Remember a few years back when putin supposedly rode topless? He can't even get on a horse, put his foot in the stirrups & his arse bounces like jelly

There is a time for everything under the is no time to be polite regarding is a time when those with the means should be plotting to rid the world of such evil....and thus save countless Zelinsky said...if Putin were to die the war would end.

Think of all the suffering and deaths that could have been prevented if Hitler, Stalin and Mao had been terminated as soon as they revealed their true colors.
However.............having said that......we must remember that.....................Isaiah 55:8-9 – “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways,” says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Remember a few years back when Putin supposedly rode topless? He can't even get on a horse, put his foot in the stirrups & his arse bounces around like jelly.

Your OP is nothing but a repeat of the fake news and Putin pisses in your face. That you would even stoop to such a low thing as your fake video of Putin on a horse of unknown content and your summation that it must obviously mean something of negative import is just further proof of your knowledge that even with the USA and EUs monumental help, tiny Ukraine cannot withstand the Russian Bear forever is obvious. Your western friends have run out of money.

Your OP is nothing but a repeat of the fake news and Putin pisses in your face. That you would even stoop to such a low thing as your fake video of Putin on a horse of unknown content and your summation that it must obviously mean something of negative import is just further proof of your knowledge that even with the USA and EUs monumental help, tiny Ukraine cannot withstand the Russian Bear forever is obvious. Your western friends have run out of money.

Russian bot.
The horse trainer needs to be sent to a Russian penal colony for giving that nag to Putin. This photo op shit is so ridiculous. I'd like to see Biden try to mount anything though.
The horse trainer needs to be sent to a Russian penal colony for giving that nag to Putin. This photo op shit is so ridiculous. I'd like to see Biden try to mount anything though.
I am putting all these russian bots on ignore.....putin will go down in history very similar to how Hitler went down.....the sooner the better....3 possibilities putin will be forced out, putin will comitt suicide or he may be assasinated.....several atrempts have been made alreaady....sooner or later maybe someone will get it right.
Yeah and he could actually RIDE horses. He HAD to, and he rode them in all his cheesy 'wild west' Hollyweird flicks. :abgg2q.jpg:
I loved it when he was given the Lipizzaner 😊
Reminds of when I was a kid and rode a horse for the first time.....didnt know how to keep the horse from trotting and the trot is a very jarring ride....a good saddle horse....which I am sure was what putin was trying to ride can be coaxed out of trotting very easily.

Putin's experience with horses most likely was one of just sitting on a horse for photo ops.
Seems like it, the others were posting at the trot but he just bounced around.
This photo op shit is so ridiculous.
note that he had to have the tallest horse there...Then note how short he is. He'd have looked even more awkward trying to get his foot up in that stirrup. It was a kindness to the horse, he didnt drag himself up, yanking the saddle down on the horse's withers. :icon_lol:
note that he had to have the tallest horse there...Then note how short he is. He'd have looked even more awkward trying to get his foot up in that stirrup. It was a kindness to the horse, he didnt drag himself up, yanking the saddle down on the horse's withers. :icon_lol:

Yeah, and did you notice that the short little bastard had to have a step stool just to be able to reach the stirrups?
Remember a few years back when Putin supposedly rode topless? He can't even get on a horse, put his foot in the stirrups & his arse bounces around like jelly.
Horses know when they have an inexperienced rider and I don't understand what this PR stunt was meant to prove. he just crap his pants! :lol:


who are you in reality?
Sometimes you start so stupid threads the entirely forum is laughing about
Putin is almost seventy years old, where is the problem when he has some problems with his health
I sure if some idiots somewhere start to discuss about Putin's poo you will be the first who starts a 'Great News'
Yeah, and did you notice that the short little bastard had to have a step stool just to be able to reach the stirrups?
yes, pootler is a joke

I don't hate him. Do you?
do you want to suck him off ?

He needs a stool to mount. Reins to tight like a scared little boy. The horse interprets that as a command to back up - he DOES NOT KNOW WHAT HE IS DOING. A farce!
Your OP is nothing but a repeat of the fake news and Putin pisses in your face. That you would even stoop to such a low thing as your fake video of Putin on a horse of unknown content and your summation that it must obviously mean something of negative import is just further proof of your knowledge that even with the USA and EUs monumental help, tiny Ukraine cannot withstand the Russian Bear forever is obvious. Your western friends have run out of money.


Second and third ^^^ :2up:
Wow....................the last thing Putin should have done was have experienced riders along with him. It's readily apparent that he knows very little about riding horses, especially when you can see how stiff and sloppy he looks riding next to the others.

Not only that, but the horse he was on was looking like Putin was the last thing it wanted on it's back.
Why would a street bum from Leningrad know how to ride a horse? he’s going a bit “Kim Jong-Un” surrounding himself with a group of servicewomen during a staged activity. I imagine they were smiling and laughing at the appropriate moments.
bad news for all you pootler´s cuckolds

Bad news for all of America. We've given Ukraine a 12 year supply of Stinger missiles and are now out of them. We are making ourselves vulnerable and defenseless not to mention bankrupting ourselves for the little Nazi shithole in Ukraine for a war we have no interest in and will not win.

Meantime, the people die and the country being destroyed needlessly when they could have simply surrendered a little land to Russia back in March and saved millions of lives and untold billions in loses not to mention 60 billion thrown away by the US government for warped assholes like you who think anyone not for this idiotic madness must obviously just be a "Pootin" supporter. :fu:
Bad news for all of America. We've given Ukraine a 12 year supply of Stinger missiles
GREAT NEWS THAT U. utilized 70% of Muscovite army, S. and F. are NATO members and even the very last bum in Muscovy knows that Moscow can´t fight NATO....


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