Religious Right Wing Bigots Still Obsessing About Marriage-Get a Life!

Not really. There is a question as to whether or not the decision should be reversed or not.......

What case or cases are pending or even making their way up to the SC?

You never know for sure what case is going to make it to the court before it does. The Colorado baker case could be a real opening for the Court to outlaw Gay Marriage nationwide, if it made it to the Supreme Court. But there are other cases involving gay nuptials always bubbling up.

Why would anyone outlaw same-sex marriage? BTW: what's it to you? Even if you are unhappy in your own marriage, do you think that you would be happier if other people could not get married?

The problem with glorifying Gay Marriage is what would happen if it became universal?

Normative children really are losing their role models and can be a lot more easily recruited into the gay lifestyle.
The evolution of traditional role models have absolutely nothing to do with sexual orientation. But I get where your coming from. Your so stupid that you think that there is a husband and a wife in same sex relationships where each fulfills the role of one gender or the others.

A fair number of homos become Trannies you do know. Not everyone starts off at the deep end , they move gradually more and more into it.

Sonny and Cher's daughter, if you'll remember, started off as a Lesbian, before she became , more of less, a "dude".

Bradley Manning was a homo for years, before he decided that he was actually a broad trapped into a dude's body.

Ditto with Herbert Garrison, who first became gay, and then had a sex change.

For a growing number of homosexuals, its just and intermediate step to eventually having a sex change
Having said that, I am fine with gays entering into contracts that provide them with the stuff they claimed they were being denied that married couples have.
What sort of contract will compel the government to allow them to file joint income taxes, and allow them to avoint an inheritance tax?
Having said that, I am fine with gays entering into contracts that provide them with the stuff they claimed they were being denied that married couples have.
What sort of contract will compel the government to allow them to file joint income taxes, and allow them to avoint an inheritance tax?

If America moves to a Flat Tax and abolishes Glorified Grave Robbery (euphemistically called the Death Tax) those problems will be resolved.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. A proclamation by the pigs who control the government in the novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell. The sentence is a comment on the hypocrisy of governments that proclaim the absolute equality of their citizens but give power and privileges to a small elite.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal ...
In Marxism there are always a few more animals with more rights than every other animal. Why else do fudge packers and muff divers, have more than, lets say black people and definately white people.
What case or cases are pending or even making their way up to the SC?

You never know for sure what case is going to make it to the court before it does. The Colorado baker case could be a real opening for the Court to outlaw Gay Marriage nationwide, if it made it to the Supreme Court. But there are other cases involving gay nuptials always bubbling up.

Why would anyone outlaw same-sex marriage? BTW: what's it to you? Even if you are unhappy in your own marriage, do you think that you would be happier if other people could not get married?

The problem with glorifying Gay Marriage is what would happen if it became universal?

Normative children really are losing their role models and can be a lot more easily recruited into the gay lifestyle.
The evolution of traditional role models have absolutely nothing to do with sexual orientation. But I get where your coming from. Your so stupid that you think that there is a husband and a wife in same sex relationships where each fulfills the role of one gender or the others.

A fair number of homos become Trannies you do know. Not everyone starts off at the deep end , they move gradually more and more into it.

Sonny and Cher's daughter, if you'll remember, started off as a Lesbian, before she became , more of less, a "dude".

Bradley Manning was a homo for years, before he decided that he was actually a broad trapped into a dude's body.

Ditto with Herbert Garrison, who first became gay, and then had a sex change.

For a growing number of homosexuals, its just and intermediate step to eventually having a sex change
Give me a fucking break!! A "fair Where do you get that shit from. A few anecdotes certainly does not prove anything. You're understanding of human sexuality is on the level of an intellectually challenged 10 year old
You never know for sure what case is going to make it to the court before it does. The Colorado baker case could be a real opening for the Court to outlaw Gay Marriage nationwide, if it made it to the Supreme Court. But there are other cases involving gay nuptials always bubbling up.

Why would anyone outlaw same-sex marriage? BTW: what's it to you? Even if you are unhappy in your own marriage, do you think that you would be happier if other people could not get married?

The problem with glorifying Gay Marriage is what would happen if it became universal?

