Remember, Biden recently said “it’s time to put Trump in the bullseye”

A bullseye is for darts. A scope is for shooting. No one threw darts at Trump. And how was Biden to know a republican would try to shoot Trump?
This thread is intended to raise the issue of government involvement.

America will get around to that soon enough, but this one is still premature.
A bullseye is for darts. A scope is for shooting. No one threw darts at Trump. And how was Biden to know a republican would try to shoot Trump?
Nope that’s for sure, Xiden’s brownshirt didn’t throw a dart, he fired bullets at his target but didn’t get a bullseye, thank goodness
Do Democrats have any accountability for such an attempt based on their extremely hyperbolic and inciting rhetoric over the last 7 years? They told us Trump is evil, he’s Hitler, he wants to take your rights, and basically is a threat to your life and all society as we know it.

It turns out some nut job listened to Biden, Harris, Shumer, Pelosi, etc.

Maybe they should have been a little more honest about their political opponent, more rational. They were reckless and begging the question…
Is that anything like MAGAtts being held accountable for their vengeance and "I am your retribution" hyperbole?

How about we Americans demanding that
BOTH sides stop this bull$hit???!!!
Well the phrasing could have been better and that's a fact given the nut-jobs he has for an audience.
It would be appropriate for today's gun show to feature an AR-15 and its capabilities as a short to medium range sniper rifle.
Nope that’s for sure, Xiden’s brownshirt didn’t throw a dart, he fired bullets at his target but didn’t get a bullseye, thank goodness
Remember when the left had kittens when a political ad chose to use targets over states and cities? I guess targets are not considered a threat anymore.

But what can you expect from a cult that wants anyone who disagrees with them dead? People like you and Me, and Trump and Mike Johnson, etc., etc..
only a fucking idiot would consider that an official act,,

are you a fucking idiot??
He is….and he is emblematic of the stupidity and gullibility of Democrats. It was their scare tactics rhetoric - Trump can now commit any crime he wants! Trump is Hitler! Trump is a threat to democracy! - that led to this mentally ill kid trying to kill him, and what happens….

…Zinc Warrior continues to spread the identical false venomous rhetoric that created the situation in the first place.
Just stings to get slapped by truth
Having a hard time for your “it didn’t happen” feelings to win out
No, what stings is -- They know that no matter who they run, no matter what lies they tell, no matter how many votes they steal or how many counterfeit ballots they print --

They're done. Fini, Kaput.

They couldn't care less about anything else. All they care about is seizing the reins of power so they can steal money from people who work for it and funnel it to themselves. Which is the only reason the dimocrap scum party exists. It is a criminal organization. Always has been
Is that anything like MAGAtts being held accountable for their vengeance and "I am your retribution" hyperbole?

How about we Americans demanding that
BOTH sides stop this bull$hit???!!!
BLM/Antifa, Schumer doxxing, Sanders lackey targeting republican softball, Piglosi, Harris, Booker, Waters, Omar, Tlaib all calling for violence against republicans and now Biden's bullseye comment and you morons think "Walk peacefully and patriotically" is a call for insurrection. You are a serious piece of work and you should seek help.
BLM/Antifa, Schumer doxxing, Sanders lackey targeting republican softball, Piglosi, Harris, Booker, Waters, Omar, Tlaib all calling for violence against republicans and now Biden's bullseye comment and you morons think "Walk peacefully and patriotically" is a call for insurrection. You are a serious piece of work and you should seek help.
Phukk off, MAGAtt loser... stop with the bull$hit accusations against the Dems while turning a blind eye to your own.

BOTH sides are EQUALLY guilty, you stupid dumb$hit...
BOTH sides... and it's time to take a step back and to stop all this.
Republican gun nut shoots at republican presidential candidate. Seems like we should stay out of it.
Hahah more like a young man, radicalized by ActBlue followed Joey Xiden’s order to put trump in the bulleye and tried to take him out because dear leader can’t win at the ballot box

Haha yeah a republican decided to kill the gop nominee

Do you think anyone is gojng to believe your lies?

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