Religion's Kryptonite

Fmr jarhead

Senior Member
Aug 9, 2004
I was driving my truck in to work this morning and had an awakening!

Dealing with the endless procession of morons who follow too closely, cut lanes, throw hand gestures, and generally behaving like a bunch of ill mannered adolescents, I realized that the majority of those acting in such a way had a little fish emblem, YYJD stickers or other religious themed signage clearly visible on their vehicle.

I wonder why someone who would go through the trouble of placing such adornments on their vehicle when their actions do not live up to their advertised beliefs. It's as though the placement of the decal is the acceptable disclaimer for bad behavior.

Maybe the "Sunday go to worship" morons who are in the car do not know that the vehicle is not "God's" kryptonite, and they should actually behave in a civil manner, since that is the message they profess by adorning their cars with such placards and sentments of rightousness.

I certainly do not think that a Kia's exterior is powerful enough to ward off the will of God, but what is the answer? Why are morons touting themselves as devout followers, and then behave in such a moronic way?

6 days a week to act the fool, only to look good in church on Sunday?
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Fmr jarhead said:
I was driving my truck in to work this morning and had an awakening!

Dealing with the endless procession of morons who follow too closely, cut lanes, throw hand gestures, and generally behaving like a bunch of ill mannered adolescents, I realized that the majority of those acting in such a way had a little fish emblem, YYJD stickers or other religious themed signage clearly visible on their vehicle.

I wonder why someone who would go through the trouble of placing such adornments on their vehicle when their actions do not live up to their advertised beliefs. It's as though the placement of the decal is the acceptable disclaimer for bad behavior.

Maybe the "Sunday go to worship" morons who are in the car do not know that the vehicle is not "God's" kryptonite, and they should actually behave in a civil manner, since that is the message they profess by adorning their cars with such placards and sentments of rightousness.

I certainly do not think that a Kia's exterior is powerful enough to ward off the will of God, but what is the answer? Why are morons touting themselves as devout followers, and then behave in such a moronic way?

6 days a week to act the fool, only to look good in church on Sunday?

I had a friend back in High School who was Catholic. He said he loved the religion because he could do whatever he wanted 6 days a week, then confess and say a few "Hail Marys" and start all over again.

I think a lot of people think that if they go to church on Sunday, they are pretty much good to go the rest of the week.
Fmr jarhead said:
I was driving my truck in to work this morning and had an awakening!

Dealing with the endless procession of morons who follow too closely, cut lanes, throw hand gestures, and generally behaving like a bunch of ill mannered adolescents, I realized that the majority of those acting in such a way had a little fish emblem, YYJD stickers or other religious themed signage clearly visible on their vehicle.

I wonder why someone who would go through the trouble of placing such adornments on their vehicle when their actions do not live up to their advertised beliefs. It's as though the placement of the decal is the acceptable disclaimer for bad behavior.

Maybe the "Sunday go to worship" morons who are in the car do not know that the vehicle is not "God's" kryptonite, and they should actually behave in a civil manner, since that is the message they profess by adorning their cars with such placards and sentments of rightousness.

I certainly do not think that a Kia's exterior is powerful enough to ward off the will of God, but what is the answer? Why are morons touting themselves as devout followers, and then behave in such a moronic way?

6 days a week to act the fool, only to look good in church on Sunday?

Right there with you - people who put such advertisements on their cars usually do so out of pride...which can be sinful ;)

GotZoom said:
I had a friend back in High School who was Catholic. He said he loved the religion because he could do whatever he wanted 6 days a week, then confess and say a few "Hail Marys" and start all over again.

I think a lot of people think that if they go to church on Sunday, they are pretty much good to go the rest of the week.
Your friend was mistaken. The act of 'saying' prayers does not allow one forgiveness.
Fmr jarhead said:
I was driving my truck in to work this morning and had an awakening!

Dealing with the endless procession of morons who follow too closely, cut lanes, throw hand gestures, and generally behaving like a bunch of ill mannered adolescents, I realized that the majority of those acting in such a way had a little fish emblem, YYJD stickers or other religious themed signage clearly visible on their vehicle.

