Religious Right Wing Bigots Still Obsessing About Marriage-Get a Life!

You guys never stopped. For you to smear someone else for not stopping, is utter hypocrisy.
We never stopped what.? Defending the civil rights of LGBT people? Why the fuck should we stop. ?

You never stopped pushing your agenda despite getting slapped down, and it being settled law.

That you smear them for doing the same, is just utter hypocrisy.
I got slapped down really? They are doing the same? WTF? Gays and their advocates are defending against aggressors who are trying to take away rights. How the fuck is that the same?

Save your spin for your fellow lefties at your next circle jerk.

Yes, you lefteis got slapped down often, and you kept coming back, until you found a lefty enough judge to give you want you wanted.

It is the same, and you are just being a hypocrite.

That you can't see it, even when your face is rubbed in it, is because you are a blind hypocrite.
A lefty judge? Are you fucking serious. Numerous judges at all levels shot down bans on same sex marriage before it reached SCOTUS where Kennedy cast the deciding vote Do you consider Justice Anthony Kennedy a lefty. ? Thank you for demonstrating your pathetic and profound ignorance of what took place.
When Prop 8 was voted for in California, the majority of the voters said that it should pass and not allow homosexuals to be married, why was it a judge that overruled the will of the people, when "supposedly" you are for Democracy? yeah, you guys really love the Democracy when you get your way, when you dont, you whine and then want the judges to overturn the will of the people. This again is why we hate you fuckers...

Prop 8 OVERTURNED: Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down In California | HuffPost

Well. I was just curious how come the blinded do not participate in salic primogeniture in Greek Orthodoxy?
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Hopefully Mike Pence becomes president someday and the court overturns Obama’s gay should be decided by the states
Hm? This pleases Lord Cthulhu. Lord Cthulhu participates in the ceremony. One Cthulhu and seven weaklings. Murrhage

Westminster Confession application to Presbyterian and PCUSA Marriage! AHA! Ha ha that's funny.
Hopefully Mike Pence becomes president someday and the court overturns Obama’s gay should be decided by the states

How will A Pence Presidency overturn marriage equality? Should the states have decided interracial mariage

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Garden of Eden Denim. Theres some Adams and some Eves man. Theres some Knowledge Trees and some Life Trees, man...
This is why people always fail at this though! Na na na. Boo boo on you. Scriptures say. Who was going to go to a Civil Union in which Church and thinking they're doing God a favor, or do we sing for amusement too.

Nuns don't even sing do they? Show me a singing Nun. Really?

Have you guys considered Singing in Church Psalm 96 from the Scottish Psalter, in God's Vulgar Tongue of Backwards Vietnamese? Its his favorite. The Metrical Arranging of a Troo Bonnie Scotchmun! Haggis!
I still dont care if two flaming fags get married or not

WHY DO I HAVE TO give a rats ass either way ?
get married be well WHO CARES

Stop dancing naked in front of children in the streets ya fucked up ass backwards retards

Dear Deplorable Yankee
WHICH people are doing this?
File a complaint and police it.

If you live in a city like I do where certain districts
WANT to keep their transgender storytelling in the library,
then ask for EQUAL SUPPORT for ALL DISTRICTS to vote
in if they want Christian prayer and education
taught in their schools and libraries.

If taxpayers support these programs, let them pay for that.
If they don't, remove them all. Let's be fair and keep
this DEMOCRATIC. Let districts vote and police their own policies.

Listen if you stuck a pride sticker on your forehead , started dancing naked ,and chanting leftist slogans in front of a school they'd come and arrest you .....RIGHT ?
Whats the difference at a pride festival ? WHY is THAT OK ?

Japan and Lisbon pride festivals Are G rated ...funny i have absolutely no problem with that .Ive spent summers on fire island and wound up in the lesbian and gay towns ..
Which was anything but g rated .....bu t in the straight towns families would have their kids tucked in bed with a baby sitter ....and the adults would come out to play at night
I wasnt hanging out with the lip stickers for nothing..... some nights theyd want to share a guy .

