Remember When Democrats Used To Support Religious Freedom?

Well of course. It was a Democrat. a video at the site of the narrow minded far right Clinton signing this

March 26, 2015 By Bill Clinton
Remarks on Signing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993
November 16, 1993

Thank you very much, Mr. Vice President, for those fine remarks and to the Members of Congress, the chaplains of the House and the Senate, and to all of you who worked so hard to help this day become a reality. Let me especially thank the Coalition for the Free Exercise of Religion for the central role they played in drafting this legislation and working so hard for its passage.

It is interesting to note, as the Vice President said, what a broad coalition of Americans came together to make this bill a reality; interesting to note that that coalition produced a 97-to3 vote in the United States Senate and a bill that had such broad support it was adopted on a voice vote in the House. I’m told that, as many of the people in the coalition worked together across ideological and religious lines, some new friendships were formed and some new trust was established, which shows, I suppose, that the power of God is such that even in the legislative process miracles can happen. [Laughter]

We all have a shared desire here to protect perhaps the most precious of all American liberties, religious freedom. Usually the signing of legislation by a President is a ministerial act, often a quiet ending to a turbulent legislative process. Today this event assumes a more majestic quality because of our ability together to affirm the historic role that people of faith have played in the history of this country and the constitutional protections those who profess and express their faith have always demanded and cherished.

ALL of it here:
Remember When Democrats Supported Religious Freedom

The bill was ruled unconstitutional.

You are overstating the fact. It was held that it didn't apply to local and state laws, which is why many states have enacted state versions of the RFRA.
All we have to see or know about the GODLESS DemocRATS.... come on you people with any kind of religious background, is THIS SHIT what you want to vote for?

Notice how they (lib/dem/homosexuals/etc) are avoiding this thread like they might get the plague or something

they can't show what two faced hypocrites they are. which is nothing new for them. If they ever stood on principle and not lies and drama, (like cheering for companies to boycott the state so it's hurting the people who lives who did NOTHING wrong to them, it was their Government)... I think we would all faint
Well of course. It was a Democrat. a video at the site of the narrow minded far right Clinton signing this

March 26, 2015 By Bill Clinton
Remarks on Signing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993
November 16, 1993

Thank you very much, Mr. Vice President, for those fine remarks and to the Members of Congress, the chaplains of the House and the Senate, and to all of you who worked so hard to help this day become a reality. Let me especially thank the Coalition for the Free Exercise of Religion for the central role they played in drafting this legislation and working so hard for its passage.

It is interesting to note, as the Vice President said, what a broad coalition of Americans came together to make this bill a reality; interesting to note that that coalition produced a 97-to3 vote in the United States Senate and a bill that had such broad support it was adopted on a voice vote in the House. I’m told that, as many of the people in the coalition worked together across ideological and religious lines, some new friendships were formed and some new trust was established, which shows, I suppose, that the power of God is such that even in the legislative process miracles can happen. [Laughter]

We all have a shared desire here to protect perhaps the most precious of all American liberties, religious freedom. Usually the signing of legislation by a President is a ministerial act, often a quiet ending to a turbulent legislative process. Today this event assumes a more majestic quality because of our ability together to affirm the historic role that people of faith have played in the history of this country and the constitutional protections those who profess and express their faith have always demanded and cherished.

ALL of it here:
Remember When Democrats Supported Religious Freedom

The bill was ruled unconstitutional.

You are overstating the fact. It was held that it didn't apply to local and state laws, which is why many states have enacted state versions of the RFRA.

The impossibility of neutrality is not just totalitarian, it's frankly quite boring. Being tolerent should be enough and forced celebratory approval is a creepy step way over the line.

No one is forcing celebratory approval.

The issue of Public Accommodation is settled law. If you have a business and you are offering goods and services to the public, you have to offer them to all the businesses you like. you can have a religion. Your business cannot, because it is a public accommodation.
Well of course. It was a Democrat. a video at the site of the narrow minded far right Clinton signing this

March 26, 2015 By Bill Clinton
Remarks on Signing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993
November 16, 1993

Thank you very much, Mr. Vice President, for those fine remarks and to the Members of Congress, the chaplains of the House and the Senate, and to all of you who worked so hard to help this day become a reality. Let me especially thank the Coalition for the Free Exercise of Religion for the central role they played in drafting this legislation and working so hard for its passage.

