Remember the Parents That Named Their Child Adolf?

Looks like they were members of a hate group in England that is actually "banned". This group was actively attempting to provoke a race war in the UK. They are going to prison. Hopefully someone renames the child.

Couple who named baby after Hitler found guilty of membership of neo-Nazi group - CNN


Except for the UK, how is it "illegal" to belong to an organization? We should follow their lead and brand the Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, the SPLC, the Communist Party USA, and the Socialist Party as "hate groups", making them all illegal.
-------------------------------------------------------------- not me , this is silliness and shows the difference between the USA and 'old europe' . As i said in a different thread . you can be arrested for dressing up as 'hitler' in germany JGalt .

I know. And yet, some Germans had the audacity to show up at the memorial gathering in France this weekend. Guess we didn't beat them hard enough last time.
Raise your right hand if you believe the government should dictate acceptable children's names


Hmm. Variations of Mohammed are the most popular boys' names in the UK. In 2015, the number one non-Muslim name was Oliver (6,647).

The names Muhammad, Mohammed, and Mohammad accounted for 7,464 names given to male babies. And that was in 2015.

Imagine how much things have changed since then.

Baby names: Top 100 most popular boys and girls' names
How does one convince and convert racists by telling them their race is weak?
Who said you could convince or convert a racist by telling them their race is weak? All that would do is stick in the mind of the racist and make the racist even more angry and emotionally injured to the point that they would bring it up at every opportunity. :rolleyes:

Don't flatter yourself Lumpy. I'm just using you as a tool to "decimate" your racist rhetoric to other folks here who may not be aware that you're a racist pig.
You never came to the level where I would feel flattered because I emotionally injured you.

I can't take something personally and emotionally that I know to be patently absurd, stupid, ignorant and most of all, untrue.

Its just amusing to me that you remember the conversation even better than I do. I must have really touched a nerve.:laugh:

Don't be an idiot. You remember the conversation and you remember what you said. We talked about it for like four fucking days. You just put that in there for the benefit of the other posters here.

BTW, are you capable of expressing yourself without emojis? Emojis are the lazy man's literary tool.
Let it go. I am not going to rehash your abused feelings here. Its not part of the topic. :rolleyes:

That's never stopped you before. By the way, a few things:

1.) If you didn't remember as much as me about the conversation, how did you know what I was talking about? You gave yourself away in a childish attempt to get a dig in at me and made yourself look like the idiot.

2.) I didn't say "Don't feel flattered", I said "Don't flatter yourself". Learn basic comprehension.

3.) My feelings, abused or otherwise, are not part of the topic, but my question was. I didn't make this about my feelings and take it off topic, you did.
OldLady wrote, "And The Proud Boys and the KKK and a bunch of others. I never heard the Communist Party, SPLC or Socialist Party engaged in hate speech, though."

Hello, Old Lady. Did you ever hear or witness apparent emotionally troubled black or American citizens of African descent engaging in hate speech?

Dr. Umar Johnson Ph.D, Dr. Boyce Watkins Ph.D, Tariq Nasheed-8.jpg


A group the British government HAD OUTLAWED.

And no American would ever be in favor of guilt by association.

So you don't think people in other countries deserve the right to free speech or freedom of assembly either do you?

You should move to the UK because they don't like their citizens having rights either
These groups have no right to exist. They are anathema. They hurt innocent people with their rhetoric and if they had a chance, with more than that. Don't give them a toe hold.

Of course they do

Unless you want to make it illegal to talk about things you disagree with
Yet you think maybe I should move to another country because you disagree with mine?
No you disagree with the basic tenets this country was founded upon that is why you should leave so you can live in a country that stomps all over people's rights because you agree with that
I believe YOU are the one disagreeing with the basic tenet of this country that all men are born equal and that all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ALL of them, even the black and brown ones or the ones that attend a church different from yours.
And no American would ever be in favor of guilt by association.

So you don't think people in other countries deserve the right to free speech or freedom of assembly either do you?

You should move to the UK because they don't like their citizens having rights either
These groups have no right to exist. They are anathema. They hurt innocent people with their rhetoric and if they had a chance, with more than that. Don't give them a toe hold.

Of course they do

Unless you want to make it illegal to talk about things you disagree with
Yet you think maybe I should move to another country because you disagree with mine?
No you disagree with the basic tenets this country was founded upon that is why you should leave so you can live in a country that stomps all over people's rights because you agree with that
I believe YOU are the one disagreeing with the basic tenet of this country that all men are born equal and that all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ALL of them, even the black and brown ones or the ones that attend a church different from yours.

And where did the people thrown in jail violate anyone rights?

Does belonging to a club violate the rights of people not in the club?

And I believe all people have the right to free speech and freedom of assembly. It matters not if that speech offends me or my moral convictions
These groups have no right to exist. They are anathema. They hurt innocent people with their rhetoric and if they had a chance, with more than that. Don't give them a toe hold.

Wow, you are truly going down a dark path.
That's pretty ironic, don't you think?

