Religious sexual suppression leads to pornography use


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
America s Bible Belt states indulge in more online porn than other less religious states Christian News on Christian Today

Excerpt from the other thread about porn use among religious demographics:

"They concluded that higher degrees of sexual restriction may be a contributing factor in the findings.

"It is possible that liberal citizens in states higher in religiosity or conservatism search more for sexual content due to living in a more sexually-restricted environment," they said, according to the Daily Mail...

...A massive 79 per cent of Christian men aged 18 to 30 said they watched pornography at least once a month, while nearly a third (29 per cent) said they watched it daily.

Prove Men Ministries president Joel Hesch said the issue needed to be openly addressed in the church and that the church should be a "safe place" to talk about it."
Men like pictures and videos of naked women and men.

Who knew?

Think it's more about how the more a religion tells its parishoners not to do something, the more that something is on their minds. Like if the worst sin and most assured way to be sent to hell was to think of the color pink...Everyone reading that would be screwed. Can't not think of something without thinking of it. Just one of those weird things. :) So if religion routinely tells people not to induldge in wicked thoughts and sights, examples of that wicked thought or sight is coming into their minds.
So do you blame your porno addiction to your religious sexual oppression?
Well, my guess is that the northern states are more Catholic than the southern states, and Catholicism is more effective than Protestantism to discourage men from reading porn. I don't have proof, but this poll seems to confirrm it.
Well, my guess is that the northern states are more Catholic than the southern states, and Catholicism is more effective than Protestantism to discourage men from reading porn. I don't have proof, but this poll seems to confirrm it.

Catholics dogma can't stop their priests from raping little boys! Your Christianity is in the same boat with all the other versions!!

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