Remember back when cons went bananas over secret service cost.

Ben Thomson

Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2020
They cried tears over the cost of protecting Michelle Obama and her two daughters on a goodwill tour of Africa but not a peep about the cost of protecting Donnie Jr and Eric as they gallivanted all over the world on Trump Orginization don't expect any outcry from the cons over Trump signing an executive order giving Secret Service protection to all his kids and their families.. PLUS those of some former staffers for the next six months or so..costing millions in taxpayer money. Why a self-professed multi-billionaire can't pay for his own security is odd...Trump extended Secret Service protection for 13 members of his family as he left office
Let's not forget the fortune spent to keep Melania and Baron in NYC so that Baron could finish the school semester, not the mention all the golf junkets, and all of the rallies that did not involve doing the People's business.
Let's not forget the fortune spent to keep Melania and Baron in NYC so that Baron could finish the school semester, not the mention all the golf junkets, and all of the rallies that did not involve doing the People's business.
Exactly. Now watch the cons get all upset over Secret Service costs again AND the deficit. The didn't give a damn about either one when Trump was sitting on the toilet tweeting for four years.
They cried tears over the cost of protecting Michelle Obama and her two daughters on a goodwill tour of Africa but not a peep about the cost of protecting Donnie Jr and Eric as they gallivanted all over the world on Trump Orginization don't expect any outcry from the cons over Trump signing an executive order giving Secret Service protection to all his kids and their families.. PLUS those of some former staffers for the next six months or so..costing millions in taxpayer money. Why a self-professed multi-billionaire can't pay for his own security is odd...Trump extended Secret Service protection for 13 members of his family as he left office

Not me.......

When supporters of democrat party politicians, like bernie sanders, try to murder the entire republican baseball team, and a left winger tried to assassinate Candidate Trump, we know that violent left wing assholes who burned and looted cities for 7 months and murdered 30 people are just as dangerous to former Presidents as they are to conservatives, libertarians and Trump supporters...
Memories are often skewed by anger, frustration and political expediency. There was virtually zero complaints from the right wing about the cost of protecting the former, former 1st lady. Maybe the complaint centered around the cost verses the success of Lady Hussein's trip to Africa.

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