Clean Immaculate private beaches, no cars allowed on the entire island ,and plenty of beautiful freaky broads to screw whats not to like ....bars and restaurants ...swim sun drink fuck ....i lost someone very dear to me so i was in a dark place and i thought debauchery would stop the "i dont wanna live anymore" ....nah it didnt really help

AND that would be real females DERP ..i dont swing the other way but if someone else does it doesnt bother me ...and if gods really pissed at you for it well thats between you and him ....MY names paul thats between y'all

Its usually single mothers who expose thier children to this shit and they're no better then the twats who force their little girls onto these beauty pageant stages
Its pure sugar coated exploitation and THE LEFTY GAY NAZI S mask IT AS promoting tolerance and understanding .

what complete and utter horse shit
Children shouldnt be told they're gender confused in the 3rd grade by any "parent" or "caring school employee" or "shrink "''''''''''' or how to put on a condom
or told about anal sex ...or have a bunch of retards in dresses read to them in libraries .

AND doctors who give hormones to teens ARE the biggest asswipes on the planet

We all grew up fast ......My generation was completely out of control ...Ive been banging away since im a young teen but at least we had people around us to say HEY! whats your rush kid ?slow down! NOT encouraging it ..AND WE fuckin figured out the whole condom thing BY OURSELVES no problem derp .....
Some of our parents got knocked up at 16 and 17 , 18 but they got married and dads went to work and night school and did what they had to do .....consequences and personal responsibility OH MY

Our grandparents were even wilder..... the greatest generation we're not friggin saints ...
When it comes to sexuality Human nature is what it is ......theirs no getting around puberty ,,,and schools should do some kind of sex ed when they hit that age .
SUre then tell em about stds ,condoms , science says anal sex not all that healthy for both of any gender blah blah blah
Children should be kept innocent for as long as possible. Theirs plenty of time for the degenerate adult shit later ...what the problem with that is I have NO IDEA !

The state ,activist groups , and public libraries shouldn't be pushing any of this shit on children
this was on gab this morning WTF IS THIS

wtf IS THIS.jpeg
This is not ok..its not Halloween everyday

I gotta say it Its not ok

just like this

this is a google image search ...right up front

Its not ok Im sorry

when it comes to kids They ll never get me to say its all about tolerance and understanding ....why? cause it isnt
to me its pure plain and simple exploitation of the innocent
I really have to wonder about people who devote their so called lives to trying to deny others what they can take for granted- Specifically marriage. Meet Brian Brown of the National Organization for (Straight ) Marriage who is obsessing about Mayor Pete Buttigieg and who thinks that he can get marriage equality reversed:

Mayor Pete’s Marriage is Bogus and the Trumpified SCOTUS Will Agree, Says Brian Brown | Right Wing Watch

You would have thought that the NOM would have closed up shop after they, and other such organizations got slapped down with the Obergefell decision. But, they are still here. I guess that you have to give them credit for perseverance. Or, is it a religious psychosis manifested by obsessive compulsive focus on other people's marriages. ? Lets see what he has to say:

In a Friday afternoon fundraising email from the National Organization for Marriage, Brown slammed Buttigieg’s marriage as illegitimate: “Mr. Buttigieg may consider himself married to another man, but that relationship is not marriage, and no judicial decree or political act can ever make it so.”

So Brian, suck it up and shut up.....and work on your own life while you're at it .

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He's right, of course.

By definition, marriage always has been, and always will be, between a man and a woman. No law, court ruling, nor any other act of any mortal government can change this, any more than any such act can cause two plus two to equal anything other than four.
I really have to wonder about people who devote their so called lives to trying to deny others what they can take for granted- Specifically marriage. Meet Brian Brown of the National Organization for (Straight ) Marriage who is obsessing about Mayor Pete Buttigieg and who thinks that he can get marriage equality reversed:

Mayor Pete’s Marriage is Bogus and the Trumpified SCOTUS Will Agree, Says Brian Brown | Right Wing Watch

You would have thought that the NOM would have closed up shop after they, and other such organizations got slapped down with the Obergefell decision. But, they are still here. I guess that you have to give them credit for perseverance. Or, is it a religious psychosis manifested by obsessive compulsive focus on other people's marriages. ? Lets see what he has to say:

In a Friday afternoon fundraising email from the National Organization for Marriage, Brown slammed Buttigieg’s marriage as illegitimate: “Mr. Buttigieg may consider himself married to another man, but that relationship is not marriage, and no judicial decree or political act can ever make it so.”

So Brian, suck it up and shut up.....and work on your own life while you're at it .