It is interesting to note, as the Vice President said, what a broad coalition of Americans came together to make this bill a reality; interesting to note that that coalition produced a 97-to3 vote in the United States Senate and a bill that had such broad support it was adopted on a voice vote in the House. I’m told that, as many of the people in the coalition worked together across ideological and religious lines, some new friendships were formed and some new trust was established, which shows, I suppose, that the power of God is such that even in the legislative process miracles can happen. [Laughter]

We all have a shared desire here to protect perhaps the most precious of all American liberties, religious freedom. Usually the signing of legislation by a President is a ministerial act, often a quiet ending to a turbulent legislative process. Today this event assumes a more majestic quality because of our ability together to affirm the historic role that people of faith have played in the history of this country and the constitutional protections those who profess and express their faith have always demanded and cherished.

ALL of it here:
Remember When Democrats Supported Religious Freedom
Remember when "religious freedom" didn't mean the freedom to discriminate against others?
Well of course. It was a Democrat. a video at the site of the narrow minded far right Clinton signing this

March 26, 2015 By Bill Clinton
Remarks on Signing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993
November 16, 1993

Thank you very much, Mr. Vice President, for those fine remarks and to the Members of Congress, the chaplains of the House and the Senate, and to all of you who worked so hard to help this day become a reality. Let me especially thank the Coalition for the Free Exercise of Religion for the central role they played in drafting this legislation and working so hard for its passage.

It is interesting to note, as the Vice President said, what a broad coalition of Americans came together to make this bill a reality; interesting to note that that coalition produced a 97-to3 vote in the United States Senate and a bill that had such broad support it was adopted on a voice vote in the House. I’m told that, as many of the people in the coalition worked together across ideological and religious lines, some new friendships were formed and some new trust was established, which shows, I suppose, that the power of God is such that even in the legislative process miracles can happen. [Laughter]

We all have a shared desire here to protect perhaps the most precious of all American liberties, religious freedom. Usually the signing of legislation by a President is a ministerial act, often a quiet ending to a turbulent legislative process. Today this event assumes a more majestic quality because of our ability together to affirm the historic role that people of faith have played in the history of this country and the constitutional protections those who profess and express their faith have always demanded and cherished.

ALL of it here:
Remember When Democrats Supported Religious Freedom
Remember when "religious freedom" didn't mean the freedom to discriminate against others?
No, since the religious freaks find something to hate with their religion of love..
The impossibility of neutrality is not just totalitarian, it's frankly quite boring. Being tolerent should be enough and forced celebratory approval is a creepy step way over the line.

No one is forcing celebratory approval.

The issue of Public Accommodation is settled law. If you have a business and you are offering goods and services to the public, you have to offer them to all the businesses you like. you can have a religion. Your business cannot, because it is a public accommodation.

"In the decades that states have had RFRA statutes, no business has been given the right to discriminate against gay customers, or anyone else." -Stanford law professor Michael McConnell, a former appellate court judge

Here's the text of the federal RFRA:

Government may substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion only if it demonstrates that application of the burden to the person—

(1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and

(2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest.

And here is the text of Indiana's RFRA:

A governmental entity may substantially burden a person's exercise of religion only if the governmental entity demonstrates that application of the burden to the person: (1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and (2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest

Indiana s Religious Freedom Restoration Act Explained The Weekly Standard

As to "forced celebratory approval" I admit a little Steynian hyperbole in the phrasiology, he was addressing the cultural climate not a set of laws on the books. (yet, lol) However, people are losing their jobs, having their buisness' attacked and closed as well as being kicked out of school all on dubious legal grounds or none whatsoever. The climate is clearly tilting toward the totalitarian.

All that said, I'm happy to boycott a bigoted bakery, laugh at the ignorent a-hole frat boys and shrug when CEO gets fired for supporting a years old losing cause. But when the Left's jackboots come stomping around looking to make hay, money, trouble and most frighteningly seek political power... it gets my notice.

I refuse to join the two minutes of hate currently directed at my neighbor State. They will figure it out and get it right eventually.
Well of course. It was a Democrat. a video at the site of the narrow minded far right Clinton signing this

March 26, 2015 By Bill Clinton
Remarks on Signing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993

Actually, the RFRA was a disaster. What it lead to was a bunch of lawsuits, most of them from Convicts, claiming religious exemptions from laws.

It led to a bunch of people suing businesses claiming that their smoking of pot and peyote was "religious" in nature and they couldnt' be fired.
True, it was a ridiculous, childish, and inane response to a wise and appropriate Supreme Court decision, Employment Division v. Smith – a unanimous ruling written by Scalia.