Normative children really are losing their role models and can be a lot more easily recruited into the gay lifestyle.
The evolution of traditional role models have absolutely nothing to do with sexual orientation. But I get where your coming from. Your so stupid that you think that there is a husband and a wife in same sex relationships where each fulfills the role of one gender or the others.

A fair number of homos become Trannies you do know. Not everyone starts off at the deep end , they move gradually more and more into it.

Sonny and Cher's daughter, if you'll remember, started off as a Lesbian, before she became , more of less, a "dude".

Bradley Manning was a homo for years, before he decided that he was actually a broad trapped into a dude's body.

Ditto with Herbert Garrison, who first became gay, and then had a sex change.

For a growing number of homosexuals, its just and intermediate step to eventually having a sex change
Give me a fucking break!! A "fair Where do you get that shit from. A few anecdotes certainly does not prove anything. You're understanding of human sexuality is on the level of an intellectually challenged 10 year old
Our understanding of human sexuality is above the college level as we know that having children require 1 female XX and 1 male XY. Now if you have 2 XX they cannot produce, same goes with 2 XY, but you ass packers, sure do "think" like animals do, by humping shit that doesnt produce anything but excrement(that means shit in elaborate terms). I laugh at your attempt to put the rest US down, who "know" the real science on human evolution, not devolution and debauchery.
Having said that, I am fine with gays entering into contracts that provide them with the stuff they claimed they were being denied that married couples have.
What sort of contract will compel the government to allow them to file joint income taxes, and allow them to avoint an inheritance tax?

If America moves to a Flat Tax and abolishes Glorified Grave Robbery (euphemistically called the Death Tax) those problems will be resolved.
We need to get rid of this stupidity over same sex marriage and those and a lot of other problems will go away
So other people having the same access to social contracts is forcing you to do what exactly?

Apples and Oranges.

I am 100% against gay marriage and I will never recognize any so-called "marriage" between gays. In fact, as far as I am concerned, it does not even exist.

Having said that, I am fine with gays entering into contracts that provide them with the stuff they claimed they were being denied that married couples have.

America is built on "contracts". I don't care what contracts people enter into.

But to pervert the sacred institution of marriage is an entirely different thing.
Were you born hateful and ignorant, or did you choose it as a lifestyle?
I really have to wonder about people who devote their so called lives to trying to deny others what they can take for granted- Specifically marriage. Meet Brian Brown of the National Organization for (Straight ) Marriage who is obsessing about Mayor Pete Buttigieg and who thinks that he can get marriage equality reversed:

Mayor Pete’s Marriage is Bogus and the Trumpified SCOTUS Will Agree, Says Brian Brown | Right Wing Watch

You would have thought that the NOM would have closed up shop after they, and other such organizations got slapped down with the Obergefell decision. But, they are still here. I guess that you have to give them credit for perseverance. Or, is it a religious psychosis manifested by obsessive compulsive focus on other people's marriages. ? Lets see what he has to say:

In addition:

What the hell is wrong with these people. The fact that they are so threatened by same sex marriage has to make me wonder what their marriage is like. In any case, they have one major and probably insurmountable problem in getting the case back to SCOTUS. Someone with statding- meaning someone who can show that they have been personally effected in a negative way by same sex marriage -must bring a case before a court. Who would that be? No one who I can think of. The fact is that no one is harmed by same sex marriage.

The only other way that the issue could get back into the federal courts is if a state stupidly passed a new ban on same sex marriage. Bujt that would not get far, since the court would be obligated to shoot it down based on the Obergefell precedent and any appeals court would have to do the same thing.

If it were then appealed to SCOTUS , they of course would have the option of not even taking the case and my guess is that is what would happen. It is too much of a hot potato.

However, if they did take the case, consider that Roberts, although a conservative who dissented in Obergefell is concerned about his legacy and the legitimacy of the court. He has an interest in not allowing the court to drift further right. He is aware of the fact that never in history has a right that has been established been taken away. He may well be the new swing voter on social issues .

