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Religious leaders call on Congress to reevaulate military aid to Israel

Hmmm...and I wonder by who the Christian Coalition was founded by...Pat Robertson! Haha!
Arab douchebag, if according to the latest gallup polls, you have more than 75% of 300 million Americans that strongly support Israel, what does that translate to.....Around 200 million? My bad, the 70 million is a low number. Heh heh heh.

Ha ha! A few thousand evangelist and Jews entered the poll doesn't mean 75% of Americans. Nice try though! :lol:
Hmmm...and I wonder by who the Christian Coalition was founded by...Pat Robertson! Haha!
Arab douchebag, if according to the latest gallup polls, you have more than 75% of 300 million Americans that strongly support Israel, what does that translate to.....Around 200 million? My bad, the 70 million is a low number. Heh heh heh.

Ha ha! A few thousand evangelist and Jews entered the poll doesn't mean 75% of Americans. Nice try though! :lol:
Really? Where did you go to school, Hamas High for Muslim retards? Dumbfuck.

Americans Continue to Tilt Pro-Israel

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The large majority of Americans continue to view Israel favorably, while far fewer say they view the Palestinian Authority or Iran very or mostly favorably.

Bottom Line
The United States has long been an ally of Israel, and Americans continue to show decidedly positive views toward that nation. As nations throughout the Middle East undergo tumultuous change, perhaps making the region more politically unstable, Americans still appear to see Israel as important, with large majorities viewing it favorably and many more giving their sympathies to the Israelis than to the Palestinians.

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are we done discussing THE EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE ?
right now----most chrisitans and hindus and buddhists of the world are simply indifferent on the issue of Israel I do have to admit I never met a hindu who did not have a problem with muslims and Buddhists ----simply DO NOT COMMIT Muslims ----on the basis of religious belief and culture----do seem to virtually universally -----to at least some extent, support ISLAMIC TRIUMPH over all-------and harbor a sense of disdain for all things not islamic. Christians have a belief in end game UNIVERSAL RAPTURE -----and some do believe in pushing that idea thru missionizing ------the aggressive missionizing to the point of "take it or die" is over. Muslims still harbor such ideas. Buddhists and Hindus and Jews-----don't
Arab douchebag, if according to the latest gallup polls, you have more than 75% of 300 million Americans that strongly support Israel, what does that translate to.....Around 200 million? My bad, the 70 million is a low number. Heh heh heh.

Ha ha! A few thousand evangelist and Jews entered the poll doesn't mean 75% of Americans. Nice try though! :lol:
Really? Where did you go to school, Hamas High for Muslim retards? Dumbfuck.

Americans Continue to Tilt Pro-Israel

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The large majority of Americans continue to view Israel favorably, while far fewer say they view the Palestinian Authority or Iran very or mostly favorably.

Bottom Line
The United States has long been an ally of Israel, and Americans continue to show decidedly positive views toward that nation. As nations throughout the Middle East undergo tumultuous change, perhaps making the region more politically unstable, Americans still appear to see Israel as important, with large majorities viewing it favorably and many more giving their sympathies to the Israelis than to the Palestinians.

Support for Israel in U.S. at 63%, Near Record High

:lol::lol::lol: we all know Zionists and evangelists and Christian Zionists were the ones who entered the poll. Kalb it's the truth. No one wants our money going to a pyscho Rightwing military
Bullshit. Those are shadowy people. Real Christians could care less about Israel. Israel is well off without them

You don't have a clue what real Christian is or cares about...

They care where Jesus lived. Things like that, etc. most Christians I know don't give a shit about Israel. They are anti Israel actually
How would you know any Christians? When you are not in school, you are on a message board. Why not contact the ICEJ (International Christiam Embassy Jerusalem) and ask them if they care about Israel and if there are loads of other Christians who deeply care about Israel and the Jews. I wouldn't be surprised myself that if you actually had a chance to speak to Christians and if they were honest with you, they would tell you that they are anti-Islam since many of them know what is happening to Christians in Muslim countries.
Oh yeah sure. There's no such thing as a majority Christian Arab population that supports Israel. There's almost no such thing at all. I could care less about evangelists.

