Religious Right Wing Bigots Still Obsessing About Marriage-Get a Life!

You here to try again? Or are you just here to try to provide the mindless chorus, that I told you you needed, to sell your line of bullshit?
When you make a valid case to begin with, itll be less humor and more of a discussion but I somehow doubt youre capable :lol:

so far, its all get off my lawn and no spinal fluid

Dude. Have you seriously managed to lie to yourself that quickly and well that you believe that,

or are you purposefully trying to lie to us, while knowing that you were utterly unable to seriously challenge my point(s)?

You here to try again? Or are you just here to try to provide the mindless chorus, that I told you you needed, to sell your line of bullshit?
When you make a valid case to begin with, itll be less humor and more of a discussion but I somehow doubt youre capable :lol:

so far, its all get off my lawn and no spinal fluid

Dude. Have you seriously managed to lie to yourself that quickly and well that you believe that,

or are you purposefully trying to lie to us, while knowing that you were utterly unable to seriously challenge my point(s)?
I dont care how epic and serious you think your debate skills, but youre bending over 6 ways to say you won something and meanwhile...youre just a bottom, dude.

Get used to losing...seems like a habit for ya!

You here to try again? Or are you just here to try to provide the mindless chorus, that I told you you needed, to sell your line of bullshit?

Is this where you start belly-aching about mobs and shit? lol. I know how much you get off on feeling downtrodden.

Pointing out that your obvious lies were only able to be sold, because you libs control the medium,

is a valid point.

That you unable to make your point, and instead end up doing nothing but using the Logical Fallacy of Ridicule to "support" your position, demonstrates that point.

AND, you can do nothing but keep going, because on some level, you know that you cannot engage me in real debate, because you know that your position, is as I said, nothing but bullshit and lies.

You here to try again? Or are you just here to try to provide the mindless chorus, that I told you you needed, to sell your line of bullshit?
When you make a valid case to begin with, itll be less humor and more of a discussion but I somehow doubt youre capable :lol:

so far, its all get off my lawn and no spinal fluid

Dude. Have you seriously managed to lie to yourself that quickly and well that you believe that,

or are you purposefully trying to lie to us, while knowing that you were utterly unable to seriously challenge my point(s)?
I dont care how epic and serious you think your debate skills, but youre bending over 6 ways to say you won something and meanwhile...youre just a bottom, dude.

Get used to losing...seems like a habit for ya!

I'm aware we lost that "debate". I did not start this thread. One of your buddies did.

I just pointed out, correctly, that your win was not based on a valid argument, but on bullshit and lies.

Your utter inability to make your case, and instead doing nothing now, but personally attacking me,

demonstrates my point, every time you do it.
get off my lawwwnnn!!!!

You here to try again? Or are you just here to try to provide the mindless chorus, that I told you you needed, to sell your line of bullshit?
When you make a valid case to begin with, itll be less humor and more of a discussion but I somehow doubt youre capable :lol:

so far, its all get off my lawn and no spinal fluid

Dude. Have you seriously managed to lie to yourself that quickly and well that you believe that,

or are you purposefully trying to lie to us, while knowing that you were utterly unable to seriously challenge my point(s)?
I dont care how epic and serious you think your debate skills, but youre bending over 6 ways to say you won something and meanwhile...youre just a bottom, dude.

Get used to losing...seems like a habit for ya!

I'm aware we lost that "debate". I did not start this thread. One of your buddies did.

I just pointed out, correctly, that your win was not based on a valid argument, but on bullshit and lies.

Your utter inability to make your case, and instead doing nothing now, but personally attacking me,

demonstrates my point, every time you do it.
Your version of events is nice, and I hope it means a real lot to ya. Really, I do!
You here to try again? Or are you just here to try to provide the mindless chorus, that I told you you needed, to sell your line of bullshit?
When you make a valid case to begin with, itll be less humor and more of a discussion but I somehow doubt youre capable :lol:

so far, its all get off my lawn and no spinal fluid

Dude. Have you seriously managed to lie to yourself that quickly and well that you believe that,

or are you purposefully trying to lie to us, while knowing that you were utterly unable to seriously challenge my point(s)?
I dont care how epic and serious you think your debate skills, but youre bending over 6 ways to say you won something and meanwhile...youre just a bottom, dude.

Get used to losing...seems like a habit for ya!

