Remember?About A Year Ago?,Hillary Warned Of Armageddon, Apocalypse If Trump Wins.Well?

:2up: Oh yah!, It's going to be the end of our way of living if Trump gets elected! we will lose,or eventually lose our jobs, our money, and our homes if Trump becomes President !! :boohoo:
Well, Trump has been President for almost a year now, so is anyone out there living off the grid, broke, waiting in line up to 2 hours to buy gas, cant find bottled water and eating dogs and any local animals they can catch or shoot?
I heard of a catastrophic occurrence of collapsing assholes since Trump was elected..
The DOW is up 20% an the S&P is up around 500. Why didn't it happen during the eight years of Hussein? The rest of the world was pumping oil while Barry laughably said he would "wean America off oil". All he did was wean America off prosperity.
right,,,,2009 thru 2016 were years of hell! 0.0 growth for 8 years,,meanwhile barry and moochelle kept taking vacations while we were 15-19 trillion in debt.
The DOW is up 20% an the S&P is up around 500. Why didn't it happen during the eight years of Hussein? The rest of the world was pumping oil while Barry laughably said he would "wean America off oil". All he did was wean America off prosperity.

The Dow increased 13,000 points under the Great Obama

Over half the current value of the market came under Obama
Have to see how the N Korea situation works out

Well we know one thing for sure, after a couple of decades of appeasing them and allowing them to get to this point, whatever the end result it took many more years of other feckless leadership to get to this point. Primarily, though not exclusive to American leadership.

The world has been kissing their behinds so they could get cheap Chinese labour without issues. No more!

65 years without conflict

Can Trump keep the streak going?

When a guy says he is going to nuke you, he runs the country by inheritance, pursues the nuke aggressively and flaunts his advances and, is a dictatorship Hermit Kingdom to boot, those 65 years of peace (certainly no peace for Koreans) will come at a price, you can be sure.
N Korea has been making threats for 65 years
Remember the Pueblo?

Most Presidents have ignored them and worked behind the scenes

If Trump escalates N Korea because he was called a Dotard then Hillary was right

Elie Wiesel, holocaust survivor, once said, “When someone says they want to kill you, believe them.”

Apparently our Government never learned that lesson. They think the Islamists are just joking.
well techincally, what Hillary was saying..was...if you want to go back to 2009 when no one could find a job,,,,vote for meee!!!
Well we know one thing for sure, after a couple of decades of appeasing them and allowing them to get to this point, whatever the end result it took many more years of other feckless leadership to get to this point. Primarily, though not exclusive to American leadership.

The world has been kissing their behinds so they could get cheap Chinese labour without issues. No more!

65 years without conflict

Can Trump keep the streak going?

When a guy says he is going to nuke you, he runs the country by inheritance, pursues the nuke aggressively and flaunts his advances and, is a dictatorship Hermit Kingdom to boot, those 65 years of peace (certainly no peace for Koreans) will come at a price, you can be sure.
N Korea has been making threats for 65 years
Remember the Pueblo?

Most Presidents have ignored them and worked behind the scenes

If Trump escalates N Korea because he was called a Dotard then Hillary was right

Elie Wiesel, holocaust survivor, once said, “When someone says they want to kill you, believe them.”

Apparently our Government never learned that lesson. They think the Islamists are just joking.
well techincally, what Hillary was saying..was...if you want to go back to 2009 when no one could find a job,,,,vote for meee!!!

The Graet Bush Recession of 2008 did cause a lot of pain
i wonder what the stock market would of been around 2012 if we didnt have to print up about 4 trillion dollars
The DOW is up 20% an the S&P is up around 500. Why didn't it happen during the eight years of Hussein? The rest of the world was pumping oil while Barry laughably said he would "wean America off oil". All he did was wean America off prosperity.

You desperately need to be educated, nitwit.....

For stock market investors, Democrats have clearly outperformed Republicans in the White House over the last 40 years.

The Standards & Poor's 500 index rose 150 percent during the Clinton administration; under Obama, stock prices have been rising by 100 percent. (We're using Yale economist Robert Shiller's inflation-adjusted data.)

Those gains compare with net losses of 45 percent under Bush II, gains of about 30 percent under Bush I, and a 50 percent gain under Reagan.


How the Obama economy stacks up, by the numbers
The stock market just hit a record high.

GDP growth looks like it's going to be over 3% for the first time since Obama.

But, it was her personal apocalypse, sure. Since when has anyone made as many excuses as she has after the election?
remember 2009? who was President when the lives of the poor/middle class came to an end?
Bush actually, it was the day when Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac got put under conservatorship starting a global recession. But by all means act like that didn't happen.

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