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Although I generally agree with your sentiment towards the religious right (because god said so, or it says in the Bible are remarkable lame comments), I disagree with the marriage equality thing. Marriage has always been defined as a union between a man and a woman. Gays and lesbians had the same right to marry a person of the opposite sex as any straight person. What you and others wanted was a change in the definition of marriage (you got it btw, the issue is over in my view), which I find dangerous. I have no issue with two dudes, or two women being joined in some sort of union. I just don’t like redefining civil institutions to pacify or placate a special interest. I think it sets a bad precedent.
Gays and lesbians had the same right to marry a person of the opposite sex as any straight person. ?Complete and utter stupidity and bigotry!

When one makes the absurd statement that “gays already have equality “because they can, like anyone else, marry someone of the opposite sex, they are presuming that a gay person can decide to live as a straight person and have a fulfilling life with someone of the opposite sex. The other possibility is that you do not believe that fulfillment or love in marriage is a right or a reasonable expectation., at least not for gays. In any case they are, in effect dehumanizing gay people, portraying them as being devoid of emotion and the ability to love and desire another person as heterosexuals do.

In addition, they are reducing the institution of marriage to a loveless business arrangement while for the vast majority of people it is much more. It devalues marriage in a way, much more profoundly than feared by the anti-equality bigots, who bemoan the demise of traditional marriage simply because it is being expanded to include gays.

Heterosexuals are able to choose a marriage partner based in part on sexual attraction and romantic interests. That is a choice, that gay people do not have, if denied legal marriage. Sure they can choose to forgo marriage in order to be with the person who they desire, but to do so would require that they forfeit the legal security, economic benefits and social status that goes with marriage That, is really not much of a choice at all and many courts have agreed.

One of the best illustrations of that is the opinion of the 10th Circuit Court of appeals ruling to uphold the lower court which invalidated Utah’s ban on same sex marriage. Selected passages follow:


Kitchen V. Herbert

On cross motions for summary judgment, the district court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs. It concluded that “[a]ll citizens, regardless of their sexual identity, have a fundamental right to liberty, and this right protects an individual’s ability to marry and the intimate choices a person makes about marriage and family.” Kitchen v. Herbert, 961 F. Supp. 2d1181, 1204 (D. Utah 2013).

Two landmark decisions by the Supreme Court have undermined the notion that the question presented in Baker v. Nelson ( which was overturned by the Obergefell decision) is insubstantial. Baker was decided before the Supreme Court held that “intimate conduct with another person . . . can be but one element in a personal bond that is more enduring The liberty protected by the Constitution allows homosexual persons the right to make this choice.” Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558, (pg. 17)

Windsor is the other case referred to above

DOMA “impose[d] a disadvantage, a separate status, and so a stigma upon all who enter into same-sex marriages . . . .” Id. The statute “undermine[d] both the public and private significance of state-sanctioned same-sex marriages” by telling “those couples, and all the world, that their otherwise valid marriages are unworthy of federal recognition.” Id (pg.21)

It is already apparent that the courts see marriage as much more than a impersonal business arrangement. Even prisoners have the right to marry:

The Turner Court’s description of the “important attributes of marriage [that] remain . . . after taking into account the limitations imposed by prison life,” 482 U.S. at 95, is relevant to the case at bar: First, inmate marriages, like others, are expressions of emotional support and public commitment…………. (pg 29)

We must reject appellants’ efforts to downplay the importance of the personal elements inherent in the institution of marriage, which they contend are “not the principal interests the State pursues by regulating marriage.”

We nonetheless agree with plaintiffs that in describing the liberty interest at stake, it is impermissible to focus on the identity or class-membership of the individual exercising the right. See De Leon, 2014 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 26236, at *58-59

A state “cannot define marriage in a way that denies its citizens the freedom of personal choice in deciding whom to marry, nor may it deny the same status and dignity to each citizen’s decision” (quotations omitted)). “Simply put, fundamental rights are fundamental rights. They are not defined in terms of who is entitled to exercise them.” Pg.37)
In summary, we hold that under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the United States Constitution, those who wish to marry a person of the same sex are entitled to exercise the same fundamental right as is recognized for persons who wish to marry a person of the opposite sex, and that Amendment 3 and similar statutory enactments do not withstand constitutional scrutiny.

I Didn’t read your retort because it was too long. You don’t want to have an exchange of ideas. You want to preach and filibuster. If you want to understand how others feel and think you must commit to listening and talking on a level playing field.