I'm aware we lost that "debate". I did not start this thread. One of your buddies did.

I just pointed out, correctly, that your win was not based on a valid argument, but on bullshit and lies.

Your utter inability to make your case, and instead doing nothing now, but personally attacking me,

demonstrates my point, every time you do it.
Your version of events is nice, and I hope it means a real lot to ya. Really, I do!

Page 53, the op, you, some other libs, have agreed that the crux of the reason that Gay Marriage was a Civil Rights issue,

was because the restrictions not letting gays marry same sex were "arbitrary".

I pointed out that Marriage was based on traditional gender roles, which are based on real biological differences, and thus the restrictions were NOT arbitrary.

Thus, the very premise used to present the issue to the Courts, was a lie, and a painfully obvious one at that.

Some of you libs tried to make your case, but quickly gave up and now are just using various logical fallacies, mostly the Logical Fallacy of ad hominem.

As I predicted.

So that is where this thread stands.

You libs can't make you case.

And you know it.

You here to try again? Or are you just here to try to provide the mindless chorus, that I told you you needed, to sell your line of bullshit?

Is this where you start belly-aching about mobs and shit? lol. I know how much you get off on feeling downtrodden.

Pointing out that your obvious lies were only able to be sold, because you libs control the medium,

is a valid point.

That you unable to make your point, and instead end up doing nothing but using the Logical Fallacy of Ridicule to "support" your position, demonstrates that point.

AND, you can do nothing but keep going, because on some level, you know that you cannot engage me in real debate, because you know that your position, is as I said, nothing but bullshit and lies.

It's a real shame those opposed to gay marriage didn't have any way to make their case via politicians, pastors, newspapers, churches, blogs, television shows, entire fucking television channels, radio programs, magazines, websites, think tanks, socially consecutive activist groups, religious organizations...

Instead of accepting personally responsibility for your inability to convince people or the courts, in true beta fashion you blame others instead.
When you make a valid case to begin with, itll be less humor and more of a discussion but I somehow doubt youre capable :lol:

so far, its all get off my lawn and no spinal fluid

Dude. Have you seriously managed to lie to yourself that quickly and well that you believe that,

or are you purposefully trying to lie to us, while knowing that you were utterly unable to seriously challenge my point(s)?
I dont care how epic and serious you think your debate skills, but youre bending over 6 ways to say you won something and meanwhile...youre just a bottom, dude.

Get used to losing...seems like a habit for ya!

I'm aware we lost that "debate". I did not start this thread. One of your buddies did.

I just pointed out, correctly, that your win was not based on a valid argument, but on bullshit and lies.

Your utter inability to make your case, and instead doing nothing now, but personally attacking me,

demonstrates my point, every time you do it.
Your version of events is nice, and I hope it means a real lot to ya. Really, I do!

Page 53, the op, you, some other libs, have agreed that the crux of the reason that Gay Marriage was a Civil Rights issue,

was because the restrictions not letting gays marry same sex were "arbitrary".

I pointed out that Marriage was based on traditional gender roles, which are based on real biological differences, and thus the restrictions were NOT arbitrary.

Thus, the very premise used to present the issue to the Courts, was a lie, and a painfully obvious one at that.

Some of you libs tried to make your case, but quickly gave up and now are just using various logical fallacies, mostly the Logical Fallacy of ad hominem.

As I predicted.

So that is where this thread stands.

You libs can't make you case.

And you know it.
You can say it 1, 000 times and until you're blue in the face, dude. The fact that you obsessively do so....over and over and over...should cause yourself some concern.

But it wont. Youre more worried about icky gays, and your lawn. Same old guy screaming. Different day. **yawn**
I bet Correll spends the commercial breaks on Lifetime bragging to the other ladies about winning internet arguments.

You here to try again? Or are you just here to try to provide the mindless chorus, that I told you you needed, to sell your line of bullshit?

Is this where you start belly-aching about mobs and shit? lol. I know how much you get off on feeling downtrodden.

Pointing out that your obvious lies were only able to be sold, because you libs control the medium,

is a valid point.

That you unable to make your point, and instead end up doing nothing but using the Logical Fallacy of Ridicule to "support" your position, demonstrates that point.

AND, you can do nothing but keep going, because on some level, you know that you cannot engage me in real debate, because you know that your position, is as I said, nothing but bullshit and lies.