I wonder why someone who would go through the trouble of placing such adornments on their vehicle when their actions do not live up to their advertised beliefs. It's as though the placement of the decal is the acceptable disclaimer for bad behavior.

Maybe the "Sunday go to worship" morons who are in the car do not know that the vehicle is not "God's" kryptonite, and they should actually behave in a civil manner, since that is the message they profess by adorning their cars with such placards and sentments of rightousness.

I certainly do not think that a Kia's exterior is powerful enough to ward off the will of God, but what is the answer? Why are morons touting themselves as devout followers, and then behave in such a moronic way?

6 days a week to act the fool, only to look good in church on Sunday?

these morons purchased the vehicle with the "fish" symbol already say they are Christians because of a sticker is silly to say the least! :dev2:
Kathianne said:
Your friend was mistaken. The act of 'saying' prayers does not allow one forgiveness.

Yes, I am very aware of that - as I was then. I tried to explain that "it didn't work that way."

But he knew better, I didn't understand the Catholic religion, etc...

I told him I'd stick with Christianity.
GotZoom said:
Yes, I am very aware of that - as I was then. I tried to explain that "it didn't work that way."

But he knew better, I didn't understand the Catholic religion, etc...

I told him I'd stick with Christianity.
Catholocism is Christian.
GotZoom said:
There is a difference between the two.

Catholicism is a branch of Christianity, as are Protestantism and Orthodox.

There are differences between Protestantism and Catholicism, but both are Christian.
gop_jeff said:
Catholicism is a branch of Christianity, as are Protestantism and Orthodox.

There are differences between Protestantism and Catholicism, but both are Christian.
Agreed. :thup:
Fmr jarhead said:
...and the kryptonite works on all of them equally!
Probably, I can only speak for Sunday morning Catholic parking lots, are they racing from peace to the devil? :shocked:

Maybe the Prots are better?
Boy do I have a story about one of those WWJD stickers and the driver..
It got my attention..some wackos they are...
gop_jeff said:
WWJD... We Want Jelly Donuts!

WWJD....what would Jesus Drive? My first guess is a car that cuts everyone off in traffic, one that does not have a brake, only an accelerator, and it has to either be a Quad Cab P/U with a full length bed, or an H2 Hummer with a big ass trailer for all his carpentry gear (he's need the quad cab or the Hummer to carry around his "a posse.lls"
Fmr jarhead said:
I was driving my truck in to work this morning and had an awakening!

Dealing with the endless procession of morons who follow too closely, cut lanes, throw hand gestures, and generally behaving like a bunch of ill mannered adolescents, I realized that the majority of those acting in such a way had a little fish emblem, YYJD stickers or other religious themed signage clearly visible on their vehicle.

I wonder why someone who would go through the trouble of placing such adornments on their vehicle when their actions do not live up to their advertised beliefs. It's as though the placement of the decal is the acceptable disclaimer for bad behavior.

Maybe the "Sunday go to worship" morons who are in the car do not know that the vehicle is not "God's" kryptonite, and they should actually behave in a civil manner, since that is the message they profess by adorning their cars with such placards and sentments of rightousness.

I certainly do not think that a Kia's exterior is powerful enough to ward off the will of God, but what is the answer? Why are morons touting themselves as devout followers, and then behave in such a moronic way?

6 days a week to act the fool, only to look good in church on Sunday?

I think you'll find that you happened to just notice that little fishy symbol, on some of the rude driver's cars, and didn't see any noticeable symbols on the other rude driver's cars.

I'm not defending these folks that hang a shingle on their car to advertise "Jesus is the way", and then act like hypocrites to the faith they allegedly embrace.

I'll tell yah another sign that used to circulate around the Christian community. I'll probably not quote it verbatim, but it goes something like this, "Christian Aren't Perfect, But They're(I'm) Saved". I sure someone can post the exact saying. Anyway, I see that bumper sticker as a blatant disclaimer. It's basically saying, don't get the wrong impression about Jesus, or the Christian faith based on me, cause I'm not always going to set a good example or maybe never, but never the less, I have "Fire Insurance" and you can have that too.

