztecs doesn't mean the 'answer' is 'god.'
What you want is a man made religion and that is not how it's intended.

Indeed, the OP seems to want a religion that puts the folly of mortal man above the wisdom and authority of God.
This fails as a straw man fallacy, the OP advocates no such thing.

The perception of a 'god' is personal and subjective, devoid of evidence or fact – consequently it manifest no secular authority, and thankfully so.
Again why we're the Egyptian's building pyramids around the same time the Aztecs were?

They were separated by oceans

And why did they abandoned the practice?
This fails as an appeal to ignorance fallacy.

That you don't know why the Egyptians were building pyramids around the same time as the Aztecs doesn't mean the 'answer' is 'god.'
A better question would be how did we make the huge mental leap forward all of the sudden? And why haven't any other animals gotten smart?

Then it turns out dolphins may in some ways be smarter than us and dogs are getting smarter living along side us. Who knows in 1000 years dogs might talk. If that happens they'll say its a miracle but its actually science.
Daniel Dennett annoys the hell out of me. He had the gall to write a book called consciousness explained without explaining anything. He just skips over Descartes point that the mind is an un-extended thinking thing but the body is an extended unthinking thing. Hence the concept of dualism of which I am an advocate. As for theists they fall down because they stick to outdated religious doctrines. Myself I am a deist who believes God is the first cause of creation, and he set the laws of physics into motion as a perfect plan to allow us to evolve by personal experience. I think there is more truth in eastern religions than in the Abrahamic religions. But all religions are bound to fail to get a handle on an infinite divine mind.
And you come to this conclusion with a lack of evidence. How wise is that? To assume a God created the universe without any facts or evidence verifying this this not even a theory. God is just a hypothesis. Do you get that? And what's the purpose? The universe is 14 billion years old and has less than 10 billion years to go. Everything dies including you. No soul moves on afterward

The evidence I have comes from thirty years of attending spiritualist churches. In the first two years I came to believe that mediums were mostly doing what they said they were doing, and talking to the spirits of the dead.
After that I studied the teachings of several trance mediums and got an over view of the mystery's of life.
I came to believe there is a God who is a vast formless mind and he is the source of creation. We are a small part of the godhead, and we are sent out on a long journey of self realization over many incarnations. We reincarnate of many different planets in the course of our evolution, until reaching a state of grace, or enlightenment. After which we continue to grow as immortal beings in higher realms.
This isn't 'evidence,' it's personal, subjective belief, devoid of objective documentation, fact, or truth.

You're at liberty to believe whatever you want, provided you understand it's 'true' solely in the context of your personal life.
We know everything comes from inside stars. So it all comes down to what caused the big bang. After that gods been mia.
Daniel Dennett annoys the hell out of me. He had the gall to write a book called consciousness explained without explaining anything. He just skips over Descartes point that the mind is an un-extended thinking thing but the body is an extended unthinking thing. Hence the concept of dualism of which I am an advocate. As for theists they fall down because they stick to outdated religious doctrines. Myself I am a deist who believes God is the first cause of creation, and he set the laws of physics into motion as a perfect plan to allow us to evolve by personal experience. I think there is more truth in eastern religions than in the Abrahamic religions. But all religions are bound to fail to get a handle on an infinite divine mind.
And you come to this conclusion with a lack of evidence. How wise is that? To assume a God created the universe without any facts or evidence verifying this this not even a theory. God is just a hypothesis. Do you get that? And what's the purpose? The universe is 14 billion years old and has less than 10 billion years to go. Everything dies including you. No soul moves on afterward

The evidence I have comes from thirty years of attending spiritualist churches. In the first two years I came to believe that mediums were mostly doing what they said they were doing, and talking to the spirits of the dead.
After that I studied the teachings of several trance mediums and got an over view of the mystery's of life.
I came to believe there is a God who is a vast formless mind and he is the source of creation. We are a small part of the godhead, and we are sent out on a long journey of self realization over many incarnations. We reincarnate of many different planets in the course of our evolution, until reaching a state of grace, or enlightenment. After which we continue to grow as immortal beings in higher realms.
Bottom line. What's the scientific consensus say about this? Has your hypothesis been peer reviewed? Do you understand if the answer is no your belief isn't even a basic theory?

Are you aware a scientific theory is the highest honor an idea can achieve? And your hypothesis doesn't even qualify as a basic theory.

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