Remains of Egyptian Army Discovered

400 bodies of troops lost in a mudslide does not the Exodus make. Even if it's true that this is Pharaoh's army, where is the other evidence? Egyptian references to the Jews, references to the ten plagues, evidence in Sinai of the 2-4 million Jews Moses led into freedom?
Interesting find but I'm more intrigued by the remains found in Turkey and links to Noah's ark
Also the Chariots found stuck in the mud add creedance to the accounts. If you are gonna lie about a character why would they create one who (justifiably) kills while teaching morality through the commands? The Aaronic lineage can be proven through DNA so it's not such a leap to believe the accts of Moses.
Locusts occured in that region, frogs too, grain stored got tainted with fungi through all that moisture from rains, the famine from crop damaged caused low supplies forcing to always feed their first borns first with this extra stored grain, so the first born died by the tainted grain. Moses got water from chipping the tip of the rock allowing the streams in the rock to flow water. Manna from the sky occurs when birds migrating fall from the sky in exhaustion, which occired in their long journey in that region. Moses lifted his HaShevet (staff) and parted the seas is a natural low tide occurance. He was educated to know these things or he had assistance which is technologically proven feasable now.
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