Whoopee!.......Say the sinners prayer, and go out on the road and play destruction derby........since your saved now.......and oh,,,,,,by the way, I'm a Christian, and you also could be one.......just ask me, cause that's what the little fishy symbol is for.

I will, disagree on one point, and that's referring to folks that go or drive to church as "Sunday Go To Church Morons". What's wrong with going to church......On a Sunday or any day of the week and spending some time worshiping your creator, and fellowshipping with people of like-minded beliefs?

I think you'll find that the majority of rude drivers on the road aren't flashing fishys on their cars........but you just keyed in on those your post sounds like you have a little bit of an axe to grind with folks that call themselves Christians..........."Sunday Go To Church Morons".

If I misunderstood you I really apologize. Did you mean that these Sunday folks only act Christian-like on Sundays, and the rest of the days of the week, they're indistinguishable from others, or that they seem hypocritical to their faith Monday-Saturday, and somehow transform into Saints on Sunday? If that's what you meant, I heartily agree, but I wouldn't lay that blame on all Christians.
Eightball said:
I think you'll find that you happened to just notice that little fishy symbol, on some of the rude driver's cars, and didn't see any noticeable symbols on the other rude driver's cars.

I'm not defending these folks that hang a shingle on their car to advertise "Jesus is the way", and then act like hypocrites to the faith they allegedly embrace.

I'll tell yah another sign that used to circulate around the Christian community. I'll probably not quote it verbatim, but it goes something like this, "Christian Aren't Perfect, But They're(I'm) Saved". I sure someone can post the exact saying. Anyway, I see that bumper sticker as a blatant disclaimer. It's basically saying, don't get the wrong impression about Jesus, or the Christian faith based on me, cause I'm not always going to set a good example or maybe never, but never the less, I have "Fire Insurance" and you can have that too.

Whoopee!.......Say the sinners prayer, and go out on the road and play destruction derby........since your saved now.......and oh,,,,,,by the way, I'm a Christian, and you also could be one.......just ask me, cause that's what the little fishy symbol is for.

I will, disagree on one point, and that's referring to folks that go or drive to church as "Sunday Go To Church Morons". What's wrong with going to church......On a Sunday or any day of the week and spending some time worshiping your creator, and fellowshipping with people of like-minded beliefs?

I think you'll find that the majority of rude drivers on the road aren't flashing fishys on their cars........but you just keyed in on those your post sounds like you have a little bit of an axe to grind with folks that call themselves Christians..........."Sunday Go To Church Morons".

not quote it verbatim, but it goes something like this,
"Christian Aren't Perfect, But They're(I'm) Saved".
I sure someone can post the exact saying. Sounds alot like that Catholic kid Zoom was talking about. It don't work that way.
If there's any folks that have a giant responsibility to say, I'm sorry, and apologize for wrong doings and behaviour, its a biblical Christian. The world does hold Christians to a high standard, and they really do get "worked over" in the media when they do something that is unethical or out of Character.

I'm a Christian, and biblically, my actions, my tongue, actually my whole life is supposed to be a "witness" of Christ's life working in and through me. If I sin against my fellow man in anyway, it is absolutely mandatory that I apologize or ask for forgiveness towards those whom I have done a wrong.

Rude driving is a very poor witness, or testimony of Christ in my life. When you put that fishy on your bumper, your, representing more than yourself to the world around. :kiss2:
Eightball...I called 'em morons, cuz that's they way they behave on the highway...I don't care if you worship a little oblong pigskin on Sunday...If you drive like an idiot, no matter your belief or bumpersticker, I will call you on it!

And, no, I don't have an axe to grind with anyone's religion....If it floats your boat, and helps to remind you to be a good person, then go for it, just don't push it on me, please....I have a moral compass that sits right without the need to feel guilt.

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