Religous left says no to Trump

Pope says Trump 'not Christian' in views, plans over immigration

Apparently Pope Francis has said that Donald Trump CANNOT be a Christian if he wants to build a wall between the Mexican/US border.

Voting for Trump makes Jesus cry.
The wall the hypocrite Pope lives behind.
There is no comparison you chump. You can actually get in to the Vatican through things called doors. They are everywhere over here.

Are you suggesting that Trump would build a wall without doors?
I think he would like doors but only if those chinese bastards paid for them AND they only opened one way.
Pope says Trump 'not Christian' in views, plans over immigration

Apparently Pope Francis has said that Donald Trump CANNOT be a Christian if he wants to build a wall between the Mexican/US border.

Voting for Trump makes Jesus cry.
The wall the hypocrite Pope lives behind.
There is no comparison you chump. You can actually get in to the Vatican through things called doors. They are everywhere over here.
Trumps wall will have doors too, but you must enter through those doors LEGALLY
Pope says Trump 'not Christian' in views, plans over immigration

Apparently Pope Francis has said that Donald Trump CANNOT be a Christian if he wants to build a wall between the Mexican/US border.

Voting for Trump makes Jesus cry.
The wall the hypocrite Pope lives behind.
There is no comparison you chump. You can actually get in to the Vatican through things called doors. They are everywhere over here.

Are you suggesting that Trump would build a wall without doors?
I think he would like doors but only if those chinese bastards paid for them AND they only opened one way.

Well the Pope charges anywhere from $20 to $80 dollars a day for a visit to go through one of his "doors".

Vatican City Rome - Book Tickets & Tours |

How much should Trump charge?
This papal pig's only objective is to suck more muslim cock than 100 clones of Obama. This fucker DEFENDED the Charlie Hebdo massacre, has a fetish for washing muslim prisoners' feet and says NOTHING about his fellow Christians being genocided by muslims. And then this sceptre-waving, Chef-Boyardee-dressed little tin dictator has the AUDACITY to come to America (where he's never lived) and lecture us that we should take in MORE illegal Mexicans. How DARE this demagogue cocksucker, who runs perhaps the most corrupt religion in history. Who the fuck does this Pisslam human condom thinks he is? If Pope Francis were to die of cancer, not only would I dance on this son of a bitch's grave, I'd lead an entire C-walking class across it. Evil man from the second-worse religion on Earth (after Islassholery).
Pope says Trump 'not Christian' in views, plans over immigration

Apparently Pope Francis has said that Donald Trump CANNOT be a Christian if he wants to build a wall between the Mexican/US border.

Voting for Trump makes Jesus cry.
The wall the hypocrite Pope lives behind.
There is no comparison you chump. You can actually get in to the Vatican through things called doors. They are everywhere over here.

Are you suggesting that Trump would build a wall without doors?
I think he would like doors but only if those chinese bastards paid for them AND they only opened one way.

Well the Pope charges anywhere from $20 to $80 dollars a day for a visit to go through one of his "doors".

Vatican City Rome - Book Tickets & Tours |

How much should Trump charge?
They probably charge the market rate. We queued to get in for about 20 minutes before giving it up. Too busy.
Pope says Trump 'not Christian' in views, plans over immigration

Apparently Pope Francis has said that Donald Trump CANNOT be a Christian if he wants to build a wall between the Mexican/US border.

Voting for Trump makes Jesus cry.

Building walls violate Christian teachings? I don't remember that part...

Sure, in the book of Nehemiah........oh wait, God wanted them to build the wall around Jerusalem for protection.

Never mind.
Pope says Trump 'not Christian' in views, plans over immigration

Apparently Pope Francis has said that Donald Trump CANNOT be a Christian if he wants to build a wall between the Mexican/US border.

Voting for Trump makes Jesus cry.
[from the article:]
[In a freewheeling conversation with reporters on his flight back from a visit to Mexico, Francis was asked about Trump and some of his statements, such as vowing to build a wall between the United States and Mexico if he becomes president.

“A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian,” Francis said in answer to a specific question about Trump’s views. “This is not in the gospel.”

Asked if American Catholics should vote for someone with Trump’s views, Francis said: “I am not going to get involved in that. I say only that this man is not Christian if he has said things like that. We must see if he said things in that way and in this I give the benefit of the doubt,” he said.]