It's a real shame those opposed to gay marriage didn't have any way to make their case via politicians, pastors, newspapers, churches, blogs, television shows, entire fucking television channels, radio programs, magazines, websites, think tanks, socially consecutive activist groups, religious organizations...

Instead of accepting personally responsibility for your inability to convince people or the courts, in true beta fashion you blame others instead.

That would be a more convincing argument, if you and your lib buddies had A, not spent several dozens pages using the tactics I accused you of, AND b. if you had not so quickly and utterly given up on supporting your actual position.

You given up on going that, ie supporting your position.

BUt you, always take the time to personally attack me.

As I predicted.
Dude. Have you seriously managed to lie to yourself that quickly and well that you believe that,

or are you purposefully trying to lie to us, while knowing that you were utterly unable to seriously challenge my point(s)?
I dont care how epic and serious you think your debate skills, but youre bending over 6 ways to say you won something and meanwhile...youre just a bottom, dude.

Get used to losing...seems like a habit for ya!

I'm aware we lost that "debate". I did not start this thread. One of your buddies did.

I just pointed out, correctly, that your win was not based on a valid argument, but on bullshit and lies.

Your utter inability to make your case, and instead doing nothing now, but personally attacking me,

demonstrates my point, every time you do it.
Your version of events is nice, and I hope it means a real lot to ya. Really, I do!

Page 53, the op, you, some other libs, have agreed that the crux of the reason that Gay Marriage was a Civil Rights issue,

was because the restrictions not letting gays marry same sex were "arbitrary".

I pointed out that Marriage was based on traditional gender roles, which are based on real biological differences, and thus the restrictions were NOT arbitrary.

Thus, the very premise used to present the issue to the Courts, was a lie, and a painfully obvious one at that.

Some of you libs tried to make your case, but quickly gave up and now are just using various logical fallacies, mostly the Logical Fallacy of ad hominem.

As I predicted.

So that is where this thread stands.

You libs can't make you case.

And you know it.
You can say it 1, 000 times and until you're blue in the face, dude. The fact that you obsessively do so....over and over and over...should cause yourself some concern.

But it wont. Youre more worried about icky gays, and your lawn. Same old guy screaming. Different day. **yawn**

I have repeatedly discussed with others, and will be happy to do so again, as to why I am here, and what I am doing.

But in the context of this thread, your comment on that, is nothing but another dodging away from the actual topic, which you fear to address,

to a personal attack on me.

As I predicted you (plural) would do, when you realized that you could not actually make your case.

Each and ever post, nothing but working to avoid the issue, and find keep attacking me.

In another page or two, I will again post a summary of where the discussion bogged down, and you lefties gave up on the topic.

Until then, keep demonstrating how well I know you, better than you know yourself.
I dont care how epic and serious you think your debate skills, but youre bending over 6 ways to say you won something and meanwhile...youre just a bottom, dude.

Get used to losing...seems like a habit for ya!

I'm aware we lost that "debate". I did not start this thread. One of your buddies did.

I just pointed out, correctly, that your win was not based on a valid argument, but on bullshit and lies.

Your utter inability to make your case, and instead doing nothing now, but personally attacking me,

demonstrates my point, every time you do it.
Your version of events is nice, and I hope it means a real lot to ya. Really, I do!

Page 53, the op, you, some other libs, have agreed that the crux of the reason that Gay Marriage was a Civil Rights issue,

was because the restrictions not letting gays marry same sex were "arbitrary".

I pointed out that Marriage was based on traditional gender roles, which are based on real biological differences, and thus the restrictions were NOT arbitrary.

Thus, the very premise used to present the issue to the Courts, was a lie, and a painfully obvious one at that.

Some of you libs tried to make your case, but quickly gave up and now are just using various logical fallacies, mostly the Logical Fallacy of ad hominem.

As I predicted.

So that is where this thread stands.

You libs can't make you case.

And you know it.
You can say it 1, 000 times and until you're blue in the face, dude. The fact that you obsessively do so....over and over and over...should cause yourself some concern.

But it wont. Youre more worried about icky gays, and your lawn. Same old guy screaming. Different day. **yawn**

I have repeatedly discussed with others, and will be happy to do so again, as to why I am here, and what I am doing.

But in the context of this thread, your comment on that, is nothing but another dodging away from the actual topic, which you fear to address,

to a personal attack on me.