If I may summarize, above poster adopted both a Cockney accent and possibly orc outfit, and started shouting filthy obscenity. Aye well luv wouldn't I spear a pig with my toe guvnor?!
Why are Orcs/Orks/Uruks always Cockney? - Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - Giant Bomb

Please go fuck your mother ya dumb NAzi hick

Cockneys pffft ...eurtotrash
Sargon picks up on a USA today survey and asks some questions
Interesting INDEED
The Thinkery
First published at 22:11 UTC on June 24th, 2019.
I really have to wonder about people who devote their so called lives to trying to deny others what they can take for granted- Specifically marriage. Meet Brian Brown of the National Organization for (Straight ) Marriage who is obsessing about Mayor Pete Buttigieg and who thinks that he can get marriage equality reversed:

Mayor Pete’s Marriage is Bogus and the Trumpified SCOTUS Will Agree, Says Brian Brown | Right Wing Watch

You would have thought that the NOM would have closed up shop after they, and other such organizations got slapped down with the Obergefell decision. But, they are still here. I guess that you have to give them credit for perseverance. Or, is it a religious psychosis manifested by obsessive compulsive focus on other people's marriages. ? Lets see what he has to say:

In a Friday afternoon fundraising email from the National Organization for Marriage, Brown slammed Buttigieg’s marriage as illegitimate: “Mr. Buttigieg may consider himself married to another man, but that relationship is not marriage, and no judicial decree or political act can ever make it so.”

So Brian, suck it up and shut up.....and work on your own life while you're at it .

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There is no reason for heteros to get married anymore. Marriage has been weakened and the payouts to high. The growth of single parent families is enormous. Half the millenial males are not even considering marriage. Whatever you consider things, cultures need to survive with raising children at the cheapest price. And we are way off the rails on that. You'll see if you are young enough.
Dear TheProgressivePatriot
They don't want beliefs they don't agree with endorsed, established, imposed or enforced through Govt.
Even if you don't get the mechanism in their thinking behind this,
just know
it's roughtly parallel (not exactly the same)
as you NOT wanting churches to get law enforcement power.
That's crossing a line where you understand these should stay separate.
Well, that's how they see same sex marriage beliefs
going too far by getting involved with government.
That crosses the line for them.
I remember talking with a LGBTQQXYZ1234 thing(cant use gender identity) and told them that homosexuality isnt normal because 2 men or 2 women cant be natural. The things response was "Dogs do it too". Just think that homosexuals are like dogs, have to hump anything that moves, and NOT use their intelligence to realize how unnatural it really is.
Dogs do not do it too. There is no homosexuality among animals simply because animals have no such thing as a romantic attraction. They don't make love. They mate by instinct which is governed by scent and the season.

Animals may exhibit homosexual behavior when deprived of an appropriate mate. The animal ceases the behavior as soon as a mate appears.

Gays would do themselves well to just leave others alone. Stop demanding that you and your degenerate lifestyle be accepted.
Arguing over marriage is absurd. The Supreme Court just freed people to get married under CIVIL law. A couple may also have a religious ceremony, if they wish. Civil law is very different than the rules of the various religions, so religion-based arguments don't hold any weight. Religions differ.

It is ridiculous for people to expect that the general public will adhere to any one particular religion, yet posters on this thread are dragging out pence and osteen, who are representatives only of their particular religions. From what I have read, Buttigieg was married in his faith tradition, which is different from their's.
I really have to wonder about people who devote their so called lives to trying to deny others what they can take for granted- Specifically marriage. Meet Brian Brown of the National Organization for (Straight ) Marriage who is obsessing about Mayor Pete Buttigieg and who thinks that he can get marriage equality reversed:

Mayor Pete’s Marriage is Bogus and the Trumpified SCOTUS Will Agree, Says Brian Brown | Right Wing Watch

You would have thought that the NOM would have closed up shop after they, and other such organizations got slapped down with the Obergefell decision. But, they are still here. I guess that you have to give them credit for perseverance. Or, is it a religious psychosis manifested by obsessive compulsive focus on other people's marriages. ? Lets see what he has to say:

In a Friday afternoon fundraising email from the National Organization for Marriage, Brown slammed Buttigieg’s marriage as illegitimate: “Mr. Buttigieg may consider himself married to another man, but that relationship is not marriage, and no judicial decree or political act can ever make it so.”

So Brian, suck it up and shut up.....and work on your own life while you're at it .

An OP should be 3-4 paragraphs, link and content.

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Many of us will never see a man-and-man relationship or a woman-and-woman relationship--or whatever inevitably follows, because it will--as a marriage. You can't control that any more than you can control anything else that we think. Tolerance means you have to live with us thinking that.

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