The underpinning of the ruling was well-reasoned and concise: that citizens may not use religion as an 'excuse' to not obeying just and proper laws where the primary intent of a law is not to seek to disadvantage religion.
Notice how they (lib/dem/homosexuals/etc) are avoiding this thread like they might get the plague or something

they can't show what two faced hypocrites they are. which is nothing new for them. If they ever stood on principle and not lies and drama, (like cheering for companies to boycott the state so it's hurting the people who lives who did NOTHING wrong to them, it was their Government)... I think we would all faint
It looks to me like they've taken your cunty bitchass to task over your bullshit thread. Bravo to them. :thup:
Well of course. It was a Democrat. a video at the site of the narrow minded far right Clinton signing this

March 26, 2015 By Bill Clinton
Remarks on Signing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993
November 16, 1993

Thank you very much, Mr. Vice President, for those fine remarks and to the Members of Congress, the chaplains of the House and the Senate, and to all of you who worked so hard to help this day become a reality. Let me especially thank the Coalition for the Free Exercise of Religion for the central role they played in drafting this legislation and working so hard for its passage.

It is interesting to note, as the Vice President said, what a broad coalition of Americans came together to make this bill a reality; interesting to note that that coalition produced a 97-to3 vote in the United States Senate and a bill that had such broad support it was adopted on a voice vote in the House. I’m told that, as many of the people in the coalition worked together across ideological and religious lines, some new friendships were formed and some new trust was established, which shows, I suppose, that the power of God is such that even in the legislative process miracles can happen. [Laughter]

We all have a shared desire here to protect perhaps the most precious of all American liberties, religious freedom. Usually the signing of legislation by a President is a ministerial act, often a quiet ending to a turbulent legislative process. Today this event assumes a more majestic quality because of our ability together to affirm the historic role that people of faith have played in the history of this country and the constitutional protections those who profess and express their faith have always demanded and cherished.

ALL of it here:
Remember When Democrats Supported Religious Freedom

Where does the Bible say you can't bake a cake for gays?
"Remember When Democrats Used To Support Religious Freedom?"

Once again the OP succeeds in only exhibiting her ignorance and partisan stupidity.
Are you serious?

It was liberals who invented it. They believe in freedom so deeply, they formed an entire country around it and later wrote something called the Bill of Rights to protect it.

Then along comes modern-day Republicans with their sharia laws based on their version of the bible.

It's a growing concern; the only difference between fanatical Christianity and fanatical Islam is usually a sheet and a pointy white hat.
It's a growing concern; the only difference between fanatical Christianity and fanatical Islam is usually a sheet and a pointy white hat.

Interesting. The difference is quite noticeable. The difference between Christianity and Islam is:

(Pause for effect)

One of them doesn't want to kill you for being a homosexual.
It's a growing concern; the only difference between fanatical Christianity and fanatical Islam is usually a sheet and a pointy white hat.

Interesting. The difference is quite noticeable. The difference between Christianity and Islam is:

(Pause for effect)

One of them doesn't want to kill you for being a homosexual.

Of course, I was speaking of radical versions of each faith. I'm tired of dumbing things down for you.
As to "forced celebratory approval" I admit a little Steynian hyperbole in the phrasiology, he was addressing the cultural climate not a set of laws on the books. (yet, lol) However, people are losing their jobs, having their buisness' attacked and closed as well as being kicked out of school all on dubious legal grounds or none whatsoever. The climate is clearly tilting toward the totalitarian.

All that said, I'm happy to boycott a bigoted bakery, laugh at the ignorent a-hole frat boys and shrug when CEO gets fired for supporting a years old losing cause. But when the Left's jackboots come stomping around looking to make hay, money, trouble and most frighteningly seek political power... it gets my notice.

I refuse to join the two minutes of hate currently directed at my neighbor State. They will figure it out and get it right eventually.

People are losing their jobs because no one wants to work with an ignorant homophobe. Just like no one wants to work with a racist, an anti-semite or a misogynist who can't keep him mouth shut.

If people are losing their businesses, it's because they are breaking the law. Now, Indiana can probably get away with "Let's make Hate legal" for a few years, but companies are already pulling out of the state over it.
One of them doesn't want to kill you for being a homosexual.

Really, which one? I have no doubt Christians would go back to killing homosexuals if they thought they can get away with it.

And if you're Matt Shephard, some guys thought htey could.
Where does the Bible say you can't bake a cake for gays?

The Bible says you should kill gays.

The bible also says you should kill women who wear pants or have sex before they are married.

Yet, oddly, we don't see a bunch of bakers insisting on their right to refuse service to pant wearing non-virgins because "Jay-a-zus"!

This is just a case of bigots hiding behind the bible.
All we have to see or know about the GODLESS DemocRATS.... come on you people with any kind of religious background, is THIS SHIT what you want to vote for?

Well you have frequently rejected democracy... You are looking for a dictatorship of some sort I think.

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