You can interpret these words however you like, but I do believe most are getting a little too excitable over this. Essentially, all the pope is saying is that the way Trump comes off does not sound Christian nor does it sound charitable. The fact the pope is often so candid and unguarded with his words is more refreshing and impacting than it is scandalous. IMO.

In this case I do say he went a little too bold in his choice of words, especially since he does not criticize other far less honest or worthy “statesmen” like obama or harry reid. However, I also think that some here need to not sum up the pope based on one response or two either. He says many bold things that other political leaders or famous preachers would not dare. And they ring true and are very serious. So I will not judge this pope on his mistakes alone, I will also weigh them against so many laudable measures he has taken. I am not rattled or my faith shaken by this moment.
You are very gracious, Turzovka. I am guilty in making a decision on this pope based on his remarks. And until I learn more about him and his references, I continue to stand in opposition to him and his remarks. The fact that he thinks that walls are wrong, but bridges should be guilt in their place just demonstrates he does not understand the security of a nation and its laws are paramount for the existence of a nation.

Thanks, I appreciate your comments. I am with you on some of this too. I think the pope sometimes has general ideas about the poor and refugees and those trying to survive and he applies it to specific cases saying "take care of them." That goes for the Mexican border and for the middle eastern refugees in Europe. In both cases I say he is somewhat out of line in being so definitive on what should be done, especially in Europe. I do not like his overemphasis on the environment, I do not like how he intervened in Cuba. So if others are opposed too, I will not criticize them for that. I want a wall and I want laws to be enforced. They can enter legally. The world is far too scary now to think we can be so trusting. Look at the tiny population of Jordan. I think their leader said nearly every single home in Jordan is now hosting a refugee family, almost 2 million of them. Unbelievable. I want militaries in the West to build large encampments in Syria and Iraq to house them and guard those places but stay out of the war. I am digressing.

What needs to happen is for a group of people to fly to the Vatican with large signs saying, "Pope Francis, tear down this wall!"
Pope says Trump 'not Christian' in views, plans over immigration

Apparently Pope Francis has said that Donald Trump CANNOT be a Christian if he wants to build a wall between the Mexican/US border.

Voting for Trump makes Jesus cry.
[from the article:]
[In a freewheeling conversation with reporters on his flight back from a visit to Mexico, Francis was asked about Trump and some of his statements, such as vowing to build a wall between the United States and Mexico if he becomes president.

“A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian,” Francis said in answer to a specific question about Trump’s views. “This is not in the gospel.”

Asked if American Catholics should vote for someone with Trump’s views, Francis said: “I am not going to get involved in that. I say only that this man is not Christian if he has said things like that. We must see if he said things in that way and in this I give the benefit of the doubt,” he said.]


You can interpret these words however you like, but I do believe most are getting a little too excitable over this. Essentially, all the pope is saying is that the way Trump comes off does not sound Christian nor does it sound charitable. The fact the pope is often so candid and unguarded with his words is more refreshing and impacting than it is scandalous. IMO.

In this case I do say he went a little too bold in his choice of words, especially since he does not criticize other far less honest or worthy “statesmen” like obama or harry reid. However, I also think that some here need to not sum up the pope based on one response or two either. He says many bold things that other political leaders or famous preachers would not dare. And they ring true and are very serious. So I will not judge this pope on his mistakes alone, I will also weigh them against so many laudable measures he has taken. I am not rattled or my faith shaken by this moment.
You are very gracious, Turzovka. I am guilty in making a decision on this pope based on his remarks. And until I learn more about him and his references, I continue to stand in opposition to him and his remarks. The fact that he thinks that walls are wrong, but bridges should be guilt in their place just demonstrates he does not understand the security of a nation and its laws are paramount for the existence of a nation.

Pope Francis is a left winged statist, so he can't help himself.

Let me splain. The left thinks that the government should be intimately involved in every aspect of your life, and even control your thoughts through such tactics as being PC. For them, there is no separation between religion and state, unless the said religion chastises the state. If this happens then we either need seperation of church and state all of a sudden or there needs to be laws passed to stop those of religion who oppose the state. This is why the Pope gives sermons on global warming and the need to give more money to the state to help the poor, while ignoring other issues such as Obama claiming to the a Christian while supporting abortion on demand and lighting up the White House like big rainbow.

The sad fact of the matter is, the Pope is more concerned with a border wall being build than he is over 50 million unborn children that have been killed since Roe vs. Wade.

The facts are facts. Not one peep has been made from the Pope about such things. Very telling indeed.

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