AJC Outraged by Call for Investigation of Israel - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

Christians Discriminated Against by Israel

After all Jews killed Jesus like the Christians say. I'm sure they get along well...or is it a business thing...hmm

Christian arabs? Most Christians in this country support Israel. Your muslim brothers are too busy killing the arab Christians

Christianity originated in the Middle East. Middle East Christians practice their religion more than western Christians. They are more strict. Which is what the religion is supposed to be.
Is that why the Muslims are busy murdering the Christian Copts in Egypt -- because the Copts take their religion too strictly for the Muslims???
You don't have a clue what real Christian is or cares about...

They care where Jesus lived. Things like that, etc. most Christians I know don't give a shit about Israel. They are anti Israel actually
How would you know any Christians? When you are not in school, you are on a message board. Why not contact the ICEJ (International Christiam Embassy Jerusalem) and ask them if they care about Israel and if there are loads of other Christians who deeply care about Israel and the Jews. I wouldn't be surprised myself that if you actually had a chance to speak to Christians and if they were honest with you, they would tell you that they are anti-Islam since many of them know what is happening to Christians in Muslim countries.

Jerusalem? Lol more rich Christian Zionists? Haha how about let's ask the general hard working Christian Americans who don't want be dragged into another middle eastern war and are sick of having their tax payer money going to a right wing destructive military that kills its neighbors?
Christian arabs? Most Christians in this country support Israel. Your muslim brothers are too busy killing the arab Christians

Christianity originated in the Middle East. Middle East Christians practice their religion more than western Christians. They are more strict. Which is what the religion is supposed to be.
Is that why the Muslims are busy murdering the Christian Copts in Egypt -- because the Copts take their religion too strictly for the Muslims???

What did Copts say about Israel and Jews? I thought you didn't like Jew hating people. But the revolution thing should be discussed with the Egyptian law and government. There currently isn't any killings of people. Copts just want those military police punished for last years Revolution mess. And that's the Egyptians business not ours.
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sorry guys I know lots of copts----here in the USA copts are not happy with the -----egyptian islamization project AT ALL
Christianity originated in the Middle East. Middle East Christians practice their religion more than western Christians. They are more strict. Which is what the religion is supposed to be.
Is that why the Muslims are busy murdering the Christian Copts in Egypt -- because the Copts take their religion too strictly for the Muslims???

What did Copts say about Israel and Jews? I thought you didn't like Jew hating people. But the foot thing should be discussed with the Egyptian law and government. There currently isn't any killings of people. Copts just want those military police punished for last years Revolution mess. And that's the Egyptians business not ours.
Thousands March to Mark Killing of Egypt Copts - ABC News
They are not waiting for any Rapture, but feel that Israel has a right to their biblical lands.

Want to explain exactly what you mean by their biblical lands? Are you talking about the
Bible's definition of the Land of Israel. The first, found in Genesis 15:18-21, seems to define the land that was given to all of the children of Abraham, including Ishmael, Zimran, Jokshan, Midian, etc. It describes a large territory, "from the brook of Egypt to the Euphrates", comprising all of modern-day Israel, the Palestinian Territories, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq, as well as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Oman, Yemen, most of Turkey, and all the land east of the Nile river.
Seems if that is the case you will be waiting a very long time.
I doubt very much that they are hoping that the Jews get all those Middle Eastern countries. If you can find something where these Evangelists are saying that, could you please inform us? It sure looks like, though, that the descendents of Ishmael got the lion's share of the land. Of course they have gotten much of these lands by invasion. Have you ever seen a map showing all the Arab countries with tiny Israel for the Jews? However, in case you have missed it on other message boards, Muslims have said that Islam is for the whole world. Perhaps you don't have a problem with that.
Is that why the Muslims are busy murdering the Christian Copts in Egypt -- because the Copts take their religion too strictly for the Muslims???