So Brian, suck it up and shut up.....and work on your own life while you're at it .
I remember back in the day when Homosexuals just wanted to be allowed out of the closet and live a normal life.
I remember back in the day when Homosexuals just wanted to be allowed to see their sick friends in the hospital, so a civil union was created.
I remember back in the day when Homosexuals were not allowed to be married and a few years later were allowed to be married.
It is never enough for faggots, because faggots can never be happy, and must FORCE upon the rest of US their immoral lifestyles and we must accept them as normal or be brow beaten into submission. And little do the faggots realize that the more they push, the more the normal people hate them. I almost wish every day that Islam in America will treat the faggots the same way they treat them in the middle east. Guess who the faggots will be begging to save them?

View attachment 266175

So other people having the same access to social contracts is forcing you to do what exactly?

If homosexuals would call themselves "bum buddies" instead of spouses or husbands, it would make the difference between the Sexual Preferences clearer for young people to discern the difference
Well the faggots did remove the "wife" and Husband" from marriage certificates and replaced them with "partner 1 and partner 2". Because it might offend the queers to have to gender identify. Again that is FORCING the rest of US to change for their pansy asses, which again, makes US hate them all the more.

Really? I was under the impression that the "husband" in the gay marriage was the active member, and the "wife" was the wide receiver.
There is NO FUCKING husband and wife in a same sex marriage.!! One thing that I like about being here is that I learn so much. In this case, I learning how wrong I have been about the limits of stupidity. I now know that are none.
We have a civil-law system in which people procure a marriage license from the count clerk and then have a choice to be married at the courthouse or have a religious ceremony according to their faith.Once a licence is procured, the couple may go upstairs and undergo a ceremony that unites the in marriage for civil purposes. A religious marriage is an add-on in which the couple unite pursuant to their specific religious beliefs and with the specific rituals of their religious community.
I remember back in the day when Homosexuals just wanted to be allowed out of the closet and live a normal life.
I remember back in the day when Homosexuals just wanted to be allowed to see their sick friends in the hospital, so a civil union was created.
I remember back in the day when Homosexuals were not allowed to be married and a few years later were allowed to be married.
It is never enough for faggots, because faggots can never be happy, and must FORCE upon the rest of US their immoral lifestyles and we must accept them as normal or be brow beaten into submission. And little do the faggots realize that the more they push, the more the normal people hate them. I almost wish every day that Islam in America will treat the faggots the same way they treat them in the middle east. Guess who the faggots will be begging to save them?

View attachment 266175

So other people having the same access to social contracts is forcing you to do what exactly?

If homosexuals would call themselves "bum buddies" instead of spouses or husbands, it would make the difference between the Sexual Preferences clearer for young people to discern the difference
Well the faggots did remove the "wife" and Husband" from marriage certificates and replaced them with "partner 1 and partner 2". Because it might offend the queers to have to gender identify. Again that is FORCING the rest of US to change for their pansy asses, which again, makes US hate them all the more.

Really? I was under the impression that the "husband" in the gay marriage was the active member, and the "wife" was the wide receiver.
There is NO FUCKING husband and wife in a same sex marriage.!! One thing that I like about being here is that I learn so much. In this case, I learning how wrong I have been about the limits of stupidity. I now know that are none.

That's not what I learned from guys I know who were in the joint and know a lot more about it that I would. In fact, there is a real distinction between the "man" in a gay marriage and the wide receiver "wife".
So other people having the same access to social contracts is forcing you to do what exactly?

If homosexuals would call themselves "bum buddies" instead of spouses or husbands, it would make the difference between the Sexual Preferences clearer for young people to discern the difference
Well the faggots did remove the "wife" and Husband" from marriage certificates and replaced them with "partner 1 and partner 2". Because it might offend the queers to have to gender identify. Again that is FORCING the rest of US to change for their pansy asses, which again, makes US hate them all the more.

Really? I was under the impression that the "husband" in the gay marriage was the active member, and the "wife" was the wide receiver.
There is NO FUCKING husband and wife in a same sex marriage.!! One thing that I like about being here is that I learn so much. In this case, I learning how wrong I have been about the limits of stupidity. I now know that are none.

That's not what I learned from guys I know who were in the joint and know a lot more about it that I would. In fact, there is a real distinction between the "man" in a gay marriage and the wide receiver "wife".