As I predicted you (plural) would do, when you realized that you could not actually make your case.

Each and ever post, nothing but working to avoid the issue, and find keep attacking me.

In another page or two, I will again post a summary of where the discussion bogged down, and you lefties gave up on the topic.

Until then, keep demonstrating how well I know you, better than you know yourself.
You are emotional and repeating yourself.
I'm aware we lost that "debate". I did not start this thread. One of your buddies did.

I just pointed out, correctly, that your win was not based on a valid argument, but on bullshit and lies.

Your utter inability to make your case, and instead doing nothing now, but personally attacking me,

demonstrates my point, every time you do it.
Your version of events is nice, and I hope it means a real lot to ya. Really, I do!

Page 53, the op, you, some other libs, have agreed that the crux of the reason that Gay Marriage was a Civil Rights issue,

was because the restrictions not letting gays marry same sex were "arbitrary".

I pointed out that Marriage was based on traditional gender roles, which are based on real biological differences, and thus the restrictions were NOT arbitrary.

Thus, the very premise used to present the issue to the Courts, was a lie, and a painfully obvious one at that.

Some of you libs tried to make your case, but quickly gave up and now are just using various logical fallacies, mostly the Logical Fallacy of ad hominem.

As I predicted.

So that is where this thread stands.

You libs can't make you case.

And you know it.
You can say it 1, 000 times and until you're blue in the face, dude. The fact that you obsessively do so....over and over and over...should cause yourself some concern.

But it wont. Youre more worried about icky gays, and your lawn. Same old guy screaming. Different day. **yawn**

I have repeatedly discussed with others, and will be happy to do so again, as to why I am here, and what I am doing.

But in the context of this thread, your comment on that, is nothing but another dodging away from the actual topic, which you fear to address,

to a personal attack on me.

As I predicted you (plural) would do, when you realized that you could not actually make your case.

Each and ever post, nothing but working to avoid the issue, and find keep attacking me.

In another page or two, I will again post a summary of where the discussion bogged down, and you lefties gave up on the topic.

Until then, keep demonstrating how well I know you, better than you know yourself.
You are emotional and repeating yourself.

I'm repeating myself, because the debate has bogged down, and is stuck at the point I mentioned.

You libs keep "replying" but without saying anything relevant to the topic.

So, if I dont' respond, and repeat myself, you can create the illusion of winning though the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

And I am not really emotional about this. YOur insults and lies are so far, too pathetic to annoy me to the point of anger.

But you will know, if and/or when you succeed.
Your version of events is nice, and I hope it means a real lot to ya. Really, I do!

Page 53, the op, you, some other libs, have agreed that the crux of the reason that Gay Marriage was a Civil Rights issue,

was because the restrictions not letting gays marry same sex were "arbitrary".

I pointed out that Marriage was based on traditional gender roles, which are based on real biological differences, and thus the restrictions were NOT arbitrary.

Thus, the very premise used to present the issue to the Courts, was a lie, and a painfully obvious one at that.

Some of you libs tried to make your case, but quickly gave up and now are just using various logical fallacies, mostly the Logical Fallacy of ad hominem.

As I predicted.

So that is where this thread stands.

You libs can't make you case.

And you know it.
You can say it 1, 000 times and until you're blue in the face, dude. The fact that you obsessively do so....over and over and over...should cause yourself some concern.

But it wont. Youre more worried about icky gays, and your lawn. Same old guy screaming. Different day. **yawn**

I have repeatedly discussed with others, and will be happy to do so again, as to why I am here, and what I am doing.

But in the context of this thread, your comment on that, is nothing but another dodging away from the actual topic, which you fear to address,

to a personal attack on me.

As I predicted you (plural) would do, when you realized that you could not actually make your case.

Each and ever post, nothing but working to avoid the issue, and find keep attacking me.

In another page or two, I will again post a summary of where the discussion bogged down, and you lefties gave up on the topic.

Until then, keep demonstrating how well I know you, better than you know yourself.
You are emotional and repeating yourself.

I'm repeating myself, because the debate has bogged down, and is stuck at the point I mentioned.

You libs keep "replying" but without saying anything relevant to the topic.

So, if I dont' respond, and repeat myself, you can create the illusion of winning though the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

And I am not really emotional about this. YOur insults and lies are so far, too pathetic to annoy me to the point of anger.