What did Copts say about Israel and Jews? I thought you didn't like Jew hating people. But the foot thing should be discussed with the Egyptian law and government. There currently isn't any killings of people. Copts just want those military police punished for last years Revolution mess. And that's the Egyptians business not ours.
Thousands March to Mark Killing of Egypt Copts - ABC News

Good. Did you read the part where it says Muslim clerics and Christian priests? They are such united people the Egyptians. Not necessarily united but they work towards progress. That's what I noticed from them over my tens of visits there
I wonder if Tinny can find us the articles where the Christians in Bethlehem reported on how they have been so mistreated by the Muslims. That is the reason there are so few Christians in Bethlehem now. I know Tinny will be glad to find us at least one article on this. By the way, I wonder if Tinny can tell us why so many Muslims have left their countries and immigrated to Europe, Canada, and the U.S. Why weren't they satisfied in their own Muslim countries that they had to leave?
at no point in the bible does the land PROMISED to Abraham become "PROMISED TO ALL HIS SEED" in fact it is promised to the leader who inherits from ABRAHAM -----which is Isaac. The next hand to take over is-----not the "SEED OF ISAAC" but only to one of his sons-----JACOB (later renamed ISRAEL) ----the next owner is-------ALL OF JACOB's (ISRAEL's) sons and THEIR SEED------his sons----and their descendants with JUDAH as head of the "royal line" (even though reuben is the first born of Jacob-----the ROYAL LINE becomes Judah) Try not to pretend you know what is written in the bible if you never read it. That is silly

as to ISHMAEL -----the promise made to his mother ----hagar was "your son will be the progenitor of nations" no specific land is allocated him in the bible

a promise to a person's "seed" does not necessarily mean ALL OF HIS SEED In the bible it referred to the CHOSEN SUCCESSOR ----in the case of Abraham that was Isaac In the case of Isaac that was Jacob. get it???
Hmmm...and I wonder by who the Christian Coalition was founded by...Pat Robertson! Haha!
Arab douchebag, if according to the latest gallup polls, you have more than 75% of 300 million Americans that strongly support Israel, what does that translate to.....Around 200 million? My bad, the 70 million is a low number. Heh heh heh.

i would bet that if you asked the american people if they knew which states border israel that 95% of them wouldn't know.

and i bet if you asked those same people in the poll if they supported israel strongly enough to give them $3,000,000,000.00 every year, or about $120.00/year for a family of four (a lot of people think it is a good idea to cut PBS and that only costs $470,000,000.00, or about 16% of our aid package to israel) that the 75% strong support would drop dramatically...
you make a very interesting point deach---------I first encountered the islamo nazi pig propaganda ------a very long time ago as a very young child (i was a precocious reader and lived in a town full of people of your ilk) It was ALWAYS ABOUT DOLLARS AND CENTS Way back then the libel was that jews who supported hospitals and orphanages in Israel were costing the USA BILLIONS IN LOST TAXES-------because income given away in charity is not subject to federal income tax Your fellows enaged in INTRICATE calculations to prove that jews supporting orphans in Israel -------were a big EXPENSE to good christians like you. The sort of propaganda was SO ENTRENCHED in the islamo nazi system-------that one day-----when I was a bit grown-------a pakistani surgeon noticed a CALENDAR on my desk-----it was a hebrew calendar complete with ------a picture of some wine cup and candles-------and pictures of some kids------the calendar was part of a donation drive for the hospital for crippled children and orphanage in Jerusalem. (my mom donated two dollars every year) way back then. I explained the origin to the pakistani doc and he ANGRILY THREW IT DOWN--------your filth does have an effect on lots of people-----I have MORE stories about the same subject-------regarding the effect your islamo nazi propaganda has on ------some people------but then-----really just people who do not count. LOL my fave is the anger expressed by some more pakistani docs when a doc from thailand had on his desk A LETTER THANKING HIM FOR HIS DONATION (that one is my fave)
Holy crap Irosie making up more fairy tales. She always has that story at the right time, right moment, right sequence. Of course irosie...of course
They care where Jesus lived. Things like that, etc. most Christians I know don't give a shit about Israel. They are anti Israel actually
How would you know any Christians? When you are not in school, you are on a message board. Why not contact the ICEJ (International Christiam Embassy Jerusalem) and ask them if they care about Israel and if there are loads of other Christians who deeply care about Israel and the Jews. I wouldn't be surprised myself that if you actually had a chance to speak to Christians and if they were honest with you, they would tell you that they are anti-Islam since many of them know what is happening to Christians in Muslim countries.