What does this matter to any of us, out in society or inside of prison? So much of sex involves the positions of two bodies, and males penetrate a body with their penis and ejaculate. What is of importance about this? Among heterosexuals, the same thing goes on. In between any sexuals, someone plays "pitcher" and someone plays "catcher." Is one more important than the other?
Why would anyone outlaw same-sex marriage? BTW: what's it to you? Even if you are unhappy in your own marriage, do you think that you would be happier if other people could not get married?

The problem with glorifying Gay Marriage is what would happen if it became universal?

Normative children really are losing their role models and can be a lot more easily recruited into the gay lifestyle.
The evolution of traditional role models have absolutely nothing to do with sexual orientation. But I get where your coming from. Your so stupid that you think that there is a husband and a wife in same sex relationships where each fulfills the role of one gender or the others.

A fair number of homos become Trannies you do know. Not everyone starts off at the deep end , they move gradually more and more into it.

Sonny and Cher's daughter, if you'll remember, started off as a Lesbian, before she became , more of less, a "dude".

Bradley Manning was a homo for years, before he decided that he was actually a broad trapped into a dude's body.

Ditto with Herbert Garrison, who first became gay, and then had a sex change.

For a growing number of homosexuals, its just and intermediate step to eventually having a sex change
Give me a fucking break!! A "fair Where do you get that shit from. A few anecdotes certainly does not prove anything. You're understanding of human sexuality is on the level of an intellectually challenged 10 year old
Our understanding of human sexuality is above the college level as we know that having children require 1 female XX and 1 male XY. Now if you have 2 XX they cannot produce, same goes with 2 XY, but you ass packers, sure do "think" like animals do, by humping shit that doesnt produce anything but excrement(that means shit in elaborate terms). I laugh at your attempt to put the rest US down, who "know" the real science on human evolution, not devolution and debauchery.
Marriage is about love
:aug08_031::aug08_031::aug08_031:Is that really your best shot ,Dude?

Don't need my best shot for this.

Are men and women different?

Answer or admit that you do not know.

Not answering a stupid question that has no relevance to the discussion

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Either you can see where I am going with this question, and you are lying when you say it is not relevant,

or you CAN'T see where I am going with this question, and you are lying, by pretending to know anything about it being relevant.

OR, slim possibility, you know where I am going, and have a bizarre way of imagining that my question is not relevant.

Answer the question.

Are men and women different?
It's a dumb question in virtue of the lack of specificity.

Men and MEN are "different," it depends on what you mean by different and why you're invoking the question.

It is a very general question. YOu are thus welcome to give a very general answer.

NOt sure what part of that is hard for you.

The question stands.

Are men and women different?
Don't need my best shot for this.

Are men and women different?

Answer or admit that you do not know.

Not answering a stupid question that has no relevance to the discussion

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Either you can see where I am going with this question, and you are lying when you say it is not relevant,

or you CAN'T see where I am going with this question, and you are lying, by pretending to know anything about it being relevant.

OR, slim possibility, you know where I am going, and have a bizarre way of imagining that my question is not relevant.

Answer the question.

Are men and women different?
It's a dumb question in virtue of the lack of specificity.

Men and MEN are "different," it depends on what you mean by different and why you're invoking the question.

It is a very general question. YOu are thus welcome to give a very general answer.

NOt sure what part of that is hard for you.

The question stands.

Are men and women different?
The point of clarifying what you mean by different, specifically, is to avoid absurdity...which would be insolvency of the conversation.

Yes, men and women are different.
Men and men are different, too.
And Im different than the me from eleven seconds ago.
3. Your spin that everything you want is a "Right" is an effective tactic. But it is unsupported by anything other than your dominance of media. Saying some thing over and over again worked on the nation as a whole, but one on one, like right here, it makes you look dishonest. Because it is dishonest.
What exactly did I say about rights? I said that it is a civil rights issue because a group was being arbitrarily excluded from an institution that others were able to take participation in for granted. I never said that marriage -in and of itself is a right, although SCOTUS has on numerous occaisions. That is a useless argument I can't believe that I have to explain all of this to you.