Not at all. If anything, it's very sad. EVERY murdering dictator in history, felt he was doing the right thing for his people by oppressing people who didn't agree with him. You want to use your opinion to deny basic human rights to people because you don't believe what they believe. That's evil, oldlady.
I think speech that promotes violence against others based on race, sex, gender orientation, sexual preference should be banned and made illegal. There is no moral dilemma. There is no slippery slope. Its only tolerating what should be considered intolerable.
so speech you don't like should be illegal
Why do you keep personalizing it? It isn't about what A or I like or don't like. It is about the content of that speech.
These groups have no right to exist. They are anathema. They hurt innocent people with their rhetoric and if they had a chance, with more than that. Don't give them a toe hold.

Of course they do

Unless you want to make it illegal to talk about things you disagree with
Yet you think maybe I should move to another country because you disagree with mine?
No you disagree with the basic tenets this country was founded upon that is why you should leave so you can live in a country that stomps all over people's rights because you agree with that
I believe YOU are the one disagreeing with the basic tenet of this country that all men are born equal and that all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ALL of them, even the black and brown ones or the ones that attend a church different from yours.

And where did the people thrown in jail violate anyone rights?

Does belonging to a club violate the rights of people not in the club?

And I believe all people have the right to free speech and freedom of assembly. It matters not if that speech offends me or my moral convictions
They violated the LAW in their country. End of argument.
Of course they do

Unless you want to make it illegal to talk about things you disagree with
Yet you think maybe I should move to another country because you disagree with mine?
No you disagree with the basic tenets this country was founded upon that is why you should leave so you can live in a country that stomps all over people's rights because you agree with that
I believe YOU are the one disagreeing with the basic tenet of this country that all men are born equal and that all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ALL of them, even the black and brown ones or the ones that attend a church different from yours.

And where did the people thrown in jail violate anyone rights?

Does belonging to a club violate the rights of people not in the club?

And I believe all people have the right to free speech and freedom of assembly. It matters not if that speech offends me or my moral convictions
They violated the LAW in their country. End of argument.

You mean like people in Holland violating the Nazi laws of hiding Jews?
Of course they do

Unless you want to make it illegal to talk about things you disagree with
Yet you think maybe I should move to another country because you disagree with mine?
No you disagree with the basic tenets this country was founded upon that is why you should leave so you can live in a country that stomps all over people's rights because you agree with that
I believe YOU are the one disagreeing with the basic tenet of this country that all men are born equal and that all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ALL of them, even the black and brown ones or the ones that attend a church different from yours.

And where did the people thrown in jail violate anyone rights?

Does belonging to a club violate the rights of people not in the club?

And I believe all people have the right to free speech and freedom of assembly. It matters not if that speech offends me or my moral convictions
They violated the LAW in their country. End of argument.
And the argument is that no American should be applauding any country that does not allow freedom of speech or freedom of assembly.

But here you are giving the trampling of rights a standing ovation
Wow, you are truly going down a dark path.
That's pretty ironic, don't you think?

Not at all. If anything, it's very sad. EVERY murdering dictator in history, felt he was doing the right thing for his people by oppressing people who didn't agree with him. You want to use your opinion to deny basic human rights to people because you don't believe what they believe. That's evil, oldlady.
I think speech that promotes violence against others based on race, sex, gender orientation, sexual preference should be banned and made illegal. There is no moral dilemma. There is no slippery slope. Its only tolerating what should be considered intolerable.
so speech you don't like should be illegal
Why do you keep personalizing it? It isn't about what A or I like or don't like. It is about the content of that speech.

And that you find the content of that speech to be offensive so you want to punish those who say such things
No, I think it's going a bit far to put someone in jail for hate speech. I just want to take away their public soap boxes.
I sure am not the only one. What has Facebook and PayPal and them been doing? There are quite a few people who agree with that.
No, I think it's going a bit far to put someone in jail for hate speech. I just want to take away their public soap boxes.
I sure am not the only one. What has Facebook and PayPal and them been doing? There are quite a few people who agree with that.

Facebook etc has no obligation to provide a platform for anyone. Didn't we talk about that already somewhere.

But that is not what happened with this couple anyway.

So Facebook or any private co can ban any users they want for any reason and there is no violation of any rights.

But if a person wants to put his own website up he has every right to do so.
No, I think it's going a bit far to put someone in jail for hate speech. I just want to take away their public soap boxes.
I sure am not the only one. What has Facebook and PayPal and them been doing? There are quite a few people who agree with that.
------------------------ that just means that you won't be lonely as you CENSOR and restrict Free Speech eh . How unamerican of 'PAY P' , 'Fbook' and YOU OldLady .
No, I think it's going a bit far to put someone in jail for hate speech. I just want to take away their public soap boxes.
I sure am not the only one. What has Facebook and PayPal and them been doing? There are quite a few people who agree with that.
------------------------------------------ hate speech is only an opinion OldLady .
No, I think it's going a bit far to put someone in jail for hate speech. I just want to take away their public soap boxes.
I sure am not the only one. What has Facebook and PayPal and them been doing? There are quite a few people who agree with that.
------------------------------------------ hate speech is only an opinion OldLady .
No, pismoe, it is not.
It's a shame I can't have a conversation about this without pismoe's ongoing harassment, but I've had enough. He makes his disagreement clear with his words, which is fine, but the mocking funnies is plain old rude trolling. I'm outta here.

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