But you will know, if and/or when you succeed.
Page 53, the op, you, some other libs, have agreed that the crux of the reason that Gay Marriage was a Civil Rights issue,

was because the restrictions not letting gays marry same sex were "arbitrary".

I pointed out that Marriage was based on traditional gender roles, which are based on real biological differences, and thus the restrictions were NOT arbitrary.

Thus, the very premise used to present the issue to the Courts, was a lie, and a painfully obvious one at that.

Some of you libs tried to make your case, but quickly gave up and now are just using various logical fallacies, mostly the Logical Fallacy of ad hominem.

As I predicted.

So that is where this thread stands.

You libs can't make you case.

And you know it.
You can say it 1, 000 times and until you're blue in the face, dude. The fact that you obsessively do so....over and over and over...should cause yourself some concern.

But it wont. Youre more worried about icky gays, and your lawn. Same old guy screaming. Different day. **yawn**

I have repeatedly discussed with others, and will be happy to do so again, as to why I am here, and what I am doing.

But in the context of this thread, your comment on that, is nothing but another dodging away from the actual topic, which you fear to address,

to a personal attack on me.

As I predicted you (plural) would do, when you realized that you could not actually make your case.

Each and ever post, nothing but working to avoid the issue, and find keep attacking me.

In another page or two, I will again post a summary of where the discussion bogged down, and you lefties gave up on the topic.

Until then, keep demonstrating how well I know you, better than you know yourself.
You are emotional and repeating yourself.

I'm repeating myself, because the debate has bogged down, and is stuck at the point I mentioned.

You libs keep "replying" but without saying anything relevant to the topic.

So, if I dont' respond, and repeat myself, you can create the illusion of winning though the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

And I am not really emotional about this. YOur insults and lies are so far, too pathetic to annoy me to the point of anger.

But you will know, if and/or when you succeed.

I'm repeating myself, because the debate has bogged down, and is stuck at the point I mentioned.

You libs keep "replying" but without saying anything relevant to the topic.

So, if I dont' respond, and repeat myself, you can create the illusion of winning though the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

And I am not really emotional about this. YOur insults and lies are so far, too pathetic to annoy me to the point of anger.

But you will know, if and/or when you succeed.
You can say it 1, 000 times and until you're blue in the face, dude. The fact that you obsessively do so....over and over and over...should cause yourself some concern.

But it wont. Youre more worried about icky gays, and your lawn. Same old guy screaming. Different day. **yawn**

I have repeatedly discussed with others, and will be happy to do so again, as to why I am here, and what I am doing.

But in the context of this thread, your comment on that, is nothing but another dodging away from the actual topic, which you fear to address,

to a personal attack on me.

As I predicted you (plural) would do, when you realized that you could not actually make your case.

Each and ever post, nothing but working to avoid the issue, and find keep attacking me.

In another page or two, I will again post a summary of where the discussion bogged down, and you lefties gave up on the topic.

Until then, keep demonstrating how well I know you, better than you know yourself.
You are emotional and repeating yourself.

I'm repeating myself, because the debate has bogged down, and is stuck at the point I mentioned.

You libs keep "replying" but without saying anything relevant to the topic.

So, if I dont' respond, and repeat myself, you can create the illusion of winning though the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

And I am not really emotional about this. YOur insults and lies are so far, too pathetic to annoy me to the point of anger.

But you will know, if and/or when you succeed.

I'm repeating myself, because the debate has bogged down, and is stuck at the point I mentioned.

You libs keep "replying" but without saying anything relevant to the topic.

So, if I dont' respond, and repeat myself, you can create the illusion of winning though the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

And I am not really emotional about this. YOur insults and lies are so far, too pathetic to annoy me to the point of anger.

But you will know, if and/or when you succeed.
The debate has not bogged down. It is over, You have lost . Your premise that gender rolls and differences between men and women are somehow tided to the right to marry has been established as ridiculous horseshit. End of story

Yes , men and women are different. So are any two women and any two men. Each individual brings their own interests, abilities, talents to the relationship. You are struggling to justify your bigoted position that people of the same sex should not marry based on an idiotic and bogus premise that you have failed to support. Indeed you have not even attempted to support it.

Two men or two women who marry are quite capable of functioning as a family unit and doing all of the same things that hetero couple due. You are quite pathetic and embarrassing yourself try to argue otherwise
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