Jerusalem? Lol more rich Christian Zionists? Haha how about let's ask the general hard working Christian Americans who don't want be dragged into another middle eastern war and are sick of having their tax payer money going to a right wing destructive military that kills its neighbors?

perhaps it is time to differentiate between christians, and the only ones who really support israel are the evangelilicals. zionists like to huff and puff and asy christians support israel when most don't care at all, or don't know about israel, and those that do know, generally don't support israel.

lol...it reminds me of the time that some clown, i even think it was roudy, who kept saying black people supported israel and kept citing this african american organisation. the organisation only had about 300 rich, southern, black college student and business graduates and received a large part of its funding from ewish people.

yeah...lolololol...whenever i want to feel the pulse of the black community, to know what they are thinking, i am gonna head on down to the nearest private university, look for a black lkid who goes to class in a three piece suit, and say "hey broham, whazz the shizzle, mah nizzle?"
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How would you know any Christians? When you are not in school, you are on a message board. Why not contact the ICEJ (International Christiam Embassy Jerusalem) and ask them if they care about Israel and if there are loads of other Christians who deeply care about Israel and the Jews. I wouldn't be surprised myself that if you actually had a chance to speak to Christians and if they were honest with you, they would tell you that they are anti-Islam since many of them know what is happening to Christians in Muslim countries.

Jerusalem? Lol more rich Christian Zionists? Haha how about let's ask the general hard working Christian Americans who don't want be dragged into another middle eastern war and are sick of having their tax payer money going to a right wing destructive military that kills its neighbors?

perhaps it is time to differentiate between christians, and the only ones who really support israel are the evangelilicals. zionists like to huff and puff and asy christians support israel when most don't care reall, or don't know about israel, and those that do know, generally don't support israel.

lol...it reminds me of the time that some clown, i even think it was roudy, who kept saying black people supported israel and kept citing this african american organisation. the organisation only had about 300 rich, southern, black college student and business graduates and received a large part of its funding from ewish people.

yeah...lolololol...whenever i want to feel the pulse of the black community, to know what they are thinking, i am gonna head on down to the nearest private university, look for a black lkid who goes to class in a three piece suit, and say "hey broham, whazz the shizzle, mah nizzle?"

Exactly. They love em Christian Zionists, lol Roudy claimed 70 million Christians are die hard pro Israelis. Unbelievable :cool:
What did Copts say about Israel and Jews? I thought you didn't like Jew hating people. But the foot thing should be discussed with the Egyptian law and government. There currently isn't any killings of people. Copts just want those military police punished for last years Revolution mess. And that's the Egyptians business not ours.
Thousands March to Mark Killing of Egypt Copts - ABC News

Good. Did you read the part where it says Muslim clerics and Christian priests? They are such united people the Egyptians. Not necessarily united but they work towards progress. That's what I noticed from them over my tens of visits there
Do you really think we are that stupid that we don't know what happens to the Christian Copts in Egypt? Instead of posting all your nonsense that you pull out of thin air, take up skateboarding after school to get some fresh air. I remember an article a few years back when the Copts were renovating an old church, and the Muslims came out in the thousands to protest against even that. And do you really think that we are going to believe someone like you who is still wet behind the ears that you made "tens of visits" there? By the way, on your next imaginary visit there, could you please tell your fellow Muslims in Egypt to stop kidnapping Christian girls and forcing them to convert to Islam. This happens in other Muslim countries as well, but we will just stick with Egypt for the moment.

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