Are men and women different?
:aug08_031::aug08_031::aug08_031:Is that really your best shot ,Dude?

Don't need my best shot for this.

Are men and women different?
Let's recap slick! You first asked that in response to my trying to educate you on the issue of rights and made the distinction between marriage as a right in and of itself, as apposed to same sex marriage being a civil rights issue because one group had been arbitrarily barred form it. You did not have a single, intelligent comment on that issue. You just asked a stupid and irrelevant question as a pathetic red herring to get off the topic. And you keep asking it. Now, you answer this: What the fuck does thatquestion have to do with the points that I made?

Your fear of answering, shows that on some level, that you know your position is weak.

Answer, and I will immediately point out the relevance, that you somehow managed to miss, or at least pretend to miss.

It is not a red herring, but a leading question, designed to illuminate the topic.

Answer or admit that you do not know.

Not answering a stupid question that has no relevance to the discussion

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Either you can see where I am going with this question, and you are lying when you say it is not relevant,

or you CAN'T see where I am going with this question, and you are lying, by pretending to know anything about it being relevant.

OR, slim possibility, you know where I am going, and have a bizarre way of imagining that my question is not relevant.

Answer the question.

Are men and women different?
It's a dumb question in virtue of the lack of specificity.

Men and MEN are "different," it depends on what you mean by different and why you're invoking the question.

It is a very general question. YOu are thus welcome to give a very general answer.

NOt sure what part of that is hard for you.

The question stands.

Are men and women different?

Yes, men and women are different.....

Good. Now let Progressive answer, and I will move on to the next step in your education.
Not answering a stupid question that has no relevance to the discussion

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Either you can see where I am going with this question, and you are lying when you say it is not relevant,

or you CAN'T see where I am going with this question, and you are lying, by pretending to know anything about it being relevant.

OR, slim possibility, you know where I am going, and have a bizarre way of imagining that my question is not relevant.

Answer the question.

Are men and women different?
It's a dumb question in virtue of the lack of specificity.

Men and MEN are "different," it depends on what you mean by different and why you're invoking the question.

It is a very general question. YOu are thus welcome to give a very general answer.

NOt sure what part of that is hard for you.

The question stands.

Are men and women different?

Yes, men and women are different.....

Good. Now let Progressive answer, and I will move on to the next step in your education.
I dont require an education from someone who presumes to lack clarity in their focus in asking clarifying questions. Especially not on a debate website, you lost already when you decided that clarification was a trivial thing. You lack the discipline.
Either you can see where I am going with this question, and you are lying when you say it is not relevant,

or you CAN'T see where I am going with this question, and you are lying, by pretending to know anything about it being relevant.

OR, slim possibility, you know where I am going, and have a bizarre way of imagining that my question is not relevant.

Answer the question.

Are men and women different?
It's a dumb question in virtue of the lack of specificity.

Men and MEN are "different," it depends on what you mean by different and why you're invoking the question.

It is a very general question. YOu are thus welcome to give a very general answer.

NOt sure what part of that is hard for you.

The question stands.

Are men and women different?

Yes, men and women are different.....

Good. Now let Progressive answer, and I will move on to the next step in your education.
I dont require an education from someone who presumes to lack clarity in their focus in asking clarifying questions. Especially not on a debate website, you lost already when you decided that clarification was a trivial thing. You lack the discipline.

There is nothing wrong with discussing general issues, in general terms.

Try to be less of a drama queen.
It's a dumb question in virtue of the lack of specificity.

Men and MEN are "different," it depends on what you mean by different and why you're invoking the question.

It is a very general question. YOu are thus welcome to give a very general answer.

NOt sure what part of that is hard for you.

The question stands.

Are men and women different?

Yes, men and women are different.....

Good. Now let Progressive answer, and I will move on to the next step in your education.
I dont require an education from someone who presumes to lack clarity in their focus in asking clarifying questions. Especially not on a debate website, you lost already when you decided that clarification was a trivial thing. You lack the discipline.

There is nothing wrong with discussing general issues, in general terms.

Try to be less of a drama queen.
Are queens different from kings

in how many ways

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